Racial heritage Kitsune

Rules Questions

So i have an idea and i do know a few things About Racial heritage, but i've never done anything too crazy mostly just did a human that was eerily elfy.

this time my general idea is something along these lines you have this human who was tricked by a fox spirit type Kitsune thing one thing lead to another and they wound up switching places. the spirit became human sort of and the human became a fox familiar.

I want to know first if Racial heritage can allow me to take the oracle curse wrecking mysticism. or do i just get the ability to take the racial feat's?

Second would racial heritage change how a human with it looks? Like look more like the heritage race involved?

Racial Heritage(Kitsune) would allow you to take the Wrecking Mystery, since you count as Kitsune for the purpose of effects and a couple of FAQs have made it pretty clear that prerequisites count as an effect for the purpose of things like racial heritage or half-races. However, I believe you would need to retrain or take another class at level 1 in order to do so, since choosing feats during leveling up occurs after choosing a class. Your GM may (very reasonably) be willing to handwave this problem away, however.

As far as I can tell, the rules are silent on the effects of racial heritage on appearance.

i'm not even sure most gm's are aware of that ruling, i mean i wasn't and i gm quite a bit, thank for the quick answer. especially since i'm doing this all at level 1 . i figure most people will won't realize it anyways

Snowblind wrote:
However, I believe you would need to retrain or take another class at level 1 in order to do so, since choosing feats during leveling up occurs after choosing a class.

Mostly. When you gain a feat due to leveling up, it's true that choosing your feat is the last decision you make (which is important when deciding things like qualifying for prestige classes). However, I'm pretty sure the human bonus feat is different-- it's a racial trait, so it gets chosen earlier than most feats would.

that's what i figured honestly, bonus points for guessing i was going to use the human bonus feat. nice to know i can get a bit crazy with this, thanks guys

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The applicable rules are those for character creation, not character advancement. You do choose your class before you choose your starting feat, but the rules are completely silent about when you make selections within your class (such as mystery for an oracle). You can thus defer your selection of mystery until you have selected your feat to qualify for it.

As to your appearance, you look human and have no distinctly non-human features. Nothing in the Racial Heritage feat seriously alters your appearance in mechanical terms.

Flynn Elric wrote:
Second would racial heritage change how a human with it looks? Like look more like the heritage race involved?

It does if that's how you want your character to look. If you don't want your character to look like anything other than a bog-standard homo sapiens, then it doesn't.

David knott 242 wrote:

The applicable rules are those for character creation, not character advancement. You do choose your class before you choose your starting feat, but the rules are completely silent about when you make selections within your class (such as mystery for an oracle). You can thus defer your selection of mystery until you have selected your feat to qualify for it.

As to your appearance, you look human and have no distinctly non-human features. Nothing in the Racial Heritage feat seriously alters your appearance in mechanical terms.

So in other words i would actually have to take say the magical tail feat to get a tail? it does mention actually growing a tail and i would qualify so i'm all good there then?

Flynn Elric wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

The applicable rules are those for character creation, not character advancement. You do choose your class before you choose your starting feat, but the rules are completely silent about when you make selections within your class (such as mystery for an oracle). You can thus defer your selection of mystery until you have selected your feat to qualify for it.

As to your appearance, you look human and have no distinctly non-human features. Nothing in the Racial Heritage feat seriously alters your appearance in mechanical terms.

So in other words i would actually have to take say the magical tail feat to get a tail? it does mention actually growing a tail and i would qualify so i'm all good there then?

I believe this is correct. I seem to remember an FAQ that stated merely taking Racial Heritage: Kobold isn't enough to gain the benefit of the Kobold's various tail related abilities (the Racial Heritage didn't actually grow a tail, apparently).

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