Part 1: The Fall of Kenabres.


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Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

You are correct that, since skill checks do not auto-fail on a 1, if you have at least a +9 you can automatically succeed on a DC 10 check (because you will roll at least a 1).

"Yeah, jumping and climbing is not my forte at the moment," says Anevia. "How are Aravashnial and I going to get across?"

Aravashnial says, "Having expended my levitation spell to lift the rubble, I cannot use it again, unless I choose to focus power through my arcane bond. Are the scales re-usable?"

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

"The power imbued in the one I carry is different, but it can be used three times each day. If the ones that bestow levitation are similar, we should be able to get four people across that way."

Aberus looked around at the group, and then walked through them as he spoke. "Aravashniel, Anevia, given your injuries, it would make sense for you to go in that manner. I suggest the same for our new friend Crel, here, since the extent of his injuries aren't known." He came to a stop such that he stood between Horgus, on one side of him, and Uriel and Arloric on the other.

His gaze then landed on Horgus. "The last charge I suggest using on Mr. Gwerm, who has been very patient through this ordeal." He smiled, and then turned around to face Uriel and Arloric, widening his eyes in what he hoped was a pleading expression.

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Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

Alexa resists the urge to burst into derisive laughter at Aberus' remark about Horgus.

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0
Alexa Dorne wrote:
Alexa resists the urge to burst into derisive laughter at Aberus' remark about Horgus.

Made your Bluff check, eh? :)

Female Half-drow Bard 1 | HP 9/9 {conditions: +1 to atk., saves} | AC 16 (Tch 13 FF 13) | F +2 R +6 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6, darkvision
Aberus Ocellio wrote:

Yes, a 10' jump is a DC 10 check. Despite the endless argument on the forums that tries to convince the world otherwise. You could have also just taken 10 since we aren't in combat, which would have been an auto-success, too. ;)

I skimmed through that discussion, and wouldn't absolutely touch it with a 10-foot pole. I understand most of the confusion stems from getting stuck in a grid-only mentality. About taking 10, I've had various GMs interpret the "not in immediate danger" clause quite differently (the most common being as "not in combat", to which I adhere, but I've also had some forbidding it for checks pivotal to plot advancement – so wasn't quite sure :) ).

"Welcome Alexa" Ithilwen quips. "Now let's see about the others."

If one of the big guys can cross the chasm through a rope, we can then haul down and lift up the injured NPCs – it's just double one's maximum load. Probably even Alexa could do it, depending on Horgus' weight.

EDIT: or just what Aberus said :)

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

that sounds like a plan

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

With Ithilwen holding a rope, it's easy enough for the four most "disadvantaged" people to cross via levitation. Then Anevia and Ithilwen brace the rope, so that someone else can clamber across.

If you want to shimmy hand-over-hand across the rope, a couple people need to hold it on the near side, and we'll call it Climb DC 10 (normally it's 15 to climb up an unknotted rope, but you aren't going up, you're just hanging under it and crossing. You may take 10. This means you'll wind up with just 2 people stuck on the near side (whoever holds the rope for everyone else). Notably, once you get someone on the far side, Ithilwen could jump over with no roll and help hold the rope for other crossers, then jump back again. So you'd only need to get one other person across.

If you want to lift someone via the rope, that's actually a bit trickier because you need the person to tie the rope to him/herself, then climb down into the near side of the chasm and get dragged up the far side.

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

I suggest those of us wearing armor remove it, put it in a pack, loop it onto our main rope and zip-line it over. Thus removing the armor check penalty without leaving our armor behind.

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

Totally a valid suggestion. Now you just need to make sure you have 2 people on the near side to hold the rope, who can get back without using it - since there won't be anyone left to support them when it's their turn. Ithilwen can be one, as she can just jump back over. Anevia can't jump with her broken leg, Aravashnial can't safely jump while blind, and Horgus is terrible at athletics so even if you could convince him to jump he would probably fail.

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

Alexa can jump back over.

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

I dont think she would be strong enough to be an anchor for the group.

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

Boom, done.

The armored members of the team take about 10 minutes to doff their various armor and pack it up.

You do some finagling to have Alexa and Ithilwen jump across, hold the rope on that side while other members hold the near side, get Uriel and the levitating members over, then Alexa and Ithilwen cross back so everyone else can make it to the far side. Finally, they tie the packs of armor to the rope and jump across. The party then hauls the rope up with the packs of armor attached, and spend another 10 minutes or so re-armoring.

Fortune is with you, as nothing crawls out of the darkness to assail you.

Each party member gains 100 xp for bypassing this challenge.

The strange humanoids are overjoyed at your success.

"We will make it home!" says Lann. "You are very resourceful. I am glad to have met you."

