Lord Wimpy |

Pathfinder is designed for an epic, high fantasy feel. I've been itching to play a low fantasy game and the 9th level casters do not fit in the world. Fortunately, they have 6th-level versions already. A Cleric character would take levels in Warpriest, Druid in Hunter, Wizard in Magus/Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue. This covers the major spell lists, but leaves the commonly used magic-blooded sorcerer trope with nothing but the spontaneous casting Magus archetype.
In making the Sorcerer a 6th-level casting class I've come up with the following:
3/4 BaB progression, d8 hp, 4+INT skills per level, good Will save
Spells known are equal to Bard spells known for each level
Bloodline feats are gained at 2,6,10,14,18
Bloodline bonus spells are gained at 3,5,8,11,14,17
I have yet to read through all the Bloodline powers to see if they need changing; for example in this system, the earliest access to the spell Fly is 10th level.
Notably, the class is missing a mechanic to increase it's chance to hit in combat. It's role is not to be a gish (the aforementioned magus archetype covers that) but a few more bonus feats may not be enough. Should I invent a mechanic before playtesting, or leave it be and make learning a few buff spells more or less mandatory? Perhaps with the d8 chassis, melee oriented bloodlines may see their intended use.

Mortuum |

This is far weaker than a normal sorcerer. I wouldn't play it given the other options, since it doesn't really have a job to do, particularly if Bloodragers exist.
Consider starting with something else, like the Eldritch scoundrel did. You could also make some very simple archetypes that swap existing options to sorcerer casting.

Texas Snyper |

This is far weaker than a normal sorcerer. I wouldn't play it given the other options, since it doesn't really have a job to do, particularly if Bloodragers exist.
Consider starting with something else, like the Eldritch scoundrel did. You could also make some very simple archetypes that swap existing options to sorcerer casting.
His point is that the base sorcerer wouldn't exist at all. There would be no 9th level casters in his world.
@Lord Wimpy: I would also give them all the class skills needed to be the party face. Also look at giving them some new/different class features. Warpriest, hunter and magus all have things unique to them compared to their 9th caster counterpart.

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Mortuum wrote:This is far weaker than a normal sorcerer. I wouldn't play it given the other options, since it doesn't really have a job to do, particularly if Bloodragers exist.
Consider starting with something else, like the Eldritch scoundrel did. You could also make some very simple archetypes that swap existing options to sorcerer casting.
His point is that the base sorcerer wouldn't exist at all. There would be no 9th level casters in his world.
@Lord Wimpy: I would also give them all the class skills needed to be the party face. Also look at giving them some new/different class features. Warpriest, hunter and magus all have things unique to them compared to their 9th caster counterpart.
If ythe game is kept to low character levels, 9th level spells are a non-issue. If you don't like full casters in your campaign, just ban them. there are plenty of mid and low caster options available to substitue.

Mortuum |

No, I get that the normal sorcerer wouldn't exist, but if this modified sorcerer is going to keep up with the classes that still are allowed, he needs something better.
As it is, he gains some pretty good stuff that he can't make efficient use of. If he had attacking-focused class features and decent proficiencies, that 3/4 BAB would be a real advantage. As it is, he doesn't get much in the way of extra damage or accuracy, so he chooses each round between inferior sorcery or inferior fighting. Meanwhile the Magus can do both on the same turn, the Bard is boosting not only his own accuracy and damage but everybody else's too, and the alchemist is outperforming the mini-sorcerer at either job by throwing bombs or using drinking mutagen before he even touches his extract slots.

