The Battle of Heldren

Reign of Winter


In "The Snows of Summer" the option is given to return to Heldren with Lady Argentea after rescuing her, to ensure the noblewoman's safety and resupply if the PCs need to. However, I'm thinking of raising the stakes by having Heldren be under attack by the forces of Irrisen when they get back there, requiring the PCs to throw themselves into battle in order to save their town from enslavement or obliteration. I'll probably play this in the background.

Here is the unfinished statblock of the Winter Witch who will be leading the assault.

Katiana the Blade Witch:

Human female swashbuckler 1/witch (winter witch) 3
NE Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +8 Senses +
hp 26
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee freezing rapier +6 (1d6 +1 plus 1d6 cold/18-20/x2)
Special Attacks hexes (frozen caress, slumber, misfortune)
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 3rd)
0 (at will)-4
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14
Feats Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative,
Traits fencer, reactionary
Languages Common, Sylvan,
SQ deeds (derring-do, dodging panache, opportune parry and riposte), panache, swashbuckler’s finesse, cold flesh, witch’s familiar (owl named Palewing)

The PCs will be level 2 at the time of this confrontation. The opposition will most likely be a combination of snow goblins, cold fey, winter wolves, and Irriseni human warriors.

How should the flow of battle progress and what kind of encounters should I use? I would see it as the PCs having to reclaim certain locations in Heldren (armory, silver stoat, town hall etc) with allied NPCs like Ionia or Xanthippe fighting on their side.

That's amazing. Wish I'd done that. It really adds to the sense of invasion by Irrisen.

Reclaiming places is also a great idea. I'd have the majority of the villagers holed up in the tavern or clock tower maybe led by Ionia (although she is more of a organiser than a fighter I'd imagine). That witch could be about to burn it down and the Pcs must stop her men doing it.

Also maybe having Argus die tragically defending the alchemist (forgot her name) because he is in love with her. Could add to the drama. Maybe ripped apart by snow goblins riding wolves in front of her shop.

As a side note a Winter Wolf would demolish a level 2 party. They are hard even later! I'd keep to cold sprites (but maybe change their spell like abilities to stuff like freezing hands, and a cold version of grease etc to avoid colour spray party wipes), snow goblins on boreal wolves and humans.

You could also maybe re-skin some "normal" creatures so that they're now cold based? Or just have white-furred versions of everything instead? That then implies that not only are they invading, but they're changing the natural creatures that are there too...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You might be able to pull some ideas from the first Giantslayer, in the Battle for Bloodmarch Hill. Obviously the theme is different, and you'll need to swap out the orcs for the winter-themed enemies, but in terms of encounters that can happen during the sacking of a town, there's a ton of great stuff in there.

Grand Lodge

Richard Pitt wrote:
As a side note a Winter Wolf would demolish a level 2 party. They are hard even later! I'd keep to cold sprites (but maybe change their spell like abilities to stuff like freezing hands, and a cold version of grease etc to avoid colour spray party wipes), snow goblins on boreal wolves and humans.

I threw 3 winter wolves at the party when they were level 4 and 1 level of mythic and they almost didn't make it.... doing that when they're level 2; you might as well wrap up the campaign.

This is a nice idea. Especially when later they arrive in Waldsby and can see with their own eyes what they have prevented in Heldren. It links the two villages even more.

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