Brie Larson is Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel!!


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Not but be comforted in the fact we WILL have a major Thor villain AND a Jim Starlin character in that film.

*rubs his hands with glee at Ego and Kismet being in this movie*

Love it, Thom. GotG was a fantastic movie and I'm eagerly awaiting the sequel. I only wish Marvel hadn't canceled Dan Abnett's spectacular run on the comic series. Bendis' GotG series was ass.

Bendis' GotG series is pretty ass, this is true.

Abnett I thought wrote better stuff when paired with Andy Lanning's stuff.

Still, Dan's was light years ahead of Bendis.

Liberty's Edge

HeHateMe wrote:
I'd love to see a guest appearance in the upcoming GotG 2 movie, but I know that's not happening. Bummer.

Word is she will most likely make her first appearance in the first Avengers Infinity War movie ...

That's what I heard too Marc.

Probably just in time to save Tony Stark's butt while he's busy fighting the Badoon.

(Can Marvel Studios use the Badoon?)

It's early enough they could use her as an after-credits scene in GotG2, couldn't they? Though I suppose it would be tough to do without making it feel shoe-horned or outside of the tone of the movie.


I don't see it primarily because they just introduced her and I'm pretty sure GotG2 is almost finished filming. If not already into production/editing.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, but if memory serves the schwarma scene was filmed at the last minute, after the editing was finalized.

I vaugely remeber that the Stark and General Ross one was too.

Maybe so Kren, but I'm not convinced that Gunn wants to bring in Captain Marvel for this one.

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I think Gunn mentioned in an interview after the first GotG that he wasn't in any hurry for the team to return to Earth. Danvers will just be debuting in Infinity Wars I and then in her own movie, so I can't imagine they'd send her offplanet so early into her character establishment & development arc. And she has to be around to inspire Kamala Khan for the MCU version of Ms. Marvel.

Anyway, there's no shortage of cosmically empowered beings for GotG sequels to use, and using them means Gunn doesn't need to coordinate with any other MCU movies.

Apparently Larson Industries R&D is already busy. No Flerkins sighted (yet).

Sovereign Court

Why are you so certain that Kamala Khan will be Ms. Marvel?

Hama wrote:

Why are you so certain that Kamala Khan will be Ms. Marvel?

Because Marvel and Disney 1) like money, and 2) aren't stupid? Who else would they cast as Ms. Marvel? MovieDanvers won't be using the codename.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding your question.

I think Hama just thinks they'll try to white wash or something. Maybe. Dunno.

I do agree who else could they do? Carol has official removed herself as Captain Marvel. The only OTHER captain is now Spectrum (which I think makes sense codename wise). So that leaves Carol as Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel...well Kamala! I mean unless they decide to go with Ultra Girl which would NOT make sense. Hell she only wore the costume, never the code name! :P

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At Comic-Con 2017, Marvel's Kevin Feig said that Captain Marvel is set (or at least part of it is set) in the 1990s, before the first Iron Man film. Also revealed:


* Nick Fury will be in it, but this is before whatever incident blinded one of his eyes.

* The Skrulls -- no, not the Chitauri -- the Skrulls will also appear.

Captain Marvel is currently set to premiere in the U.S. on March 8th, 2019.

So is this going to be a prequel then? Could work I guess.

Am not sure Ms. Marvel is going to be a thing besides a cameo or easter egg in the Captain Marvel film. Khan's origins are kind of tied in with the Inhumans and Marvel has apparently decided to hand over that franchise to ABC as a show. I suppose they could always pull a Deadpool and retcon her origins though, so it's more tied into more space fantasy direction that Marvel is going. She gets hit by space rays instead of Terrigen mists, or something.

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Hello again, friend of a friend
I knew you when
Our common goal was waiting for the world to end
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip
Shape-shift and trick
The past again

I'll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up every time
Everyone, ooh
Pulls away, ooh
From you

Got balls of steel
Got an automobile for a minimum wage
Got real estate, I'm buying it all up in outer space
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip
Shape-shift and trick
The past again

Yeah I'm down for this movie.

Takes place in the 90's, that is lame.

Dragon78 wrote:
Takes place in the 90's, that is lame.

Eh but just think it will be kind of interesting to see the what was going on in the MU before all the avengers started springing up.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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Specifically, Feige said that the influence in Captain Marvel will be Kree/Skrull War- and Carol is the only superhero there to stop it.


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Rosgakori wrote:

Specifically, Feige said that the influence in Captain Marvel will be Kree/Skrull War- and Carol is the only superhero there to stop it.



baseless speculation:

With the movie set in the 90s, but Danvers being offscreen until now, I had guessed maybe they had changed her origin so she gains her powers testing a downed recovered Kree spaceship or engine. The test flight goes awry, and her ship goes into a wonky orbit or timejump that takes decades to return to Earth.

Maybe they'll slip in a reference/explanation for Coulson's blue guy found at "Tahiti"?


I hope you're correct. Mostly I can't wait to see...SKRULLS!!!

I mean sure it won't be Kl'rt, but MORE Skrulls? I'm in.

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I'm sure most of us have heard back in November they cast Jude Law as Mar-Vell, and back in October, Ben Mendelsohn joined as the yet unnamed big bad.

Today, it was announced they have added DeWanda Wise to the cast in an unnamed role. Could... could we possibly also be seeing the debut of Monica Rambeau, aka Photon/Pulsar/Spectrum? (Musn't SQUEEEEEEEEE prematurely).

I'm trying not to squee either but I MUST!!!! Monica!!!

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

IMDB lists her role as Monica Rambeau, so squee away!

