Iammars |
39 people marked this as a favorite. |
The Online VO Team is ready to announce the next PbP Gameday, just in time to kick off the new Season of the Stolen Storm! The signups open today, the gameday will start August 27th and will end 90 days later on November 25th. There will be a midway point on October 11th. In order for your game to count, it must start on or after August 27th and end on or before November 25th. While the official specials will be running in two “slots”, from August 27th-October 11th and October 12th-November 25th, GMs should not feel limited to those time slots for running their own scenarios, especially if you know you take a longer time to run.
In order to participate, go to PbPGameday.com. The front page contains a list of tables that are currently signed up in addition to a link at the bottom to register a table as a GM. If you are GMing a table, you’ll need to create a recruitment thread before registering your game on the PbPGameday website. If you want to play, please check back multiple times as new games are being added every day as GMs step up to the plate!
There are three official specials being run during PBP Gameday V. During the first slot, we will run 7-00 The Sky Key Solution, for the first time in Play by Post. Were you not able to get to a con over the past year to play 7-00? Here’s your chance! We don’t have limitations of physical space, and my crackpot team and I will be overseeing, so we’ll take on as many tables as we have GMs and players to fill. Don’t forget, this counts as a special for the purposes of achieving 5 stars!
During the second slot, we will run 7-98 Serpent’s Ire and 7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift. Presumably, these will be limited to run in some way, although I do not have the details at this time. If you have 4 stars and are interested in running one, you should email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com and I will keep you posted for when the details are revealed.
In addition, we welcome ACG PbP Games. Each game will have a GM who controls the box – those GMs should use the signups like the RPG games, but indicate what Season that they are running.
But if you don’t want to run one of the specials, then we’re ready for you to sign up! If you are a GM and you want to start your game during the first slot, you need to sign up by AUGUST 9TH. If you want to start your game by the second slot, you need to sign up by SEPTEMBER 10TH. That is when we have to turn in the forms to Tonya to get the scenarios in your account. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee that we can get you the scenario in your account. (This does mean that if you want to run 8-04 and 8-05 in the second slot, this is hopefully possible.)
Get pumped everyone! We’ll be rocking the start of Season 8 together!
Iammars |
Shifty - note that 7-98 and 7-99 aren't multi-table specials. These are the pregen specials. 7-98 Serpent's Ire is the sequel to Serpent's Rise, and 7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift is Elemental Superfriends.
Also just a reminder that while you may run as many games as you feel comfortable with running, you may only run one table of 7-00 for us. (And if you're not a frequent PbP GM then you should really limit yourself to 1 or 2 games at a time.)
thunderspirit |
This may be a good time for me to finally try GMing PbP. I just need to figure out the logistical stuff of how to post maps and stuff.
I've both already played and GMed Sky Key Solution, so I could GM that again, if needed.
Fromper, feel free to PM me if you want/need a bit of guidance. I'm happy to help out.
Shifty |
Blegh bugger,
Noted on Maelstrom...
Seprents Rise I'm across, flogged it hard to get my special count up, and Serpents Ire I'm waiting to run once Gencon wraps up :)
I'll run my next Multi-special 'Blood under Absalom' in Jan once GD V concludes to avoid jamming people up. Year of the Shadowlodge went well, but clearly the multi's impact the PbP GMs.
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
N N 959 |
I'm a 4-star GM (Prospero at Myth-Weavers).
I'm really afraid of running Serpent's Ire in 6 weeks, though. This was one that ran long at PaizoCon; my table had to rush to finish it, and lots of tables didn't finish it. Any chance we could spread Serpent's Ire out over the whole PBP Gameday?
PbP groups are like a box of chocolates when it comes to posting speed.
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
rknop |
Yeah, it's been rewritten... but I strongly suspect it's still a long one. Would it be legal to advertise a Serpent's Ire that ran throughout the whole 90 days, or does it have to be just during the last 45 days?
Also, I have to decide if I should run 7-00... I've run it before twice, I think. (Once at a local con, and once at... I forget which online con it was last year, one of the Roll20 ones.) Perhaps I should play it this time....
Michael Hallet |
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We're also trying to organize some tables of 7-00 on Myth-Weavers. So if your preferred tier ends up being filled here, you can always check us out here: Organization Thread on Myth-Weavers
Michael Hallet |
Just to verify, if you GM an actual multi-table special, you can apply it to any character from 1-11? The GM chronicle is not restricted to characters at the tier you ran it, correct?
That's how I've done it in the past. Just like a normal game where I ran a 1-5 table at 1-2 and applied the chronicle to a level 5 PC.
Iammars |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
As to the Serpent's Ire time questions - one of the things to keep in mind is that part of the reason that 7-98 takes so long is that players are handed 8th level pregens that they've never seen before and have to try to run them through some tough encounters. The beginning of any pregen special slot is eaten up with the players figuring out their characters. This is much less of a factor for Play by Post, where the time spent studying characters is a much smaller percentage of the total time available. In addition, I'd imagine that the first part is going to be slightly less of a timesink because of similar concerns in PbP that I don't want to say as to not spoil the scenario.
We'll see. I'll be running it at Gencon, so we'll see how well it got cleaned up and shortened.
Shifty |
one of the things to keep in mind is that part of the reason that 7-98 takes so long is that players are handed 8th level pregens that they've never seen before and have to try to run them through some tough encounters.
It was the same issue with Serpents Rise, but that one was further impacted by illegal character builds and a few other funky issues.
As you say, in PbP this is less of an impost on available time.
GM Andrew |
I may will probably be contributing some GMing to this gameday (maybe 1 or 2... already have two tables going right now), but if people are asking about tiers, I'd love a high tier (7+) Classic table of the 7-00. I have like 6 characters in the 7-11 range lol, and already played this special in Core. ;)
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
cartmanbeck RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Fromper |
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Two questions:
1. Is everybody organizing their tables now, even though it doesn't start for another month? I'm going to GenCon next week, so I'm too busy prepping and going to that right now to think about this yet. But after that, I'll want to get in on this PbP event.
2. Are we allowed to both play and GM the multi-table special at the same time? I already played it at GenCon last year and GMed it locally. But I'd like to GM it again, and maybe play it Core this time, if someone has a low level Core table.