Swashbuckler's Dodging Panache Deed.

Rules Questions

Dodging Panache (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent attempts a melee attack against the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action spend 1 panache point to move 5 feet; doing so grants the swashbuckler a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against the triggering attack. This movement doesn't negate the attack, which is still resolved as if the swashbuckler had not moved from the original square. This movement is not a 5-foot step; it provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one who triggered this deed. The swashbuckler can only perform this deed while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load.

Hi, the deed says that i can move 5 feet.
Can I use this deed in water combat?
Can I use this deed on difficult terrain?

Ofcourse rules reference would be appreciated.

Sovereign Court

It depends.

If terrain hinders your movement, then no.

If you have a Swim/Fly/Climb/Burrow speed, are incorporeal, have Woodland Stride, or otherwise ignore movement penalties, then you should be good.

As usual, your GM is the final arbitrator in any situation (even in PFS).

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Difficult Terrain says "each square moved into usually counts as two squares".
So I would say no. DP grants you a five foot move that you spend using the regular rules for movement.

Buy Featherstep Slippers.

This is not a 5-foot step as the Deed says. Is a 5 foot movement.

The deed says i can move 5 feet, not the effort i should put in that movement (on difficult terrain, you put the effort that you would on doing 10 feet, to just move 5 feet).
So on my next "movement action" I'd have 10 feet less of "movement effort" but this doesn't mean i can't move 5 foot, just that i use more effort for it, am i wrong?

Sovereign Court

You're overthinking.

Dodging Panache Deed doesn't magically teleport you into an adjacent square.

It simply allows you to move 5 feet.

If moving into that square would cost you more than 5 feet of movement, you can't do it with Dodging Panache.

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Snowlilly wrote:

Buy Featherstep Slippers.

Those were nerfed into uselessness

krol throngage wrote:

This is not a 5-foot step as the Deed says. Is a 5 foot movement.

The deed says i can move 5 feet, not the effort i should put in that movement (on difficult terrain, you put the effort that you would on doing 10 feet, to just move 5 feet).
So on my next "movement action" I'd have 10 feet less of "movement effort" but this doesn't mean i can't move 5 foot, just that i use more effort for it, am i wrong?

You are. If you are incapable of moving the necessary 5 feet into a space with whatever movement you have, you cannot move into that space. 5-foot step or normal movement. For instance, a creature with 0 speed has to make a full-round action to move 5 feet, and that isn't a 5-foot step, it provokes AoOs. Half of 5 feet is 2.5, and as per the rules when dealing with moving through spaces and difficult terrain, that 2.5 feet just snaps you back to your space because you have insufficient speed to move into that square. Dodging Panache provides no exceptions to this rule, and in fact explicitly states that this is movement.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Snowlilly wrote:

Buy Featherstep Slippers.

Those were nerfed into uselessness

They look like they do exactly what they are supposed to. I don't understand how they are useless?

Sovereign Court

They used to be continuous.

Now they're 1/day.

EDIT: Looks like the PRD hasn't been updated with the most recent errata.

They used to be continuous, now since they don't specify how they turn on they default to a standard action . You may as well just spend that moving through the terrain, or buying a wand of feather step.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
They used to be continuous, now since they don't specify how they turn on they default to a standard action . You may as well just spend that moving through the terrain, or buying a wand of feather step.

Pretty much this. Did not see the errata.

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