Does bloodrager have to pick Draconic bloodline for Dragon disciple?

Rules Questions

So simple question listed above, i checked the d20 psrd before this and it didn't seem have an answer. not really looking for sarcasm or meanness as i've seen can be common from some. just a simple quick answer if there is one.

If there's not or no clear cut answer then i'll assume it's a no.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel wrote:

So simple question listed above, i checked the d20 psrd before this and it didn't seem have an answer. not really looking for sarcasm or meanness as i've seen can be common from some. just a simple quick answer if there is one.

If there's not or no clear cut answer then i'll assume it's a no.

It's probably the best bloodline to pick if you go Bloodrager/DD either way, because DD will then keep advancing the bloodline.

Grand Lodge

It's strongly implied so yes. But you're not going to find anything official one way or the other.

As Arutema pointed out, there's nothing that specifically states you have to, but there are strong arguments supporting it, and any other bloodline will not be advanced by levels in Dragon Disciple.

IIRC it is stated that Sorcerer must take the Draconic Bloodline if they take this Prestige Class and, although not explicitly stated, it would make perfect logical sense that Hybrid classes with a Sorcerer/Bloodline have the same restriction/obligation.

Ammon Knight of Ragathiel wrote:

So simple question listed above, i checked the d20 psrd before this and it didn't seem have an answer. not really looking for sarcasm or meanness as i've seen can be common from some. just a simple quick answer if there is one.

If there's not or no clear cut answer then i'll assume it's a no.

Since the bloodrager is part sorcerer, and the draconic disciple requires that a sorcerous bloodline be a draconic one, I'd say the answer is a definite yes.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I would also say yes, you need to have the draconic bloodline if you want to use bloodrager for DD. I also second Arutema, it's a good idea anyways since it will continue to advance.

kk so i got what i need, the thing seems to be there is no answer from the team and the boards will probably be split on this. and by this i mean the subject of hybrid and parent classes and abilities and what not.

just gonna stop this thread before arguments break out.

Thanks for the help guys, i got some kind of answers.

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