Halfling mysterious stranger / paladin help (PFS)


I tend to ramble, so I'll keep this short-ish:

- Want to be three feet of BBEG wrecking thunder.
- Mysterious stranger archetype has great synergy, so I'm taking it.
- Currently looking at mysterious stranger 1/swashbuckler (musketeer) 1 (for quick clear, overcoming the mysterious stranger's single biggest issue) and then take the rest of the levels as paladin. Are there any issues with this I'm overlooking?
- Clueless as far as feat choice and progression.

Also, how am I meant to get reloading my musket to less than a move action? Rapid reload takes it to standard, alchemical cartridges would take it to move...and from there?

Aaaand final edit, how should my stats look (assuming I'm unwilling to drop anything besides strength below 10) Twenty point buy, currently I'm looking at either...

- Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18


- Str 8, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18

Silver Crusade

Have you stolen my secret notes? :P

8 18 10 10 10 18

1 Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) -> Add Cha to damage.
1 Swashbuckler (Musketeer) -> Quick Repair (it doesn't seem mandatory to me once you get Reliable weapons).
2 Paladin (Divine Hunter) -> OW YEAH, Precise Shot, Cha to saves, Smite Evil once per BBEG.
3 Trench Fighter -> Bonus feats, add Dex to damage...WHAT?!
X Slayer -> Sneak Attack, bonus feats (Ranger style feats to be precise)


Gun 1 Rapid Reload (pistol)
Swa 2 Weapon Finesse, Rapid Reload (musket :/ )
Pal 3 PBS, Precise Shot
Pal 4 -
Fig 5 Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim
Fig 6 Weapon Focus
Fig 7 Dazzling Display
Sla 8 -
Sla 9 Quick Draw, Disheartening Display (Rogue talent -> Combat Trick)
Sla 10 -
Sla 11 Gun Twirling, TWF (Ranger style)
Sla 12 -
Sla 13 Clustered Shot, iTWF (Ranger Style)
Sla 14 -
Sla 15 Hammer the Gap, Something

EDIT: Musket sucks because you can't make iteratives :( Use a pistol instead.

Equip your second pistol at 11 and enjoy hitting AC 10, sneak-attacking the s*it out of those evil miscredents with each shot :)

Removing Swashbuckler, the build speeds up a bit. Let me know if you play it!

EDIT: corrected things. Plus, you are small so you have a annoying -4 on Intimidate? Who cares! Take Taunt if you can free a feat slot, or just buy a bunch of Gravelly Tonics.

That's crazy xD I got the idea for the musketeer dip from another thread I read recently, any chance that was you?

Trench fighter is out since I'm playing PFS but otherwise...that looks really good. I'm a bit confused on why the musket sucks though...what's the context for iteratives there? Pls forgive, am noob. I was initially looking at pistolero but the fact that the build wouldn't really take off for quite some time and this campaign likely won't go past level 10-12, coupled with the fact that other GMs may not be as lenient as mine is with all those free actions...I dunno.

Silver Crusade

Nope, wasn't me :)

Iteratives mean "more than one attack per round". Muskets can be properly used only by Musket Masters (Gunslinger archetype), otherwise they are bad.

No Trench Fighter is quite sad because you lose the Dex bonus to damage. In that case you don't need that high Dex, and you can rise other stats if you want.

Without Trench Fighter, you don't need the fighter dip at all. but you could use the first 2 bonus feats. Take only 2 levels for the 2 bonus feats. In this way the whole feat chain goes up by one level. If you want to accelerate the chain, go full Fighter instead of Slayer. You will lose a bunch of goodies though...

The build is complete at 11, with you able to effectively use 2 pistols without the problems of reloading. With Dazzling Display you'll be quite effective as debuffer, and with a Cruel weapon you'll be a master debuffer, inflicting both shaken and sickened conditions. Enemies will have -4 on hit (melee allies will thanks) and -4 on saves (caster allies will thanks too). Also, you'll have a skyrocket charisma, which is gold out of combat, especially in PFS.

All looks fantastic mate :3

New problem popped up, though. Upon further research, the musketeer archetype isn't PFS legal either. Which irritates me to an unreasonable degree...this is the third *perfect* build I've had my eye on that might get scrapped because of the damn PFS restrictions.

Only way around it that I can see is to take five levels in Mysterious Stranger to get Stranger's Fortune and pick up pretty much nothing else of worth in the four levels needed to get to that.

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