Expanded Narrative questions and thoughts

Pathfinder Society

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I've been running games for a bit, both society and adventure paths. I know how to get GM stars and that they can be used to gain an additional credit for scenario or module for either running or playing beyond the limit of 1 for playing and 1 for running. I know doing so uses the GM star. Until recently, I didn't know there was a way to get them back. I have been informed that through the expanded Narrative a GM can recharge his or her starts that have been spent. I've also been informed this season it was made available to everyone but I can't find it anywhere. Leads me to questions and issues with a better suggestion for recharging.

Question 1: It that actually available to everyone or only to those lucky enough to go to PaizoCon or Gen Con?

Question follow up: If it is available for everyone to get, where can I get it?

If only available for making it to one of those conventions or only at conventions for that matter, that feels to me to be elitist. It should be available to everyone and not just those you have the money and time to make conventions. Again this is a thought based on the fact I have heard an unconfirmed rumor and searching on this sit for that thing has proven futile.

Instead of a boon that's hard to get, why not change it so that everyone's stars recharge at the start of every Pathfinder Society season. They are good to replay for that year any scenario you wanted to replay. At the start of the next season, they will recharge again to be used automatically. Lots of people like to play and lots like to run games. so instead of only those lucky enough to get a boon at a convention or figure out where to download it or receive it through other means, why not change how recharge works so everyone benefits from it in an easier way

Dark Archive 4/5

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Blog Post

a simple search for "Expanded Narrative" reveals all your answers.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I've noticed that it doesn't show up in the list of previous PFS blogs.


Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

The Expanded Narrative info appeared in Linda's blog on Wed, Sept 7th. It is tagged Pathfinder Society, so not sure why it wasn't in Todd's link. Will look into it. Until then, follow the link Andrew provided and have some replay fun!

Verdant Wheel 3/5 *

OK, so I've now found the expanded narrative boon chronicle sheet, but I've ALREADY GMed 6 adventures in the past 3 weeks. Do those not count, even though the boon was available by then since I, personally, did not know of it? That seems kind of harsh, as I ran far more than my usual one scenario per month because they were so short of GMs this month.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Fill it out and backdate it to the blog's release date.

Verdant Wheel 3/5 *

Was told by someone that "that wasn't how it worked". Was wondering if there were instructions somewhere that explained that I could show him?

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Only the discussions about the boon found here on the forums.

Verdant Wheel 3/5 *

Thanks, but I'm probably stuck unless the VC overturns the VL.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

1) I agree that games you ran since the boon came out should count. So hopefully my next point is totally irrelevant

2) If you've GM'ed 6 games in 3 weeks it is hardly likely to matter that much :-). Unless there was a Con or something that made this unusual you'll be filling out the entire Narrative fairly quickly anyway. So, worst case, you wait a week before taking your replay.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

3) GM a few more times! It's fun and that way you're 100% covered anyway!

Verdant Wheel 3/5 *

It was unusual. I usually GM about once a month and it would have mattered this evening, as they needed a 4th player at a game that I had played before. Instead, I ended up going home. After 6 years, I'm only at 34 GM points, so I don't earn stars all that fast. Oh, well.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

It was unusual. I usually GM about once a month and it would have mattered this evening, as they needed a 4th player at a game that I had played before.

You only need to use a star replay if you want to get a chronicle; you can always replay for no credit if you're doing it to make up a legal table.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tonya Woldridge wrote:
The Expanded Narrative info appeared in Linda's blog on Wed, Sept 7th. It is tagged Pathfinder Society, so not sure why it wasn't in Todd's link. Will look into it. Until then, follow the link Andrew provided and have some replay fun!

I'm not attempting to Necro a really old thread, but I had a GM ask me where this was today and even through basic searches it took me about 5 minutes to pull it up and reading through old forum threads because the blog post doesn't come up high on the search results.

Can we get this added to the FAQ so new GMs can find it?


Dark Archive 4/5

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Actually, I think a better place would be under Pathfinder Society -> Roleplaying Guild resources -> Additional Game Master Supplements (which puts it with the GM Star Chronicle Sheet, and Secondary Success Conditions). No reason not to have everything in one place...

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Alanya wrote:
Actually, I think a better place would be under Pathfinder Society -> Roleplaying Guild resources -> Additional Game Master Supplements (which puts it with the GM Star Chronicle Sheet, and Secondary Success Conditions). No reason not to have everything in one place...

I'll take somewhere more find-able and not picky, I mentioned the FAQ when I was clicking on Policy's anyway, and thought the page came up was that. It seemed to go along with stuff on the page, for support as well. Either page seems to work.


Its crazy but I also was searching for this, I would have though a good place would have the pathfinder society policy tab or something. Having it in a more easily accessible place though would be great.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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Will put this request to Chris Lambertz, our digital guru!

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