Once re-armored, you continue southeast for about another 20 minutes. The passage enters a large, roughly round cavern.

Before you enter the cavern, Lann holds up a hand and says, "Be careful. We stopped coming this way not just because it was longer than the newer path - which is now collapsed - but it is home to a spore-cougher, a dangerous predator. Big, slow... mushroom. Makes people go mad."

Knowledge (dungeoneering or nature) DC 15:
Lann's description sounds like a basidirond, a kind of man-sized ambulatory fungus that ejects spores that cause hallucinations. It survives on the rich nutrients of creatures that die near it due to the spores. It is ambulatory - though slower than a human; about the speed of a dwarf.

How would you like to approach the cavern?

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

"Hmm." Alexa frowns as her memory draws a blank about what Lann's talking about. "How alert are they, generally? Would it be possible for us to sneak past?"

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

"Don't see with eyes. In dark, can sneak up on you," says Lann.

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

"Hmm... that does sound problematic."

Male Angelkin Aasimar Paladin 6 Crimson Templar 1 Init +5; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9; HP: 87/87; AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +3 Shield, +1 Natural); F +15, R +10, W +10; +2 vs. evil, +2 vs Insanity or Confusion

Gesturing with his new crossbow, Uriel says "If they don't move fast, could we perhaps shoot it from a distance?"

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

Aberus whispered, "If they don't have eyes, then why not throw some light into the cavern? We'll be able to see further in."

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

Eyes are not always needed to detect things in the world. says the elf.

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

"My point is, we need to see. Putting light in there will benefit us, and not it," Aberus said. "Unless you have another suggestion? I don't hunt many mushrooms. Not the kind that hunt you back, I mean."

Female Half-drow Bard 1 | HP 9/9 {conditions: +1 to atk., saves} | AC 16 (Tch 13 FF 13) | F +2 R +6 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6, darkvision

"Fire. Lots of fire."

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

"Well, sure, but we need to see what we're doing first."

Aberus pulled a copper piece out of his pocket and spoke the words to a spell. The light coming from his ankh faded as the coin started glowing, dimly at first, and then much brighter.

He pulled his arm back behind him and then tossed the coin into the dark cavern.

Cast Light on a copper piece and toss it into the cavern, aiming for about 30' away.

Throw stone at grid square (ranged vs AC5): 1d20 - 1 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 - 2 + 1 = 5

Edit: Forgot the +1 from Bless

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Filidh) 7|HP: 88/88|AC: 15/10/15|Saves: +3 Fort, +5 Ref, +5 Will|Init: +0|Perc: +12

Arloric says nothing but volunteers the use of his scale when prompted to help the group cross the chasm. He listens as Lann informs them of the spore-cougher, and thinks on whether Crocris taught him of such a thing.

Knowledge(nature): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

"I don't recall Crocris ever mentioning something like this...though if it makes men mad, perhaps the dwarf we encountered back there met with this thing. Uriel is right. We should try to keep our distance from this thing, lest its spores drive us to harm each other."

He punctuates the point by drawing one of the spears from his back.

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

You toss a light into the chamber.

The tunnel opens into a circular cavern, roughly forty feet in diameter. Thick sheets of fungus grow in the cave, and several tunnels branch off. All of these save one in the north wall lead downward; the northern one leads upward. What appear to be two dead bodies lie on the ground in the middle of the cave, next to a strange heap of ropy green fungus.

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

The elf will cast detect magic.

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

Aberus turned to Arloric and asked, "Are they dead? Can you, um...tell from here?"

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

The two certainly aren't moving, though that's not conclusive.

Once within range, you can detect faint magic from both bodies - something they're carrying.

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

There is some magical auras emanating from the the bodies, something that they are carrying. says the elf

Do I know which school?

Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Filidh) 7|HP: 88/88|AC: 15/10/15|Saves: +3 Fort, +5 Ref, +5 Will|Init: +0|Perc: +12
Aberus Ocellio wrote:
Aberus turned to Arloric and asked, "Are they dead? Can you, um...tell from here?"

Arloric nods.

"I'll try to use my special sight..."

Arloric closes his normal eye and focuses his dark eye on the bodies.

Arloric uses his deathwatch spell-like ability.

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

Conjuration and necromancy, respectively.

All three (both bodies + fungus) are dead.

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Filidh) 7|HP: 88/88|AC: 15/10/15|Saves: +3 Fort, +5 Ref, +5 Will|Init: +0|Perc: +12

"All dead. Even the pile of fungus they lay near is dead."

Arloric looks to the others.

"We should cover our mouths and noses."

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

"The spore-cougher is dead?" says Lann hopefully. "That is good news! There is nothing to keep us from using this route now!"

