Low Level Spell Combos


I am looking to find pairs of spells (maybe even three) that are low level and have some synergy. Foe example:

Garden of Peril (2nd) + Thorny Entanglement (3rd).

GoP generates plants where none were, and TE makes them lash out. Basically a low level zone of danger: 30' diameter of potential sickening with with an additional 15' reach for possible 2d6/round damage.

Climbing Beanstalk (2nd) can replace GoP in the combo. While providing no damage, it can be a means to climb, and then trap after climbing, or for inflicting damage on flyers that must fly close.

What combos have you found?
[Please link the spells for easy reference.]


Create Food and Water+Prestidigitation because why would you work for the best meal you'll ever have?

Summon Monster (Earth Elementals)+Create Pit If you speak terran you can direct earth elementals to knock enemies into the pit, or at least to the danger area adjacent to the pit. Hydraulic Push could substitute summon monster.

Anything from the create pit line combines with battering blast, hydraulic push or any of the other bullrush spells, just keep knocking them into pits, oh and if you can fly you can just fly above the pit and knock them down when they try to climb out.

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