Channel Smite vs DR

Rules Questions

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When you engage Channel Smite, and it with it, after the save is rolled, does the damage of the weapon and the Channel Smite stack together in terms of over coming or bypassing DR?

For whatever reason I have it in my head once Channel Smite is involved and successful. the regular DR has no effect on the damage the weapon used is doing, because its now all magical damage.

Does the DR subtract from the weapons damage since it's affected by Channel Smite?

Channel Smite doesn't define the type of damage done (it doesn't say it's positive energy damage, or negative energy damage) It simply says the weapon does more damage - so more Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning damage. DR would still apply.

It's positive or negative energy still, surely, since it provides a Will Save to halve the damage.

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CraziFuzzy wrote:
Channel Smite doesn't define the type of damage done (it doesn't say it's positive energy damage, or negative energy damage) It simply says the weapon does more damage - so more Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning damage. DR would still apply.

No it doesn't.

Benefit: Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy ability is still expended with no effect.

The creature just takes additional damage. It isn't an increase to the base weapons damage, just additional (but separate) damage.

You are spending a channel attempt (just like a normal channel), the damage only applies to certain targets (just like a normal channel), and there is a saving throw (just like a normal channel). If anything, it works exactly like a normal channel with the exception it only targets one creature that you hit with a weapon instead of a burst.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

To the OP: It is negative/positive energy. i.e. it is separate from weapon damage, you apply DR to weapon damage, but not smite damage.

The Concordance

The damage isn't called out as being positive or negative, just that it uses your channel ability to determine who it works on and what the amount is. It's additional damage being added to physical weapon damage, it is subject to DR as much as a bane weapon would be.

Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:
It's positive or negative energy still, surely, since it provides a Will Save to halve the damage.

The rules do not state that it is any energy type anywhere. Now, they may have intended to - but they aren't very good at actually writing technical rules, so they miss things like this.

The RAI here is pretty clear folks, this is the same energy as the Channel Energy.

No, it is not spelled out, but it is pretty clear that it is still channel energy being pushed through your weapon.

Otherwise, what is the save DC? The reference to 'as normal' doesn't state the normal unless you read between the lines and realize that it is still a Channel Energy effect.

It is not subject to DR.

Channel Smite
Benefit: Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy ability is still expended with no effect.

The additional damage is channeled energy damage, thus the will save for half. Additionaly, there is a FAQ on Channel Smite critical damage...

Do bonus dice from Channel Smite or spells such as elemental touch or flame arrow multiply on a critical hit?
No. See Multiplying Damage: "Exception: Extra damage dice over and above a weapon’s normal damage are never multiplied." The general rule is the only dice you multiply on a critical hit are the actual dice from the basic weapon (d8 for a longsword, 2d6 for a greatsword, and so on).

If it was considered bonus weapon damage it would multiply on criticals and apply to DR. It's clear from both of these examples that the extra damage is positive or negative energy... DR never applies to energy damage.

Tyrant Lizard King wrote:

Channel Smite

Benefit: Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy ability is still expended with no effect.

The additional damage is channeled energy damage, thus the will save for half. Additionaly, there is a FAQ on Channel Smite critical damage...

Do bonus dice from Channel Smite or spells such as elemental touch or flame arrow multiply on a critical hit?
No. See Multiplying Damage: "Exception: Extra damage dice over and above a weapon’s normal damage are never multiplied." The general rule is the only dice you multiply on a critical hit are the actual dice from the basic weapon (d8 for a longsword, 2d6 for a greatsword, and so on).

If it was considered bonus weapon damage it would multiply on criticals and apply to DR. It's clear from both of these examples that the extra damage is positive or negative energy... DR never applies to energy damage.

Sneak attack and vital strike also only do weapon damage, and are not multiplied on a crit either.

CraziFuzzy wrote:
Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:
It's positive or negative energy still, surely, since it provides a Will Save to halve the damage.
The rules do not state that it is any energy type anywhere. Now, they may have intended to - but they aren't very good at actually writing technical rules, so they miss things like this.

Well, Pathfinder isn't a technical document in the first place.

Liberty's Edge

I agree with the people that say is it positive/negative damage.
While it is not in the benefit part, the ability say:

PRS wrote:

Channel Smite (Combat)

You can channel your divine energy through a melee weapon you wield.

I agree that the feat could be clearer, and see how someone can rule differently, but the RAI is very clear.

swoosh wrote:
CraziFuzzy wrote:
Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:
It's positive or negative energy still, surely, since it provides a Will Save to halve the damage.
The rules do not state that it is any energy type anywhere. Now, they may have intended to - but they aren't very good at actually writing technical rules, so they miss things like this.
Well, Pathfinder isn't a technical document in the first place.

Just because it isn't, doesn't mean it shouldn't be. The issue isn't so much the missing of this type of information from the rules, but that it doesn't seem to bother them that it is missing.

CraziFuzzy wrote:
Tyrant Lizard King wrote:

Channel Smite

Benefit: Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy ability is still expended with no effect.

The additional damage is channeled energy damage, thus the will save for half. Additionaly, there is a FAQ on Channel Smite critical damage...

Do bonus dice from Channel Smite or spells such as elemental touch or flame arrow multiply on a critical hit?
No. See Multiplying Damage: "Exception: Extra damage dice over and above a weapon’s normal damage are never multiplied." The general rule is the only dice you multiply on a critical hit are the actual dice from the basic weapon (d8 for a longsword, 2d6 for a greatsword, and so on).

If it was considered bonus weapon damage it would multiply on criticals and apply to DR. It's clear from both of these examples that the extra damage is positive or negative energy... DR never applies to energy damage.

Sneak attack and vital strike also only do weapon damage, and are not multiplied on a crit either.

While it does deal additional weapon damage it is considered precision damage which is never multiplied on a critical either. Additional weapon damage from Power Attack, for example, is considered a strength bonus which would be multiplied on criticals

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