Danit |

Accepting applications for a weekly Roll20 Hells vengence campaign. Game time will be Tuesdays 11:00pm-3:00am EST. all players will need Skype and dropbox. I am looking for players who like to role play and new players are welcome. Looking for a 4 player party. Remember this is a evil campaign.
Character creation rules:
Lvl 1, 20 point buy following the point buy rules in the core rule book.
Any race or class from the oficial pathfinder core books allowed except the following. Paladins or good alignment only classes, monstrous race ie goblins, frogmen and the like.
While still allowed players that wish to play as tieflings or halflings should know that in cheliax these races arnt treated the same as the rest of the world. For the most part tieflings a
re considered 2nd class citizens and most halflings are slaves.
(currently looking for a divine and arcane caster applicants.)
please ask before using any player companion books.
2 traits ( 1 must be from the player guide http://paizo.com/products/btpy9jva?Pathfinder-Adve... )
starting gold is either rolled for or take the average based on your class but once chosen you must stick with it.
No good characters or secretly good characters
Please post your characters in this thread with a little bit of their back story if chosen i will send you a message asking for your email.