
Smitty.The.Smith's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

In the Armor Master's Handbook there's a feat called Advanced Armor Training. It has many options and one of those options (Adaptable Training) is to gain your Base Attack Bonus in Skill Ranks. The selection of skills is limited to the following list: Acrobatics, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (engineering), Profession (soldier), Ride, or Swim.

You can find more information at:

Grand Lodge

Delay poison seems to be the best way to handle Cloudkill short of poison immunity.

Grand Lodge

So I'm starting this hunter with bonded mind. Now PFS rules as per Achive of Nethys states:
"A PC cannot benefit from the Bonded Mind feat or any teamwork feats that use it as a prerequisite unless he permanently possesses the feat..."

**This brings us to my question: Is the animal companion considered a PC?

Yes: AC is a PC so Bonded Mind cannot be shared between a hunter and his AC.

No: AC is an NPC so Bonded Mind can be shared between a hunter and his AC.

Grand Lodge

Thankyou, I'm going to use this to make the arguement to my DM that I can grapple with my elbows. :)
Unarmed Strike: "A brawler may attack with fists, elbows, knees, and feet."

Grand Lodge

I have a brawler who has Snake Style, Hamatula Strike & pre-reqs. Can he attack with his fists using Snake Style to do piercing damage and then get a free grapple check via Hamatula Strike?

Grand Lodge

What if you also have Improved Grapple? Do the two +4s stack?

Grand Lodge

Mystic Lemur wrote:
Neocrates2K wrote:
there are too many parties where people do things like take 20 on perception for every single square they walk in.
I know this is off topic, but this isn't a thing anymore. Perception isn't limited to a certain volume of squares. You roll perception (or take 10, or take 20) and the GM tells you what you see/find modified by distance.

My DM has me checking for traps in a 10' radius. Where is the RAW about that? I want range modifiers but my DM is unaware.

Grand Lodge

Sah wrote:

Okay, so I see where you're coming from, but I don't think it's RAI.

The biggest problem I see with this is what happens when you take another weapon focus? If martial flexibility applies to any weapon focus you have rather than one specific one, do you suddenly gain the ability to apply that weapon focus to everything in that weapon group?

Yes, After 10 minutes of practice.

Grand Lodge

Charnath wrote:
Dual wield a whip and a fist. Make an unarmed trip and RAW throw him anywhere within 15'?

Actually, he could only throw the guy anywhere within 10' since he only threatens 10'.

Ki Throw:

Benefit: On a successful unarmed trip attack against a target your size or smaller, you may throw the target prone in any square you threaten rather than its own square. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you cannot throw the creature into a space occupied by other creatures. (Emphasis mine)

Grand Lodge

Any Coup de Grace build should have Throat Slicer:

Benefit(s): When using a one-handed, light, or natural weapon, you can deliver a coup de grace to an unconscious, bound, or pinned target (though not other kinds of helpless targets) as a standard action.

This reduces the time to kill for a Coup de Grace and also adds some condition that will work: Pinned, bound.

There are also combos that get you a full round action in the surprise round. Lookout teamwork feat with a familiar or animal companion.

Can't see a Coup de Grace before the end of the surprise round tho.

Grand Lodge

I'm in a PFS game and my Wolf has an INT of 3 and Combat Reflexes, Dirty Fighting*, Improved Trip, and Barroom Brawler.

Once the AC has INT of 3 he/she can take lots of different feats. My Wolf at level 8 frustrates my DM and trips a lot, esp. when flanking due to Dirty Fighting *(which is not Dirty Trick).

Grand Lodge

Gohaken wrote:

Animating dead on thread:

What about a Danbong eastern weapon? Held in hands, adds +2 to grapple checks explicitly, but does not say you're using the weapon to initiate the grapple, rather its an aid.

So what if it was masterwork?

Or if you have weapon focus (specialization, etc) Danbong, and you have it equipped while initiating a grapple? While maintaining one?


