The Mummies are Coming!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Customer Service Representative

MillerTruck07 wrote:

I'm a new subscriber, I discovered Rise of the Runelords a few months ago and absolutely love this game. Really excited to get more involved in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game community.

I was just curious too, I have a confirmation that my game is shipping along with 4 other items (promo cards) but no mention of the Character deck. Any thoughts on this, as a new subscriber, just wondering if I have to wait till next month or will I be surprised and will it show up with my base set?

Hello MillerTruck07,

I took a look at your subscription and it looks like you ran into the same bug that Hawkmoon liked to above. I have set up a Character Add-On Deck which should be on its way to you soon. You will be receiving an email confirmation.

Since we don't always see issues posted on the product discussion, if you run into other issues in the future you will want to contact us by posting in our customer service forums, emailing us at, or giving us a call at 425-250-0800 between 10am and 5pm pacific time, Monday through Friday.

Kiya Toren wrote:
Longshot11 wrote:
Traders! Tell us about the traders! Or...anything, at this point, really!


** spoiler omitted **

This is probably covered in the rulebook, but humour me as my set wings its merry slow way across the Atlantic:

Traders question:
Do you have to go to traders with the cards that you, personally, finished the scenario with, or can you 'freely trade cards' and then head down the souk?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You can freely trade amongst yourselves first before hitting up the traders.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mine arrived today. No — no words. No words to describe it. Poetry! They should have sent a poet. So beautiful. So beautiful...

Seriously though, it is looking great. So many cards that do multiple tings. Weapons that have powers like items. Spells that make combat and Disable checks. Acute Senses (screw triggers, I'm using that thing like crazy).

The box just looks great too. I'm excited to play.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So I've sorted everything, and I'm about to start sleeving, but one thing is just going through my head at the moment.

What do you people at Lone Shark Games have against crocodiles?

Mine arrived today, but minus some cards. Not sure if this is kosher, but could someone post the location details for Volcanic Vents? It's the only missing card we need to be able to play the first scenario with three players.

EDIT: Nevermind, we just started playing using a modified Abyssal River :p

Kumarei wrote:

Mine arrived today, but minus some cards. Not sure if this is kosher, but could someone post the location details for Volcanic Vents? It's the only missing card we need to be able to play the first scenario with three players.

EDIT: Nevermind, we just started playing using a modified Abyssal River :p

Sent you the info anyway :)

Fatalist wrote:
Sent you the info anyway :)

Thanks. Now I can see how close our guess was XD

Lone Shark Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Iammars wrote:

So I've sorted everything, and I'm about to start sleeving, but one thing is just going through my head at the moment.

What do you people at Lone Shark Games have against crocodiles?

Nothing! They have lovely skin.

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