Origins PACG

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Anyone have any info regarding PACG at Origins2016?
At the event site with ticket in hand now 50 minutes after alleged start time and no one here has any idea. Very sad .

Grand Lodge

I'd swear there was a blog about getting moved or some such. I'll go search.

Grand Lodge

Ok, so, originally, you were supposed to be in the Franklin rooms, but someone on the General forums commented thusly on the Paizo Blog:

GinoA wrote:
Small point, it seems we'll be in the Delaware Hall right next door to the Franklin. Something about construction.

Currently in Delaware and absolutely no action .

Playing pathfinder adventures on iPad but I could do that at home.

Blog wrote:
Organized Play Coordinator Tonya Woldridge will be on the scene, helping Venture-Captain Mike McNerney run many, many tables of Pathfinder Society. The Roleplaying Guild offerings will be packing the Franklin rooms at the Hyatt end of the convention center as usual, and Adventure Card Guild play will be moving from the demo hall to the area right at the end of the breezeway near the Franklin rooms. Tonya hopes to have some iconic Pathfinder character art there to guide your way, but if you head for Franklin you'll be hard-pressed to miss the ACG area.

That was the blog post. A comment mentioned it was moved to Delaware.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Specifically the ACG is outside the Delaware room - its right across from the main enterance doors into the RPG room. We'll be starting back up at 10am today.

Did you ever find the group, Doc?
I didn't get into town until Wed at 5pm, though I vaguely recall seeing people there when we went to get our badges and such.

Whereas Thursday morning at 10 was my first slot playing any ACG.

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