Silver Champion's drake mount's alignment???

Pathfinder Player Companion

There's the paladin archetype known as the Silver Champion, presented in Legacy of Dragons; there's also the drake companion presneted in that same exact section; the drake's alignment is "any nongood"; the paladin's alignment is Lawful Good; "While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code."

So... does the drake's alignment change to LG if it's a drake mount for a Silver Champion?

Seems weird that a drake's alignment wouldn't change since it literally states that it CANNOT be of a good alignment...

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It can be LN, which is fine for a paladin's companion.

I don't think a GM would mind it being LG, if it came to it.

The archetype even says, "Silver champions are often concerned by their drake allies’ pragmatic natures, however, and are sure to treat them with respect, knowing that these lesser dragons must constantly be inspired to act on their better natures." So yeah, I figure the drake is probably Lawful Neutral for most silver champions, perhaps True Neutral.

Silver Champions get a speific pass. They may however find themselves occasionally having to persuade other Paladins from not killing their mounts out of hand.

Remeber the god that they worship has evil worshippers in the form of dragons, even have their own place in his afterlife. So in this particular case, it's okay, with Moonrunner's caviat.

Silver Crusade

Diekssus wrote:
Remeber the god that they worship has evil worshippers in the form of dragons, even have their own place in his afterlife. So in this particular case, it's okay, with Moonrunner's caviat.

Actually Apsu is LG so no, he doesn't have any evil worshippers.

Liberty's Edge

JiCi wrote:

There's the paladin archetype known as the Silver Champion, presented in Legacy of Dragons; there's also the drake companion presneted in that same exact section; the drake's alignment is "any nongood"; the paladin's alignment is Lawful Good; "While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code."

So... does the drake's alignment change to LG if it's a drake mount for a Silver Champion?

Seems weird that a drake's alignment wouldn't change since it literally states that it CANNOT be of a good alignment...

Neutral Alignments are 'nongood' and thus Paladin safe. That's half the alignments available to a Drake. Heck, default Paladin mounts are all Neutral (since they're animals to start with and nothing makes them anything else).

Having an Evil mount would be bad, but nothing remotely necessitates that.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
JiCi wrote:

There's the paladin archetype known as the Silver Champion, presented in Legacy of Dragons; there's also the drake companion presneted in that same exact section; the drake's alignment is "any nongood"; the paladin's alignment is Lawful Good; "While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code."

So... does the drake's alignment change to LG if it's a drake mount for a Silver Champion?

Seems weird that a drake's alignment wouldn't change since it literally states that it CANNOT be of a good alignment...

Neutral Alignments are 'nongood' and thus Paladin safe. That's half the alignments available to a Drake. Heck, default Paladin mounts are all Neutral (since they're animals to start with and nothing makes them anything else).

Having an Evil mount would be bad, but nothing remotely necessitates that.

The regular mounts for paladins are animals though. The drake has a mind of its own.

The mount starts out at Int 6, which is definitely "a mind of its own".

Anyway, the drake's alignment doesn't change to LG. This was not a mistake, as it's backed up by the fluff section.

Silver Crusade

JiCi wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
JiCi wrote:

There's the paladin archetype known as the Silver Champion, presented in Legacy of Dragons; there's also the drake companion presneted in that same exact section; the drake's alignment is "any nongood"; the paladin's alignment is Lawful Good; "While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code."

So... does the drake's alignment change to LG if it's a drake mount for a Silver Champion?

Seems weird that a drake's alignment wouldn't change since it literally states that it CANNOT be of a good alignment...

Neutral Alignments are 'nongood' and thus Paladin safe. That's half the alignments available to a Drake. Heck, default Paladin mounts are all Neutral (since they're animals to start with and nothing makes them anything else).

Having an Evil mount would be bad, but nothing remotely necessitates that.

The regular mounts for paladins are animals though. The drake has a mind of its own.

True, and it can be LN, N, or possibly even CN.

Rysky wrote:
Diekssus wrote:
Remeber the god that they worship has evil worshippers in the form of dragons, even have their own place in his afterlife. So in this particular case, it's okay, with Moonrunner's caviat.
Actually Apsu is LG so no, he doesn't have any evil worshippers.

Citing from Inner sea faiths "Apsu’s faith

isn’t limited to the metallic dragons, though—even
some of the most vile chromatic dragons venerate and
pledge support to Apsu,"

"A multienvironmental island floats at the edge of the realm,
home to the few chromatic dragons who serve Apsu in his home domain."

So yes he does.

Worshippers don't have the same alignment restrictions as divine empowered classes.

Silver Crusade

Diekssus wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Diekssus wrote:
Remeber the god that they worship has evil worshippers in the form of dragons, even have their own place in his afterlife. So in this particular case, it's okay, with Moonrunner's caviat.
Actually Apsu is LG so no, he doesn't have any evil worshippers.

Citing from Inner sea faiths "Apsu’s faith

isn’t limited to the metallic dragons, though—even
some of the most vile chromatic dragons venerate and
pledge support to Apsu,"

"A multienvironmental island floats at the edge of the realm,
home to the few chromatic dragons who serve Apsu in his home domain."

So yes he does.

Ah, my bad, I missed that. And as Plausible correctly pointed out. My brain apparently overwrote "worshippers" with divine casters. Sorry.

Also, I think it's worth bearing in mind that the Drake archetypes are meant to present a roleplay opportunity as much as anything else. Idea is that the drake starts off as a greedy pain in the butt. In the case of the Paladin archetype it's not going to advance to the right size for a mount until pretty late in the game, and by that it's very conceivable that the drake may have learned from its charge and become LG.

Scarab Sages

PannicAtack wrote:
Also, I think it's worth bearing in mind that the Drake archetypes are meant to present a roleplay opportunity as much as anything else. Idea is that the drake starts off as a greedy pain in the butt. In the case of the Paladin archetype it's not going to advance to the right size for a mount until pretty late in the game, and by that it's very conceivable that the drake may have learned from its charge and become LG.

Honestly, I think it would be more fun if the drake never becomes lawful. But that's my take on it. The Odd Couple would never have been as good a show as it was if they were both one way or another.

Lorewalker wrote:
PannicAtack wrote:
Also, I think it's worth bearing in mind that the Drake archetypes are meant to present a roleplay opportunity as much as anything else. Idea is that the drake starts off as a greedy pain in the butt. In the case of the Paladin archetype it's not going to advance to the right size for a mount until pretty late in the game, and by that it's very conceivable that the drake may have learned from its charge and become LG.
Honestly, I think it would be more fun if the drake never becomes lawful. But that's my take on it. The Odd Couple would never have been as good a show as it was if they were both one way or another.

Also a good option!

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