Heighten meta magic feat and staves

Rules Questions

Does heighten mmf raise the save dc of staves?

Using Staves: Staves use the wielder’s ability score and relevant feats to set the DC for saves against their spells.


Silver Crusade

The staff uses the highest DC you have for the spell that is increased by said MMF.

Let's say my INT is 16 and I have a Staff of Fire:

Non-MMF Burning Hands: 10 + 1(SPL) + 3 = DC14
Burning Hands w/MFF heightened to a third level that was prepared: 10 + 3 + 3 = DC 16

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

How do you then umber of charges to use if you use heighten with a staff?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32


Your personal metamagic feats have nothing to do with spells used from a staff.

A staff could be created with spells that have metamagic already applied, in which case the feats would have their normal effect. It would just be preset and built in to the staff. It still would not matter what the user's feats were.

ncrcalamine wrote:

Does heighten mmf raise the save dc of staves?

Using Staves: Staves use the wielder’s ability score and relevant feats to set the DC for saves against their spells.

Do metamagic feats change the DC? If so, then it applies. If not, it does not.


Something like Spell Focus (Evocation) increases spell save DC for all Evocation spells. Therefore, an Evocation spell cast from a staff has a higher save DC.

Heighten Spell indirectly increases the save DC, by increasing the spell level of the spell slot you cast it with. For it to apply to a staff, you would need to increase the spell level you are using to cast the spell with... which you can't, because you're using a spell trigger item, not casting a spell with your own slots.

The only way this works is if the staff itself had a heightened spell able to be cast, but this would require crafting, and the amount of gold as usual for adding a spell of the new spell level to a staff.

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