Character Build help needed:


Okay so this has a bit of a story to it i was listening to music on the Youtubes...specifically some fan sung versions of Friend like me and Prince Ali from Aladdin...When well an idea hit me,i wanted to make a character sort of vaguely based of what i heard. Why idk i just started really liking the idea. idk the voice and energy inspired me

So what's my idea in a bit more detail well i'm thinking either bard or sorcerer. But anyway so the idea is a lively, maybe a bit cunning Ifrit who pretends to be a Genie. She's charismatic and energetic uses magic to make people believe what she wants. but yea she likes putting on a show and making things flashy.

As for backstory she was adopted by a noble family, but left as she wanted to find out who her actual birth parents are. Yeah i know a bit of a stretch from what the original disney songs i said vague inspiration.

but yea i mainly want opinions on whether or not i should bard or sorcerer.

maybe build ideas i can go with or some ideas. i'm thinking focusing on enchantment magics maybe add some buffing spells. Bard has the advantage of having prebuilt buffing in it, and being pretty good at enchanting, able to wear light armor and a bit of melee. Sorcerer has bloodlines and full casting,

A link to one of the songs for those interested

A link to the other song

Wishcrafter sounds like it is perfect for what you are wanting. Boost Diplomacy through the roof and you will have everyone's favorite Genie who always has bit of magic to go around.

Seconded on the Wishcrafter archetype. It seems very much idealized, and you definitely encourage a social aspect and making friends.

Sooo could a familiar fill the i Wish requirement for the Arcana? I figure they can speak and do count as a non genie creature. As for Bloodline probably just gonna keep that part basic and do Arcane

Amira Ravenheart wrote:
Sooo could a familiar fill the i Wish requirement for the Arcana?

Doubtful. It's an obvious loophole, of course. So your GM may decide that, like with the Teleport spell, for this purpose your Familiar is a part of you yourself. Though technically it could work.

So right now i'm looking at wishcrafter and i like what i see. thinking of taking arcane armor training, i will assume i need the usual casting feats: spell focus, ect.

But yea, wishcrafter doesn't seem that good mechanically but it's flavor is really good and fitting so i can ignore it and at least it doesn't replace bloodline powers.

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