Advice on Pricing This Magic Item


Hello Paizo people,
I'd like to have your opinion on a magic item I've been toying with for a long time. I'm not looking for advices on the item's balance, because I'm going to use it mainly as a story device to enhance our story. What I'm looking for, instead, is to know how would you price it.


Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot neck; Price ??? Weight 0,5 lbs.
This amulet grants the power of dragons' blood. The wearer of an amulet of draconic bloodline gains the draconic bloodline power. Whenever the wearer of this amulet casts a spell with an energy descriptor that matches the amulet's attuned energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
Each amulet of draconic power is attuned to one energy type selected upon creation.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dragon's breath, creator must have a draconic bloodline matching the amulet's energy type; Cost ???


I was not able to recall any kind of wondrous item replicating a bloodline arcana's effects, but I've not ready any of the newest rulebooks (Ultimate Magic was the last source I read attentively), so maybe I've missed something important.

I'm not too savvy with item creation/pricing but it kind of seems like the cost of granting a feat, or class ability. Don't think specifically a bloodline arcana effect, think more along the general case.

I hope that helps somewhat, since I don't even personally know of any magic items that do that either, but I figure there MUST be one. I think there's an amulet of evasion? I'd make the price equal to that.

EDIT::It was a Ring of Evasion

Since this is equivalent to granting a class ability, which I think granting a bloodline arcana power would be equivalent to, this is a perfect starting stone for determining the price of your amulets.

Off the top of my head, there's the Amulet of the Blooded, which gives a few bloodline-based powers. Those are mostly in the 12,000 GP range.

For a straight buff to damage, hmm... you know, honestly, this isn't a particularly powerful item. XD The ability offered is something available as low as 1st level, and even at its most extreme, it's not a huge difference. Unless I can find something closer, I'd probably price it around one of those amulets

GM Rednal wrote:
Unless I can find something closer, I'd probably price it around one of those amulets

Amulet that grants a Rage Power

This is only 8,000gp and it grants a Rage Power (under the condition you were a barbarian) and adds minor bonuses to saves and an immunity while raging.

Using this example I'd say granting an unrestricted Bloodline Power would be equal to just under this considering it is also just a level 1 Bloodline Power.

I'm curious. If its a story item why does it need to be priced?

The ability is worth around 1.5 feats. The smallest price I could find for copying the ability was 2 but that was with all elements

Estimated Price 8000

Increased by 2000 if the player is a dedicated blaster who builds around doing so

Well, there's always the possibility that the players will try to sell it. XD That, or the GM is trying to stick to some sort of WBL, and wants to know how much of that the item should be. Even if it's not something they'll buy or craft, knowing the price can be useful.

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