Improved Snap Shot + Blades Above and Below

Rules Questions

With Snap Shot and Improved Snap Shot, I am considered to be threatening 10ft around me. With Blades Above and Below, if another ally threatens the same creature as I do, we're "both considered to be flanking the enemy, regardless of (our) actual positioning".

Does this mean that my ranged attack also gets flanking bonuses, such as Sneak Attack and the like?

By raw, yes.

Just remember the size category difference you and your ally with this feat must have for it to work. As well as the size restrictions of your opponent.

Yea but damn, there was a RAW way to ranged flank and nobody talked about it for over two years? O_O

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You are flanking the opponont, however any ranged attack you make will not have the +2 to attack (or any sneak attack for flanking) because of the wording of the flanking rules.

When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.

They get the bonus from you threatening them, however you get nothing for not making a melee attack

Grand Lodge

theevilmonk wrote:

You are flanking the opponont, however any ranged attack you make will not have the +2 to attack (or any sneak attack for flanking) because of the wording of the flanking rules.

When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.

They get the bonus from you threatening them, however you get nothing for not making a melee attack

I must disagree with TheEvilMonk. The feat's specific rules on flanking outweigh the general rules on flanking.

Benefit(s): When you and your ally who also has this feat threaten the same enemy, you’re both considered to be flanking that enemy, regardless of your actual positioning. To gain this benefit, you and your ally must be of different size categories, and your target must be the same size category as either you or your ally.

If you're flanking you get a +2 to your attack rolls and can sneak attack. Now of course this feat only works if the enemy is one of two particular sizes and the ally must be a different size so this is clearly not a "I can always flank" situation.


Gang Up: Does this feat (page 161) allow you to flank a foe with ranged weapons?

The Gang Up feat allows you to count as flanking so long as two of your allies are threatening your opponent. The feat makes no mention of ranged attacks being included, and since flanking specifically refers to melee attacks, ranged attacks do not benefit from this feat. (JMB, 8/13/10)

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