Adding a Part 7

Legacy of Fire

So I'm running Legacy of Fire with a dedicated group of my nearby companions. They have so far made it to the beginning of Part 3: The Jackals Price. the end of the Final Wish, I plan to add a Part 7...sort of to finish off Jhahvul if he escapes; and to bring closure to an unfinished story arc in a campaign I GMed but abandoned due to problems that involved a Sulis princess.

The NPC goes by the name of Sabrina (who I use Shantae to describe her appearance and personality), and she is the daughter of a long dead Efreeti and a Elven woman who went to aid the Templars of the 5 Winds against Jhahvul; because his brother overthrew his kingdom with Jhavhul's aid. The Efreeti was killed in the war along with his lover; leaving Kardswann to foster their child; as the Efreeti (whose named Ama'thar btw) and the Templar became good friends.

The situation right now is this. There's already hints that someone wants Sabrina dead, as some denizens of the Elemental Plane of Fire already attacked the group with her once. Kardswan was there in the first battle that they appeared with (because they managed to save him; after he regained his powers, he returned to Kelmarane to help the party with their Kingmaker session by becoming the Royal Enforcer...22 STR to Stability baby); and there will be alot more frequent attacks by these denizens in Book 3. After Book 6, I want to send them to the Plane of Fire to finish off Ama'thar's brother (And Jhahvul if he escapes) after about a year or 2.

Any ideas for a quest line about as long as Book 1; that can involve the party, Sabrina, and Kardswan?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Not anything specific,
But Necromancer's games City of Brass has a lot of material that could give you the inspiration your looking for.

Bondoid wrote:

Not anything specific,

But Necromancer's games City of Brass has a lot of material that could give you the inspiration your looking for.

I got a few ideas that I'm going with right now. I'm also reading Book 5 (because holy crap are they moving fast...they're going to finish Book 3 by next session) right now; and it's about the City of Brass as well; which is helping too. But I figured someone at the Paizo boards might have some cool idea, that could lead me to writing something for them. It would certainly be an epic encounter, seeing as they more than likely are going to change their race to Janni when Part 6 is over.

You never know if you never ask.

Anyway, I'll check out City of Brass. Sounds like it'd be perfect later on.

I would just kind of advise against letting Jhavhul escape. It is the end of Book 6, the PCs need some kind of closure.

justaworm wrote:
I would just kind of advise against letting Jhavhul escape. It is the end of Book 6, the PCs need some kind of closure.

True, but the possibility of him escaping is still somewhat there. I'm sure that they'll probably end up taking him down. It's what comes after that I'm interested in, especially once they realize the option to turn into janni is there.

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