You want to keep WHAT from the scenario?!?!

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 4/5

Well darn, I thought leaving my shadow behind would come back to bite my behind or somesuch. Shoulda given it to that owl fellow freely. Seemed like a nice fellow...for a soulless caricature.

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Omarin wrote:
pH unbalanced wrote:
I also have noted on a chronicle that my monk no longer has a shadow. She sold it during The Harrowing.

From out of the darkness comes a whisper, "That hardly seems fair."

(There is actually a slight mechanical advantage to not having a shadow. The shadow trap spell specifically doesn't work on creatures that don't have shadows. My Wayang Arcanist would be very disappointed if he came up against your character. Not that he would, being a fellow Pathfinder and all).

Oh, I fully expect that any mechanical benefit would be disallowed, if it ever comes up.

Dark Archive 4/5

I know. It was just amusing to me that there is an actual in-game situation where you can lose your shadow (if only technically within that module). Omarin would be quite put out if the selling of one's shadow became common practice..

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

pH unbalanced wrote:

And my Mystery Cultist of Soralyon has a stone from every religious shrine she has tidied up.

Where as my Barbarian priest of Groetus has a portable alter made up of pieces of every abandoned temple he has found as a pathfinder and devoted to Groetus.

It could be hilarious if those two ever adventured together.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I kept the command chair from a crashed spaceship.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Natalya wrote:
I kept the command chair from a crashed spaceship.

Linkified for you :)

Liberty's Edge

My Monk came out of a scenario ten inches taller than he went into it.

4/5 Venture-Captain, Virginia—Norfolk

I have a ranger with the Aspis Defector boon and the boon that grants Favored Enemy (Aspis Consortium). Whenever we fight Aspis agents that have Aspis badges listed among their gear, I ask the GM to note on my chronicle sheet that he has taken them as his way of counting coup.

Shadow Lodge

lucky7 wrote:
My Monk came out of a scenario ten inches taller than he went into it.

My warlock came out of a module a different race than he went into it.

And gender, but that one was because I actually forgot to change back...

The module in question:
Emerald Spire, Floor 15. It annoys me that the "boon" that covers this is literally all disadvantage, with nothing to counter-balance it. You keep all the race specific options you already have, but can't take any new race options, from either your original or new race. Have a race-restricted class? Gotta spend five prestige to take a new level, which is literally more than you'll earn per level from module play (which is pretty much your only option at that level).

The Exchange 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi! i've stolen the sheets off of every bed I've come across in my career. As well as a pretty some pretty nice rugs, blankets, and the occasional tapestries. Except for Zarta's sheets from tht time I infiltrated the Chelish Embassy, wouldn't touch those with platemail gauntlets.

Dark Archive 1/5

SCPRedMage wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
My Monk came out of a scenario ten inches taller than he went into it.

My warlock came out of a module a different race than he went into it.

And gender, but that one was because I actually forgot to change back...
** spoiler omitted **

I remember that floor...

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Natalya wrote:
I kept the command chair from a crashed spaceship.
Linkified for you :)

Wha? I just took it because the place reminded me of where I first met Groetus...

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