Zibini the Great Shuffler

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Zibini has a power on her The Great role that lets you shuffle a revealed card into another deck of the same type. My question: what qualifies as a deck?

I'm specifically concerned with the interaction between her and closed/empty locations.

Can she "shuffle" the card into:
-An open location with no remaining cards
-A closed location with no remaining cards
-A closed location that still has cards

(The third option seems pretty clear that she can, but if she can't do the other 2 then she gets a weird power boost during scenarios with locations like the General Store so I wanted to ask)

WotR page 10 wrote:
A deck is a deck, a hand is a hand, and a pile is a pile whether or not it has cards.

So there is always a location deck whether or not the location is open/closed and whether or not there are cards in that "deck".

As written, that's definitely correct (Black Magga says hi), but I feel like it might've lost something in the need for brevity, given how wordy Zibini's powers are, and how cumbersome it must've been to sneak "open" into something that also refers to character decks. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything that lets you put stuff in a closed location with any regularity, but that ain't a bad power if it does (even if it requires damage)

Orbis! Holy cow, where have you been? Good to see you on the boards.

Frencois wrote:
WotR page 10 wrote:
A deck is a deck, a hand is a hand, and a pile is a pile whether or not it has cards.
So there is always a location deck whether or not the location is open/closed and whether or not there are cards in that "deck".

Ah, thanks. I missed that one way or another, probably because I tend to just read the new mechanics sections of each new rulebook.

elcoderdude wrote:
Orbis! Holy cow, where have you been? Good to see you on the boards.

Well, I had no play group for the longest time, and that took most of the fun and interest out of posting here. I still stop by from time to time. Glad to hear I was missed :)

The return of orbis in urbis

Lol, WTH is "urbis?"

Latin my dear friend. Latin.
Try " urbi et orbi " on google or wikipedia....

I should have guessed seeing as Orbis is Latin XD

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