Making the toughest undead servitor possible


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So a friend of mine is playing a level 18 cleric with a focus in necromancy. Naturally, this means that he has an animated minion, but he wants to know what he can do to further enhance it.

Currently, he's hauling around a pit fiend bloody skeleton. However, he's chafing at the fact that he can't put the skeleton template on a creature with more than 20 Hit Dice; he knows that he can command a lot more than that via the animate dead spell, but doesn't want to manage more than one companion creature.

So my question is...are there any ways to break the 20 Hit Die cap on a skeleton? I know the obvious answer is to just use a higher-level spell (e.g. create undead and its ilk) to make a stronger undead creature, such as a skeletal champion, but he seems to want to limit it to mindless undead.

So if we only allow for one animated minion, and keep it to mindless undead, has he hit the limit for what he can have? Or is there something else that he can make use of?

Make a zombie instead. I don't think they have the HD limit. He loses the free respawn, but that's the cost of getting more HD. There won't be a way around the HD limit of the skeleton template, though.

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