Advise for a whipping, tripping whirlwind


Silver Crusade

So, I'm having a blast with this idea, and I think I've got a lot right already. But the wise boards always think of more than just little me. So any advise would be welcome!

Race: ifrit (plus to dex, +4 to initiative, ability to enlarge for extra reach and tripping big ones). Also matches well with Sarenrae

Deity: Sarenrae

Ability scores: High dex! Decent cha. The rest matters less

Build concept: Get the whip to damage asap, make it a viable tripper quite soon. Then go for area control, and finish with better tripping and whirlwind. Oh yeah, and more initiative somewhere.

Level 1: Swashbuckler (mysterious avenger)
Level 2,3: Fighter (lore warden)
Level 4,5,6,7,8,9: Slayer

Level 1
Free: weapon profiency: whip
Free: avenger finesse
Feat: weapon focus: whip
(At this level, just shoot a longbow, or use a rapier or something)

Level 2
Bonus feat: whip mastery

Level 3
Free: combat expertise (combined with defensive fighting and 3 ranks acrobatics, can give a situational +4 dodge to AC)
Bonus feat: slashing grace (whip)
Feat: fury's fall

Level 4
Ehm... Track and studied target...

Level 5
Slayer talent: rogue talent: combat trick: improved whip mastery
Feat: combat reflexes

Level 6
... Are those crickets I hear? Oh wait! Sneak attack 1d6!

Level 7
Slayer talent: ranger combat style: faithful: Sarenrae: improved initiative
Feat: improved trip

Level 8
Second studied target... And +2 to them

Level 9
Slayer talent: ranger combat style: faithful: Sarenrae: whirlwind attack
Feat: greater trip
sneak attack +2d6

Assuming a modest dex 18 at level one, 20 at level 9, I'm now looking at CMB +23 at level 9, without magic items and without studying a target. Assuming a modest +4 to dex and a +2 whip, that would be CMB +29

Damage is not optimal, though, going at 1d3+5 without magical aid. Reach and crowd control are great, though, and there is the possibility of sneak attacking a whole crowd with the +15 to initiative and whirlwind attack.

So... Any ideas?

I'd replace the whip with a Falchion, and get Tripping Strike, Improved Critical, and Critical Focus.

If you can get an Animal Companion, and if you both get Pack Attack, you can achieve Flanking reliably and lock in your Sneak Attack Damage.

Another way to secure Sneak Attack Damage is to Blind your opponents with Dirty Tricks. You are already taking Combat Expertise for Tripping, and CE is the Feat Tax for Improved Dirty Trick, too.

Are Ascetic Style Feats an option? You might increase your Damage with levels in Monk and Monastic Legacy. Be a Master of Many Styles, and also take Panther Style Feats which will give you bonus attacks whenever you provoke Attacks of Opportunity by moving out of Threatened Squares: you are already planning on taking Dodge and Mobility (Is that right? I was thinking you were since you are taking Whirlwind Attack.), and you can use your Whip for those.

It would be nice if you could get around the size limitation on Tripping.

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Wise Old Man wrote:
I'd replace the whip with a Falchion, and get Tripping Strike, Improved Critical, and Critical Focus.

And Whirlwind Attack with Great Cleave. Play a Half Orc instead of an Ifrit. Take Surprise Follow Through Feats, Shatter Defenses, and lots of levels in classes that grant Sneak Attack Damage. He could be an Eldritch Guardian with a Mauler familiar with Outflank, and Harder they Fall.

But I don't think that's in the spirit of what the OP wants....

Lol. It's because when I first started out, I wanted a trip build with sickles, and I realized after a while that it didn't make any sense to spend so many feats on something that was less effective than something with better results with only a few feats...I don't know. It was just a suggestion. :)

You don't want Great Cleave and Whirlwind Attack as they are counter productive, although the Surprise Follow Through feat tree is an interesting idea for sneak attacks, if you miss once, it all goes down the drain, plus it's also a large feat tax. You'd have a better chance with just Whirlwind Attack and the tripping criticals.

Wise Old Man wrote:
You don't want Great Cleave and Whirlwind Attack

No, you don't. I was being unclear. I meant to be building on what you said: "I'd replace" Whirlwind Attack with Great Cleave.

Wise Old Man wrote:
It's because when I first started out, I wanted a trip build with sickles,

I want to do one with Hammer and Sickle. He'll be the Soviet Union!

Wise Old Man wrote:
Great Cleave... if you miss once, it all goes down the drain,


Wise Old Man wrote:
Great Cleave... large feat tax.

I normally think of Whirlwind Attack as having a higher Feat Tax: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, and Combat Expertise, whereas Great Cleave only prerequires Power Attack and Cleave. I didn't look too closely at the OP's build in this regard: it seems he has a workaround for Whirlwind Attack's Feat Tax?

I think it's a trap. Too many feats before it's effective. Whip proficiency, whip focuy, improved whip mastery, combat expertise, improved trip, and greater trip. Then you have to tack on dodge, mobility, spring attack, and whirlwhind attack. A whirlwhind of trips against everyone within 15'(or greater if long arm or enlarged) sounds great on paper, but once you are at the level where it all comes together, you're fighting one or two stronger enemies instead of larger groups and/or creatures with flying.

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Yes, all ranger combat styles allow you feats without the prerequisites, as with th faithful: sarenrae let's you have Whirlwind Attack at level 6.

Wise Old Man wrote:
Yes, all ranger combat styles allow you feats without the prerequisites, as with th faithful: sarenrae let's you have Whirlwind Attack at level 6.

I am not familiar with the Faithful Ranger Combat Style. Is it available for review online?

It's easy to find these things with Google...Oh look, the first link!

Wise Old Man wrote:
It's easy to find these things with Google...Oh look, the first link!

Aww, no Faithful of Uragothoa? :(

Dark Archive

Whips and your a cleric, are you sure you are not a follower of Calistria?

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