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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Squee indeed. This is all so very cool.

well...word to the wise...anyone can edit IMDB, so I wouldn't take what it lists as proof positive that Monica is in this movie

True but one can hope! ;)

I never thought the name Captain Marvel was ever well applied to Monica Rambeau. I thought the change to Photon and eventually Spectrum were much better.

Dark Archive

I just hope Carol doesn't get taken out by her biggest weakness...some guy asking her for her phone number.

I thought you meant getting impregnated by aliens...or Kang.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

...or the bottle.

Mm. Yes that too, Wei. But to be fair, addictions do happen to high stressed people. So I don't hold that against her as much as the other two.

When the character was originally white in the comics I'm not sure how calling it white washing is real a relevant point imo. Now if the character was non-white and they cast her as a white character like they did in the Ghost in the Shell then accusations of white washing imo would make sense. In any case either version Carol Danvers or Kamala Khan I'm going to watch the movie. Though I would have preferred Katheryn Winnick instead of Brie Larson as Carol Danvers.

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Where did that come from?^ was someone saying that?

Technically captain marvel carol danvers who is white and has also been ms. marvel the current ms. marvel khamala khan however is a different story.

Since movie is captain marvel I don't see the issue. Now if they were going to do Ms. marvel and have it be khamala then yeah that would be upsetting. Heck I would be super upset by that.

I mistakenly thought prople were complaining about the chsracter being white in the movie. For that i apologize.

Dark Archive

The Thing From Another World wrote:
When the character was originally white in the comics I'm not sure how calling it white washing is real a relevant point imo.

Didn't stop people from railing against a white Danny Rand. Which ironically, kind of shed light on the ones calling for him to be Asian as them, martial arts = asian.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Nevermind, of course, that the whole idea behind Iron Fist was that they were a Westerner that was trained in Eastern traditions... which kind of got gutted from some telling of the tales?

Back on track, I'd love to see all the Captain Marvels either mentioned or shown in this one in some way...

Silver Crusade

People weren't calling for martial artist = only Asian, people were annoyed with a random rich white guy going and becoming the bestest martial artist and the chosen one over anyone that had been doing it all their life aka the Mighty Whitey trope.

Rysky wrote:
People weren't calling for martial artist = only Asian, people were annoyed with a random rich white guy going and becoming the bestest martial artist and the chosen one over anyone that had been doing it all their life aka the Mighty Whitey trope.

It's definitely an example of that, though to be fair to Danny, he really did do it most of his life - he was orphaned and adopted into K'un Lun as a kid.

I do think the comics handled it pretty well over the years - particularly pairing him with Luke. Would have been a very different character and series if he'd been Asian. Playing him up as the naive unworldly rich kid in contrast to Luke's streetsmarts would have had very different overtones if he hadn't been white.

Rysky wrote:
People weren't calling for martial artist = only Asian, people were annoyed with a random rich white guy going and becoming the bestest martial artist and the chosen one over anyone that had been doing it all their life aka the Mighty Whitey trope.

That was definitely part of the picture, but there was also quite a lot of pushing for him to be cast as Asian because of the martial arts as well. I might sympathize with the White Savior trope complaints, but definitely not the latter. I don't generally consider it a good idea to increase diversity by reinforcing stereotypical casting. That would seem a Pyrrhic victory for diversity at best.

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Alright! Firstly while there has been a black Captain Marvel, she was never fully embraced the same way Ms Marvel transitioned to Captain.

(Also while I understand's Thing's position on Katheryn Winnick (and in some ways share it; it's too late to change now!)

Secondly, the whole white wash in GitS is FAR different than Danny Rand due to the fact GitS WAS all about Japan, not some white girl in a suit.

Finally, I'm with Wei Jai, that we need MORE Captain Marvel shout outs/cameos in this movie. Gen-Val perhaps?!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel is one of the few comics I've read and I love the series. I hope there's some form of nod or easter egg, but if its a prequel I'll be less sad if there's not as my understanding of Ms Marvel is that its set more recently.

Also, (this is a personal request, not a mod request) can we please not turn this thread into a discussion of Iron Fist? I'm really exited about the Captain Marvel movie and while the white savior trope of Danny Rand is a interesting topic to discuss, maybe that could be done in another thread?

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I am kind of hoping Kamala Khan shows up in the (likely) Captain Marvel sequel.

MMCJawa wrote:

I am kind of hoping Kamala Khan shows up in the (likely) Captain Marvel sequel.

Well, with the way things are going, Carol could have her powers stolen by Rogue and necessitate a new Marvel. Hopefully quite a few movies later, as Carol Danvers (through the lens of X-men, admittedly) was really interesting, and 'stretchy Marvel' just seems... odd and wacky.

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I'm really hoping that they keep the Rogue thing out of it, if only because I don't want the X-Men in the MCU in general. Though admittedly, depowering her would be a good reason why she hasn't been around the past two phases.

Since there was a very slight nod to Miles Morales in Homecoming, I wouldn't be surprised if a Kamala Khan reference comes up, though I would expect it to be in a sequel.


Hey now! Stretchy Marvel girl is awesome! :) But yeah, no Rogue appearances. We don't need em. I am hopeful for a nod to Kamala in the first movie if not an outright showcase of her in a possible second movie/sequel.

Sovereign Court

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No X-men in my MCU thank you very much!

Well at least no X-men without a better Apocalypse at least...

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I imagine kamala and all the champions are more likely to all start coming out at a later time for marvel's next phase. Totally love the new ms. marvel comics. I like all of the new champions well not so much The new hulk with Cho otherwise they all legit.

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Hama wrote:
No X-men in my MCU thank you very much!

BOOOOOOOO! wolverine and scarlet witch have just as much x-men characters (if not more so) then avengers. Mutants are a thing accept it! don't be a FOH.

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