Das Bier |

Magus doesn't have access to the full Wizard spell list. The sorcerer WOULD have that access.
That will give them an edge right there, as the character with the most powerful spell list in the game. Only if you are of the blood can you use ALL MAGIC...
I would simply cook the Human Extra Spells Known option right into the class, making it the best/most knowledgeable of all the spontaneous casters.
I'd also move bloodline spells down TWO levels...put in a +0 Spells Known/1 spell slot castable BEFORE their normal spell known, which they can increase with metamagic spells or use to cast their bloodline spell at the same level a prepared caster gets it. They can get bonus slots via Cha if they like.
Ergo, they'd get bloodline spells at 1, 3. 6. 9. 12 and 15...every 3 levels. For at least one level, it would be their only high level spell...which makes more sense then learning it AFTER they learn other high level spells.
Broad spell access and spell list, bloodline powers, and bloodline spells early should make for a versatile and strong sorcerer.
As a bonus, consider giving them a 'spell pool' they can cast from if they get higher then a 22 charisma for bonus spell slots. So, a 24 Charisma would get them a 7 spell point pool, and another 1st level slot, 26 would be +8 pool points and another 2nd level slot, etc.
If you REALLY want them unique, consider giving them access to both wizard and Witch lists. That way, sorcs are the true masters of magic in the game.

Dragon78 |

I would do the following.
-d8 HD
-3/4 BA
-Fort and will are good saves.
-4+Int skill points.
-Spells/spells known as a bard.
-Weapon Prof. with simple and martial weapons.
-Armor prof. with light armor, no shields, can cast spells in light armor.
-Add more class spells(diplomacy, perform).
-Add more class skills gained from bloodline(varies).
-Same bloodline powers at same level.
-Bloodline spells at 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, and 17th.
-Bloodline feats at 1st(eschew materials), 6th, 12th, and 18th.
-Bloodline legacies at 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th.
Bloodline legacy would be a selection of abilities any sorcerer can take to flesh out there character. It would stuff like extra bloodline feat, familiar, energy resistance, skill bonuses, DR, SR, natural attacks, stat boost(except cha), wings, darkvision, low-light vision, natural armor bonus, animal companion, swim speed, climb speed, burrow speed, speed boost, spell like ability, extra spell known, bloodrage power, extra use bloodline power, improved breath weapon, etc.
-At 4th level you would get blood resistance wich is a +2(+4 at level 9) bonus to saves vs the spells, spell powers, supernatural abilities, and extraordinary abilities of creature type/subtype(or class) that is related to your bloodline's origin.

![]() |

Pathfinder is designed for an epic, high fantasy feel. I've been itching to play a low fantasy game and the 9th level casters do not fit in the world. Fortunately, they have 6th-level versions already. A Cleric character would take levels in Warpriest, Druid in Hunter, Wizard in Magus/Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue. This covers the major spell lists, but leaves the commonly used magic-blooded sorcerer trope with nothing but the spontaneous casting Magus archetype.
In making the Sorcerer a 6th-level casting class I've come up with the following:
3/4 BaB progression, d8 hp, 4+INT skills per level, good Will save
Spells known are equal to Bard spells known for each level
Bloodline feats are gained at 2,6,10,14,18
Bloodline bonus spells are gained at 3,5,8,11,14,17I have yet to read through all the Bloodline powers to see if they need changing; for example in this system, the earliest access to the spell Fly is 10th level.
Notably, the class is missing a mechanic to increase it's chance to hit in combat. It's role is not to be a gish (the aforementioned magus archetype covers that) but a few more bonus feats may not be enough. Should I invent a mechanic before playtesting, or leave it be and make learning a few buff spells more or less mandatory? Perhaps with the d8 chassis, melee oriented bloodlines may see their intended use.
Just use a warlock.

DWSage007 |

Honestly, if you want to give it a notable thing that belongs to only it...let it keep the same amount of spell slots, or at least get spell slots above 6th level.
I am NOT saying to give them spells *known* above 6th level, but instead to give them slots as metamagic fuel-this can be an ongoing thing from the moment you hit 6th level even, having spell slots above your current maximum to use for metamagic.
This gives a 6-level Sorcerer a role-they're more magical than everyone else (They're the Energizer Bunny of spell slots, compared to a Bard or Magus) and able to pump more power into those spells than anyone else can. Though it might help to limit access to metamagic rods, to help the Sorcerer feel special.