I'd say yes to your Masterwork Dan Bong question and WF, after all the primary purpose of the Dan Bong is to grapple. I'm not sure as to Initiate vs Maintain as far as RAI or IRL but RAW seems to be a straight +2 to grapple.

Grand Lodge

I for one look forward to using my Dan Bong as a piercing weapon with Snake Style and my Master of Many Styles. I'm not sure how that would work or if that's why Ascetic Style is not available in PFS but it sounds like a fun combo with Hamatula Strike.

I think the problem is there are so many feats that use IUS as a pre-req that there are some broken combos out there.

Grand Lodge

Davick wrote:
Remember to take -4 for not having free hands.

Sorry for the necro, but I don't think there is an additional -4 for not having free hands I think the -4 mentioned in Hamatula Strike is that -4. This is of course speculation. IMHO the RAW is not clear.

Grand Lodge

Java Man wrote:

Well, this discussion largely predates the current revison of ACG, if you read the text on Pummeling style you would see this "This ability works only with unarmed strikes, no matter what other abilities you might possess."

So RAW is clear.

Okay, now that is a sufficient amount of RAW, however You forgot the link I requested, so here we are:

Pummeling Style.

Grand Lodge

Sah wrote:

Tldr: Weapon focus is several feats effectively.
I agree with that last bit, "Weapon focus is several feats effectively" but I'm not sure you know the difference between effectively, an actually. You see AWM only speaks of one Weapon Focus feat. In fact it is not the feat that changes
I wrote:
The benefits of this bonus Weapon Focus feat last until you choose to practice and apply it to a different racial weapon.

So you see it is the benefit and not the feat that is being applied to a different weapon. In the shell game the pea moves around and around but there is still only one pea. I see the RAI that you put forward but the text does not say "This bonus Weapon Focus feat lasts until you choose to practice and replace it with a weapon focus feat for a different racial weapon" instead it says "The benefits of this bonus Weapon Focus feat last until..." It's not replacing the feat it is merely adjusting the target of the feat, which is the same thing Martial Flexiblity does. You might as well argue that when Martial Flexibility allows me to "use that feat with any weapon within the same weapon group" that it ceases to function because the other weapons in the weapon group are not Elven.

Grand Lodge

Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:

Since it says 'one combat feat', and it has to apply to a specific weapon (singular), I think you need to choose one of the Weapon Focus' you possess and have Martial Versatility apply only to that Weapon Focus. You technically have Weapon Focus in all your weapon familiarity weapons (since you can switch into them), but Martial Versatility only applies to one of those. And Martial Versatility doesn't change with Ancestral Weapon Mastery. You just lose access to Martial Versatility.

Sorry to burst your bubble like that :(

I'm confused as to why it doesn't work properly. Weapon Focus, which is mentioned in the RAW of Martial Flexibility is one feat, not several feats as you suggest. It is both technically and actually one feat. I don't see why it can't be altered by more than one feat. The target of Martial Versatility isn't changing, the target of Weapon Focus is. I've heard tell in other forums that Martial Flexibility doesn't work with many feats, but surely it always works with Weapon Focus since it's clearly RAW.

Grand Lodge

What about a feat where you can re-pick the chosen weapon? (Ancestral Weapon Mastery)

Grand Lodge

Don't forget Monk. So, am I hearing that there is no RAW involved here or am I hearing that we can't find the links? I hear a lot of opinions here, but not a lot of RAW.

Grand Lodge

I only get one Weapon Focus feat. So let's say it's Weapon Focus Elven Branched Spear. Now, if I understand Weapon Groups Elven Branched Spear is a Spear, a Heavy Blade, and a Monk Weapon. So with Martial Versatility does Weapon Focus now apply to the Bo Staff, the Longspear, the Bastard Sword or what? Is there RAW as to what I do with this?

