Have they ever covered what the lesser deities get for inquisitions, or am I on my own. Specifically, obviously, for evil deities, harbingers, etc.
Are you talking about which domain/subdomain an inquisitor can select, or actual inquisitions?
For the former, there are several books that have been released that deal with lesser deities, empyreal lords, and the like. A good place to look is: Religion Portal on PathfinderWiki
For the latter, the most that the rules say is "new, specialized domain-like class features for inquisitors that grant abilities appropriate to their deity’s portfolio."
Nowhere (that I'm aware of) is there a list of deity-to-inquisitions associations in the same way that domains/subdomains are listed for deities. I think that whatever inquisition you pick is up to you and your GM.
Actually, there is such a list, for the main twenty deities on page 42 of Ultimate Magic. What I'm curious about, is If a similar list exists somewhere for all the other gods, entities, what have you. :-)
Otherwise, I'm more then happy with figuring it out on my own. :-)
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No such list. Occasionally, new inquisitions will list non-core deities (such as the Seduction inquisition for Arshea), but otherwise, nothing.
Go for it. ^_^
Cool, thanks! That's what I thought, but I don't have Inner Sea Gods, or the newer one that's smaller, so wasn't sure. :-)
It should be pretty easy to figure out. :-)
Inner Sea Gods does not list any inquisitions, just checked.
Excellent, I'll go crazy then! :-)
Heresy inquisition for everyone!
Except Irori and Cayden, they're too cool to have heretics. :-D
This seduction inquisition, does one of it's associated deities happen to be Green Mother. And if yes, where can I find it. :-)
I do not have the book on hand, but it is from Inner Sea Intrigue.
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captain yesterday wrote: This seduction inquisition, does one of it's associated deities happen to be Green Mother. And if yes, where can I find it. :-) She is not, but that's probably a factor of space. Feel free to allow it. ^_^
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