City of Anophaeus? More information please!


In the first world is the city of Anophaeus, held constant in this changing plane by the will of the Imbrex.

I'm sending my adventurers there, because it's awesome.

Are there modules or information I can use? There's sweet FA near as I can tell on this wondrous place.

Your just a few months fast I think.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)
Paizo Inc.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)
Our Price: $22.99
Preorder expected November 2016
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Explore the legendary realm of the fey, where reality reinvents itself and strange creatures peddle stranger wares to the unwary. Learn about the godlike Eldest who rule the First World and how to navigate their fairy courts. Delve for treasures in adventure locations too bizarre for the mortal realm, using new gear, spells, and other rules specifically designed to keep you alive in a world where death is seen as a game. Uncover the true origins of gnomes and other secret histories, battle a horde of new fey monsters, and harness the power of the fairy lords yourself with the feysworn prestige class!

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Campaig

Yay for information!

Boo for not out yet!

Thank you for a detailed answer!

I assume you have looked at the Pathfinder Wiki entry.

Daw wrote:

I assume you have looked at the Pathfinder Wiki entry.

I did, it's pretty barebones. I'm looking for population and their races, shops, features, geography.

Basically as detailed as Sandpoint from Rise of the Runelords would be glorious. All I've got it "Denziens at the feet of the Imbrex"

Who lives in Anophaeus? Is it just gnomes? Are there Satyr groups? Can I get a fairy mead at the floating tavern? Is the lantern King the ruler here?

Anyway, I'll just write up my own stuff, and correct it against the upcoming November module when it's out.

Yep, and remember, major nonsensical retconning is appropriate for this milieu.

Throw away you GM notes, the village they were at yesterday will have never existed tomorrow.

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