Grand Lodge

I'm working on a half-elven Fighter. He's going to start with Ancestral Weapon Mastery to get a floating Weapon Focus. I've already cleared this somewhat wonky wording of Ancestral Weapon Mastery with the DM; I.E. I will get Weapon Focus. How does this feat interact with Martial Versatility?

Martial Versatility:
You broaden your study of weapons to encompass multiple similar weapons.

Prerequisites: Fighter level 4th, human.

Benefit: Choose one combat feat you know that applies to a specific weapon (e.g., Weapon Focus). You can use that feat with any weapon within the same weapon group.

Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time it applies to a different feat.

Ancestral Weapon Mastery:
Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +1, weapon familiarity racial trait.

Benefit(s): You’re proficient with all of your race’s racial weapons (the weapons mentioned in your race’s weapon familiarity racial trait). If you’re already proficient with any of those weapons, you instead gain Weapon Focus for one of those weapons as a bonus feat. Furthermore, if you gain Weapon Focus as a bonus feat with one of your racial weapons as a result of this feat, you can change which racial weapon your bonus Weapon Focus feat applies to by engaging in 10 minutes of practice with the new weapon.

The benefits of this bonus Weapon Focus feat last until you choose to practice and apply it to a different racial weapon.

Elven Weapon Familiarity:
Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Grand Lodge

So your saying "whenever I damage an opponent with a piercing weapon, I can immediately make a grapple check unless I'm already grappled" Am I interpreting you correctly? This sounds like errata.

It seems to me like it gives a grapple check on a successful attack with a piercing weapon and adds a new option to be used with that grapple check. I don't see any wording that states I can't use my grapple check for normal grapple check purposes, only that I have a new option.

Grand Lodge

I admit I don't have a strong argument here, but is there a RAW definition of "one type of weapon"?

Grand Lodge

Diego Rossi wrote:
If you lose a prerequisite a feat stop working until you regain it.

It doesn't say what types I'm limited to except that it must have Weapon Focus so I'll set it to "the one that has Weapon Focus from Ancestral Weapon Mastery". It'll always have the pre-req, it's just the meaning of the pre-req will change.

Grand Lodge

If I have enough pre-reqs I can get weapon focus on an Elven weapon with Ancestral Weapon Mastery. Can I then use that as a pre-req for weapon focus? What happen when I choose a different Weapon Focus with AWM?

Feat text below:
Ancestral Weapon Mastery

Benefit(s): You’re proficient with all of your race’s racial weapons (the weapons mentioned in your race’s weapon familiarity racial trait). If you’re already proficient with any of those weapons, you instead gain Weapon Focus for one of those weapons as a bonus feat. Furthermore, if you gain Weapon Focus as a bonus feat with one of your racial weapons as a result of this feat, you can change which racial weapon your bonus Weapon Focus feat applies to by engaging in 10 minutes of practice with the new weapon.

The benefits of this bonus Weapon Focus feat last until you choose to practice and apply it to a different racial weapon.

Greater Weapon Focus:
Choose one type of weapon (including unarmed strike or grapple) for which you have already selected Weapon Focus. You are a master at your chosen weapon.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1, 8th-level fighter.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on attack rolls, including those from Weapon Focus.

Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Focus multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Grand Lodge

Ok, so this is the situation a fighter with Greater Grapple and Hamatula Strike. He is adjacent to his foe, and spends a move action to grapple (see greater grapple). Next he decides to stab his foe with a dagger as a standard action (grapple check). Now here's where it gets weird:
Hamatula Strike says: Whenever you damage an opponent with a piercing weapon, you can immediately make a grapple check; success means the opponent is impaled on your weapon and you both gain the grappled condition. While the opponent is impaled, as an attack action you may make a grapple check on your turn at a -4 penalty to damage the opponent with your weapon, even if your weapon cannot normally be used in a grapple.

So the fighter makes the grapple check (2nd time this round) Is he limited to the Hamatula Strike description or can he continue with normal grapple rules; Can he do both?

Grand Lodge

#1 Is it an Orcish weapon?
#2 If not, why not? It is very Orcish and all Toothy Orcs are proficient.

