First time GenCon - GM material question

GM Discussion

Sovereign Court

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Alright, so I'm hitting my first GenCon this year, and am GMing for a few different scenarios. I just want to check so I can get everything needed, what is provided by the GM? I assume everything, but I don't want to by flip maps and then find they either would be provided or that there would be generic grids I could draw the maps on, etc. Minis or pawns I assume I provide, etc.

I couldn't find the exact information anywhere, but I want to make sure I bring everything needed, without buying something that's going to be provided anyways.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Everything you need/want for the scenarios you run. However, (at least in the past) there have been pregens available, and kits (maps/pawns) for the Evergreens if you are reassigned to run one.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Chronicle sheets are provided as are session sheets for recording who's playing. A bottle of water is also brought around during the slot for the GMs.

Sovereign Court

So if I don't buy all the needes flip maps (for I think 3 scenarios, that'd get expensive), I should bring a blank grid then? Haven't looked to see what maps are used in mine, but my luck not a single flip map will be used in multiple scenarios lol

The Exchange 5/5

Andrew L Klein wrote:
So if I don't buy all the needes flip maps (for I think 3 scenarios, that'd get expensive), I should bring a blank grid then? Haven't looked to see what maps are used in mine, but my luck not a single flip map will be used in multiple scenarios lol

You'll need to make sure you have all the maps you'll need either hand drawn or flip-map/map-pack format. Don't plan on being able to get into the vendor hall on Thursday to pick up what you don't have; that's generally the worst day lol and the Paizo booth will be uber busy.

Silver Crusade 2/5

At home (not quite the same, I know), we often use gaming paper ( If you are into drawing your own maps, and with Gen Con many weeks off, it is feasible to order some and pre-draw your maps, then fold them flat for easy portability. Cheaper than flip mats, but not usable as many times.

Game on!

Andrew L Klein wrote:

Alright, so I'm hitting my first GenCon this year, and am GMing for a few different scenarios. I just want to check so I can get everything needed, what is provided by the GM? I assume everything, but I don't want to by flip maps and then find they either would be provided or that there would be generic grids I could draw the maps on, etc. Minis or pawns I assume I provide, etc.

I couldn't find the exact information anywhere, but I want to make sure I bring everything needed, without buying something that's going to be provided anyways.

You should be asking your convention coordinator contact, or whoever recruited you to GM. About the only thing I've ever gotten was that someone would buy the PDF for me.

I've had to download it, print it out, take care of everything else myself, including maps.

Unless you're told otherwise, it's probably going to be all on you.

Sovereign Court

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Makes me wish my GNL mats from Kickstarter had arrived already. Those things are going to be a godsend for mapless con GMs

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

I have sadly (okay not really) been assigned 8-1 to run. Does anyone know how far out those are released?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Andrew: I strongly recommend picking up a roll or two of gaming paper like gamerdork recommends. Having maps predrawn is very important, there is just not enough time at the table to draw maps and still be able to run your table in the allotted slot.

Shannon: Leadership is going to try and get scenarios out as early as they can, but there are no guarantees as to when they will be able to get scenarios out. Best case scenario is that you'll have a couple of weeks to prep. Worst case scenario is that the scenarios will be out the weekend before Gencon. My advice is to have everything else (if you are assigned anything else) prepped as soon as you can that way when the Season Eights drop.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Note that if you are GMing scenarios that are coming out at Gencon - usually GMs work to prepare the statblocks/other materials in advance and post them on PFSprep. It's worth checking there around Sundayish to see if anything there is useful.

(I know I'll be most likely prepping all the statblocks for 8-00 again like I did for 7-00.)

Sovereign Court

Mitch Mutrux wrote:
Shannon: Leadership is going to try and get scenarios out as early as they can, but there are no guarantees as to when they will be able to get scenarios out. Best case scenario is that you'll have a couple of weeks to prep. Worst case scenario is that the scenarios will be out the weekend before Gencon. My advice is to have everything else (if you are assigned anything else) prepped as soon as you can that way when the Season Eights drop.

With that in mind, is there a way I can find a list of flipmats and minis I need for a certain scenario? I own two of the scenarios I'm running, but I don't own Sun Orchid Scheme. I'll buy if I need to to make sure I have what I need, but obviously I'd prefer to keep my already large GenCon budget to a minimum.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

I received an email from Tonya telling me she is working to get the GenCon published scenarios out by the weekend.

I mention this because I too am running Sun Orchid Scheme.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Mitch Mutrux wrote:
Shannon: Leadership is going to try and get scenarios out as early as they can, but there are no guarantees as to when they will be able to get scenarios out. Best case scenario is that you'll have a couple of weeks to prep. Worst case scenario is that the scenarios will be out the weekend before Gencon. My advice is to have everything else (if you are assigned anything else) prepped as soon as you can that way when the Season Eights drop.
With that in mind, is there a way I can find a list of flipmats and minis I need for a certain scenario? I own two of the scenarios I'm running, but I don't own Sun Orchid Scheme. I'll buy if I need to to make sure I have what I need, but obviously I'd prefer to keep my already large GenCon budget to a minimum.

The Society Blog has got your back with a List of flip-mats and map packs needed for the Sun Orchid Scheme

For minis... Not as easy. Some GM prep files might include a list, but not all.

4/5 ****

Andrew L Klein wrote:

With that in mind, is there a way I can find a list of flipmats and minis I need for a certain scenario? I own two of the scenarios I'm running, but I don't own Sun Orchid Scheme. I'll buy if I need to to make sure I have what I need, but obviously I'd prefer to keep my already large GenCon budget to a minimum.

This has a list of maps by scenario (or the other tab for scenarios by map)

Sun Orchid Maps:
"Flip Mat: Desert Ruins
Flip Mat: Prison"

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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Pathfinder Society HQ supplies -

    Session Sheets
    Evergreen Scenario Kits
    Quest Kits
    Marshal Aprons

HQ also has a selection of office supplies to use as backups. We keep one printed scenario on hand in case of questions/rules clarifications.

GM supplies -

    Scenario (need backup if running from electronics. Power source IS NOT guaranteed.)
    Resource Materials

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

Thanks Tonya! And of course our evergreens which are prepped and ready to go. :):):)

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