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Recently became enamored with the idea of making a character who is going to speak softly and carry a boomstick.
I looked for a long, long time at a mysterious stranger/paladin because, first and foremost, I want to blow things away but I'm pretty much decided against the idea at this point because;
- Would require a serious wisdom dump to satisfy my minmax-y desires and I don't want to be playing Spongebob Smitepants.
- Two skill points/level is paaaaaaaainful.
- Alignment restriction won't work for me. The character I'm imagining is one step away from being a Linkin Park fan. He's probably cut in a few lines too.
I have it narrowed down to these two ideas now, and....I don't know.
Really just looking for any input with any relevancy to those two ideas - build suggestions/personal experience with the ideas/theorycrafting/etc.

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It was flavortext and a basic idea of how I'm going to roleplay him, I don't particularly enjoy being the party face. The only face skill I'll be investing in is sense motive.
Really just looking for any input with any relevancy to those two ideas - build suggestions/personal experience with the ideas/theorycrafting/etc.
I've heard varying things on gunslinger/inquisitor and gunslinger/warpriest and was looking for opinions a little more up to date and generalized than what I'd found digging up old threads.

Protoman |

How about you post your current build ideas or things you would definitely want for your character and folks can go from there instead of others starting from scratch to somehow guess at what you'd might like without you actually stating it.
Plus that way can also demonstrate what you may or may not already know about playing with firearms with Pathfinder rules.

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first and foremost-
1> are you going to take any archetypes?
A general idea of the build outside of the "Speak Softly, and Carry a Big Boomstick" would help us greatly. If you're just going to be ranged divine caster... then you'd be grasping at straws.
2> Have you decided on the Deity? All divine classes get various bonuses depending on their deity.
in regards to Inquisitor vs Warpriest, depends on several factors--
Inquisitor gets Teamwork feats [which is iffy in most cases], Judgments and full on Domains. If this isn't for PFS, there is the Black Powder Inquisition.
Warpriests get Blessings [think Minor domain abilities], Fervor, and fighter feats.
both are 3/4 BAB 6th-lvl Divine casters. decide which class abilities would be more applicable, and also decide how far in you want to multiclass to go.
I have a similar build idea brewing, but it's an anime based concept. a Gunslinger/Warpriest of Abadar, that has an arsenal of "fire and drop" pistols used to distract opponents.

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@ Protoman -- Question was deliberately left very open ended. I was as specific as I currently can be -- which is not very, because I don't have the foggiest idea what I want to do with this build yet, mostly due to the lack of available information revolving around gunquisitors/gunpriests.
@ Selvaxri, I'm open to archetypes, but I'm not exaggerating when I say I really don't even know where to start. I was hoping someone else had built a character(s) similar to this one that could give me a headstart.
I apologize for any miscommunication on my part. I was really looking for someone else to get the ball rolling when I first posted this thread, because I really didn't have any ideas beyond a very, very vague concept that I wasn't even sure would work well mechanically.
To clarify things a little bit; I'm looking at an inquisitor or warpriest with a dip (likely single level) in gunslinger (either no archetype or pistolero, unless someone has a good argument for something else) with a strong focus on shooting things.
Did a little bit of toying around on HeroLab with no real direction, but I did manage to put together something that looks interesting;
Human Gunslinger 1/Inquisitor X
1: Rapid Reload, H: Point-Blank Shot
3: Precise Shot
5: Rapid Shot
7: Deadly Aim
9-onwards: ???
At level 6, at Inquisitor level 5 when Bane first kicks in, using a +1 double barreled pistol and alchemical cartridges I'd be looking at 4 attacks a round at a +6 to hit striking for 1d8 + 4 + 2d6 each, assuming Bane and Judgement of Destruction were active. Fairly ouch.

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I've got a character that I've been playing that may handle your wants.
Tengu - good stats, and he speaks *all* the languages. :D. I maxed out Dex, followed by Wis, then Int, then Con, dumped Cha and Str.
I went with Gunslinger 5, then got out 'cause after that the only real reason to stick with him was for bonus feats.
I took 2 ranks of Inquisitor. I used the Heretic Archetype and the Conversion Inquisition. That let me use Wisdom for the core three Cha skills, and also add Wisdom to Stealth and Initiative. Which is awesome.
So now I have a boom-stick character with good bluff and diplomacy (not quite up to the bard/sorcerer diplomancer levels, but good).
I considered continuing with inquisitor, but I wanted to get back to something with a full BAB. I strongly considered Urban Barbarian for further Dex abuse, also considered stuff like Slayer, unchained Monk, or even Brawler. But I ended up with the Grand Marshal prestige class. It'll let me continue to pick up some deeds, it also will continue to boost initiative and offer a number of flavorful and useful class skills.
I've only gotten to level 9 with him so far in PFS play, but I've only had a single scenario where he didn't really contribute to combat (and that was because of a massive storm followed by underwater combat; also really unlucky rolls), and even there he technically soloed one encounter thanks to a really high linguistics check to make a forgery. He's capable in social situations, great in sneaky situations, and well above average in combat.

Matt2VK |
I'd suggest not multi-classing as a Warpriest, because -
1) lack of skill points. Something you mentioned that you wanted more then 2 per level.
2) Warpriest are one of those classes that are just better without multi-classing. Multiclassing they just loose too much as almost all their abilities scale up with their levels.
For PFS, have you thought about going with the Savage Technologist (Barbarain Archetype)? Does face the problem of being a expensive gear wise build.