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Filidh) 7|HP: 88/88|AC: 15/10/15|Saves: +3 Fort, +5 Ref, +5 Will|Init: +0|Perc: +12

"Hold up!" Arloric says before Lann can move forward.

"I don't know if the dead fungus thing is the spore-cougher. It might be some other dead fungus the thing was lurking near. This area could still be dangerous."

Female Half-drow Bard 1 | HP 9/9 {conditions: +1 to atk., saves} | AC 16 (Tch 13 FF 13) | F +2 R +6 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +6, darkvision

"Well that's... anticlimactic" Ithilwen mumbles. "Not that I'm complaining."

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

"Beats stumbling through a linear sequence of dark halls full of things trying to kill you with no rhyme or reason," mutters Anevia.

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

"Isn't that adventuring in general, Anevia?"

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

"Lann, does that thing over there look like it might have been the mushroom you were warning us about?"

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

Anevia says to Alexa, "I dunno, I'm a city girl."

Lann says to Aberus, "Yes, I think that is the spore-cougher."

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

"Then let's approach with caution--its spores might still be active even after it's dead."

Alexa creeps towards the bodies to search them, covering her mouth and nose with her hand as she advances.

Stealth?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

Withdrawing my action since Alexa posted first, and it would have contradicted it

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

Alexa closes to 20'... no movement.

15'... still nothing.

10'... all is still.

5'... still dead, no spores.

Alexa is now in range to search the corpses.

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

Alexa keeps her mouth covered as she searches the bodies.

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

Aberus watched Alexa approach the scene before them unharmed. "Looks safe for the moment. Let's give her some protection in case that changes." He cautiously approached the two bodies, keeping an eye out for trouble as Alexa examined the bodies.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Female Aasimar Bard (Arcane Healer) 8 | 43/51 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7 | Initiative +2 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +13 | Bardic Performance 23/23 rounds | Channel Energy 2/2 | Bard Spells: 1st—6/6 2nd—3/5 3rd—3/3

Both of the bodies are male humans. They wear chain shirts, very well-constructed and still intact. Each also wears a tabard with Iomedae's symbol on it, and has a spiked gauntlet on the left hand and a glaive nearby.

One has a pouch that holds a potion of a clear blue liquid and 77 gold pieces; the other has a scroll and 52 gold pieces. The latter (with the scroll) has, clutched in his fist, a small symbol of a brass bull's head with tiny red gemstone eyes.

Knowledge (religion) DC 10:
Though they're dressed as crusaders following Iomedae, they don't have longswords, which is unusual.

Knowledge (religion) DC 15:
The small brass bull's head is a holy symbol of Baphomet.

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

Knowledge (Religion: Untrained): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 *sigh* I wish I put a rank into this skill now...

Alexa starts gathering up the stray potion, scroll, money and strange symbol. "Odd... if these are Iomedaean crusaders, where are their swords?"

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Filidh) 7|HP: 88/88|AC: 15/10/15|Saves: +3 Fort, +5 Ref, +5 Will|Init: +0|Perc: +12

I think you beat the DC to identify the unholy symbol, Alexa.

Hero Points: 0|Myth Power: 5/7|DR: 2/Evil|Female Aasimar (Emberkin) Rogue (Unchained) 7/Tier 2 Trickster|HP: 44/60|AC: 16/12/14|Saves: +4 Fort, +7 Ref, +5 Will (+7 vs. charm/compulsion)|Init: +5|Perc: +11

Yes, but if I don't have a rank in Knowledge (Religion), I can't make checks higher than DC 10.

Unless the GM allows otherwise, that is.

Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 5 | Loot
AC: 16/10/16, HP 31/40; Init 0

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Aberus glanced down at the bodies after hearing Alexa's question. "That is strange. I spent my youth in Iomedae's church, and my late father trained as a crusader. Nearly everyone carried a longsword. One man without one is out of the ordinary, though not unheard of. But two? Together?" He bent down to get a closer look at the brass bull's head. "Not to mention, you would not expect them to be carrying a symbol of a demon lord, unless they were on their way to melting it down."

He gestured at it and said, succinctly, "Baphomet."

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

Baphomet? Destroy the symbols of the demon lord. says the elf a tone of worry in her voice.

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Filidh) 7|HP: 88/88|AC: 15/10/15|Saves: +3 Fort, +5 Ref, +5 Will|Init: +0|Perc: +12

Arloric spits and makes the sign of the sun with one hand while making the sign of the sword with the other.

"Brothers to the Beast...but walking along men."

Suddenly he gets a shocked expression on his face.

"Could these two be the "them" that dwarf was raving about? Maybe he was fleeing his pursuers and they all wound up running into the spore-cougher's territory..."

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

which items radiated magic?

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