Kreniigh |

I'm all for some tough scenarios, but this one -- my wife and I have played it 3 times so far and had some really lucky breaks (pinpointing the villain early, closing several locations quickly), but encountering the villain is such a shackstorm of cascading consequences that we've crashed ignobly each time.
The only positive point is that we've managed to improve our decks slightly, and booted a few Basic/Elite boons out, each iteration.
Anyone got any tips for getting past this one? We are a Valeros/Lini/Jirelle/Damiel pure S&S crew.

Ashram316 |

I'm definitely with you on the scenario villain. There is definitely way too much going on in that encounter. That being said, I've been through this with various characters/groups, and I've found a few things that might be of use to you.
The first is to tackle the locations one by one and try to stay somewhat grouped up to allow Valeros and Damiel to chip on combat checks and to allow multiple characters to handle the villain's combat checks. If you end up spotting the villain early, you can then reposition for temp closing once you are ready to close out the scenario.
The second is that once you are in a position to corner the villain, actually defeating her ship no longer matters. Thus, if you can locate her via scouting, Valeros is probably your best bet for encountering the villain because his high strength/melee combo will give him the best shot at passing a combat check unarmed in the event that his weapons get randomly recharged.
Finally, in that last encounter, characters with armor in hand shouldn't waste resources on the summoned henchmen as defeating them gains the party nothing.

Kreniigh |

Thanks. We managed on the fifth attempt, and it was down to the wire -- last turn in the blessings deck, 4 locations closed, 1 with a henchman and one other card, and 1 with Druvalia on the bottom. Underneath a Firedrake Trap. Ship wrecked, armor/armor/Skyrocket vs. the Devil, then a Damiel/Valeros one-two on Thrune.
I have to ask -- is the final scenario *harder*?
We thought Best Served Cold was the worst we'd ever seen, the one we most dreaded doing again with our next party. Then Armada took that honor. But I look at that 6-villain thing and I am worried.
While I'm on the topic, is the infamous B adventure in WotR *worse*?

skizzerz |

Last scenario is fun, just keep in mind that when you encounter the ship instead of Kerdak that he is simply shuffled back in and doesn't escape or you may accidentally play it on "hard mode" (which imo is more fun, but ymmv). WotR B is easier than any of those scenarios, however the difficulty is unusually high for a B adventure where the characters are ill equipped to handle varied challenges.

Ashram316 |

For the Wrath B scenarios, make sure to read the FAQ for Vinst/Elven Entanglement before playing that one. Part of what makes that scenario hard is that the cohort Vinst, as written, doesn't do what he is supposed to do.
My only other advise would be to not mix in the C deck boons/banes unless you are playing with 5/6 characters.

Troymk1 |

Last scenario is fun, just keep in mind that when you encounter the ship instead of Kerdak that he is simply shuffled back in and doesn't escape or you may accidentally play it on "hard mode" (which imo is more fun, but ymmv). WotR B is easier than any of those scenarios, however the difficulty is unusually high for a B adventure where the characters are ill equipped to handle varied challenges.
was this a clarification?

Kreniigh |

Oh. You want to playing the last scenario on Hard Mode, try this: Fail to notice that the other villains get removed to a side pile when defeated. Let them escape into other decks.
Four times we played this one and never even managed to eliminate one villain. We fought Powderpot *three* times in one game and he was *still* in one of the decks. To our credit, we did get everyone down into two locations once, but ran out of turns.
Imagine the facepalm when I re-read the scenario card.