I'm saying this because I want Ancestral Weapon Mastery to apply to the bite attack. Seems reasonable doesn't it?

Grand Lodge

theevilmonk wrote:

You are flanking the opponont, however any ranged attack you make will not have the +2 to attack (or any sneak attack for flanking) because of the wording of the flanking rules.

When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.

They get the bonus from you threatening them, however you get nothing for not making a melee attack

I must disagree with TheEvilMonk. The feat's specific rules on flanking outweigh the general rules on flanking.

Benefit(s): When you and your ally who also has this feat threaten the same enemy, you’re both considered to be flanking that enemy, regardless of your actual positioning. To gain this benefit, you and your ally must be of different size categories, and your target must be the same size category as either you or your ally.

If you're flanking you get a +2 to your attack rolls and can sneak attack. Now of course this feat only works if the enemy is one of two particular sizes and the ally must be a different size so this is clearly not a "I can always flank" situation.

Grand Lodge

poundpuppy30 wrote:
lol What if the archer used his bow as a melee weapon then would he get flanking? Sorry couldn't resist.

Yes. This would be a good time to use the Bowstaff spell btw.

Also if you have an Animal companion and Combat Expertise and snap shot you can get Pack Flanking which allows, RAW, flanking with a ranged weapon. You would need to be threatening, which is enabled by Snap Shot, and you'd also need to be next to your animal companion (or mounted on) and then you'd have flanking.

Pack Flanking
Benefit: When you and your companion creature have this feat, your companion creature is adjacent to you or sharing your square, and you both threaten the same opponent, you are both considered to be flanking that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.

Grand Lodge

So, do I need to wait or react to something before I use the standard action to charge? It seems that I can, in effect, move into position and charge with the Rhino Charge feat but my friends are telling me I must wait for something to happen or it's not a "condition". There doesn't seem to be RAW as to what kind of conditions are valid.

Grand Lodge

avr wrote:
Though if you want to turn during a charge there are ways of doing exactly that, e.g. equipment trick (boots) + combat reflexes.

As it happens the 8th level character in question is actually an animal companion (Wolf) or I'd probably use the equipment trick.

Grand Lodge

Lets say I have an 8th level Warrior with the Rhino Charge feat. Can this warrior move into a good charging position and then ready a charge to be used "now" so, in effect, he does a zig-zag charge? If not, why not?

Rhino Charge
Benefit: You may ready a charge, though you may only move up to your speed on the charge.

Normal: Charging is a full-round action and allows you to move twice your speed.

Grand Lodge

An exception would be a mount with Leaping Evasion, which would IMHO share it's reflex save if successful.

Leaping Evasion: "Benefit: When you succeed at a Reflex save against a spell or effect that affects an area, as an immediate action you can attempt an Acrobatics check to jump out of the effect’s area."

Grand Lodge

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blackbloodtroll wrote:

Adamantine arrows are non-magical.

They work just fine.

The limit is, that it does not work on magical/enchanted ammunition.

That is it.

I don't know what you guys are talking about.

"When cast on a container such as a quiver or a pouch that contains nonmagical ammunition or shuriken (including masterwork ammunition or shuriken, but not special materials, alchemical attributes, or nonmagical treatments on the ammunition) at the start of each round this spell replaces any ammunition taken from the container the round before. The ammunition taken from the container the round before vanishes. If, after casting this spell, you cast a spell that enhances projectiles, such as align weapon or greater magic weapon, on the same container, all projectiles this spell conjures are affected by that spell."

Sorry dude. I would love the spell if it worked like that, but no.

Grand Lodge

Gilarius wrote:
fretgod99 wrote:
How would you know they were trembling ...
Instead of using Scent, use the monster version: Scent of Fear. This allows you to both detect which square (30 ft range) and if anyone is shaken or frightened.

Saddly gotta be evil (for some reason) for Scent of Fear.