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Well, waiting for my connecting flight to get home after my adventure.
On the flight out, managed to start working on the source material for cartmanbeck and my next adventure. Looking forward to that one after the success this weekend.
Just have to say that I had a great time at PaizoCon. It was my first but definitely won't be my last. I knew a few people that were heading to Seattle like Eliandra and Randy. I also knew that zeroeth_hour was going to be there since he's local. But it wouldn't have mattered since I've met Vic, Tanis, Mike, Erik and many others over the past couple of years at GenCon. But this time I got to meet Katina, Sharaya, Diego and Sara Marie. I apologized to Chris Lambertz for (me) being a P.I.T.A. And the great part is everyone is so down-to-earth and approachable. (When you have dedicated people as your customer service and community support, it makes you WANT to interact with these people. And support this company and their products.) It makes it feel like a family.
I got to Seattle before noon on Thursday. Had a beer and fish tacos after having been up since around 2:15am Eastern. A couple naps on the plane out and I was still doing well. I knew I was at a con because the table nearby had a group running a Pathfinder session. (At GenCon, it's usually a board game. When in Seatlle …) After that, I reorganized my backpack and got my butt down to the ballroom to unpack cartmanbeck's and my We Be Goblins! boxes for Friday's session. Sadly, I found that my Broken Token insert did not travel well and all my cards were mixed. So I spent the next couple of hours resorting the set. Nothing damaged but it was annoying. I also spent some time finishing the PDF for the We Be Goblins! adventure.
The first night was the venture captain dinner which I was able to attend in the stead of my VC, Bobby Harring. I definitely appreciate that. This being my first PaizoCon, I wanted to get the full experience. After our tasting meal, we were able to sit with others and play the Mummy's Mask demo that will premiere at GenCon, officially. But we got to see [blank] and [blank] with its cool new artwork. We also got to see how the [blank] mechanic works. Not everything is finished … both card text and art. But it will be. I'm hoping they put in more [blanks] in the demo, though. It was great when Crystal (Frazier) played Estra in an old lady's voice!
Next morning, I got up and wandered around waiting for my Welcome to PaizoCon seminar. Did more work on the WBG flavor text since my body decided that 3am was time to get up. (6am my time) Got my stuff done then more sleep. Prepped some more. Visited the Paizo store they set up to pick up some of the really cool faction pins they showed us the night before. (They do look fantastic!) Went to my seminar and got welcomed. Then off to get my table set up. Tanis and I were running three sessions of We Be Goblins! And it was a blast. I'm not sure what Tanis has up her sleeves for the Season of the Goblin or what's in the Goblin Fight! and Burn! class decks but what cartmanbeck and I came up with was well enjoyed. Poog was a big hit. (Our characters are public on DriveThruCards: Reta, Poog, Chuffy, Mogmurch and Tup. We used a modified Rise of the Runelords base set with several specialized cards replacing some of the set's cards. Some public, some private. The adventure itself is private since it contains Paizo's IP. Sorry, you can't print and play it at home. We wish you could.)
First WBG was a hit. The players got into the Goblin characters and Goblin mindset. It was great. I'm starting to understand what some developers feel when they see a table full of players not only play their content but get into the characters and have fun doing it. I had a blast getting them to hunt down those Longshanks. Not deaths the entire weekend in my sessions but a couple failures occurred. (Too many 1's rolled.) We played four scenarios in five hours. I got lots of pics that I'll link once I get home and get some sleep. Everyone enjoyed the material. No unhappy customers. Even got some good feedback that we used to change the adventure.
The reward was amazing, as promised by Tanis. (NOTE: If you didn't receive a reward in the first session, please be patient. I did give everyone's name to Tanis. If you don't hear back in a week or so, contact her to get the reward.)
I want to thank Tanis and Tonya for allowing us to run the event as an official special at PaizoCon. While it might be our handiwork, it is proprietary content and being able to present it in this forum and have it accepted by Tanis and the players was a big thrill. And while I am at it, thanks to Preston, Eliandra, Breanna (sp?), Micah, Jonathan, Matthew as well as the HQ staff and anyone that I missed. The ACG section was well supported throughout the entire weekend. We had some bery, very dedicated players trying to advance their characters as much as they could over the weekend.
More to come …

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Dinner out with friends on Friday night at a local restaurant which was YUM. Glad they were able to meet me while I was in the area.
Then back to the tables in the morning. Another great session with more Goblins! followed by a panel of what's happening with the ACG in the near future. Vic, Tanis, the Wonder Twins, Liz and Gaby, and Mike. They talked Mummy 's Mask and the last of the current wave of class decks. MM is the mad concept of L & G. And from the little I've seen, it looks fun. October.
Next time we need to get Liz to show up in her latest cosplay gear and not leave it in the car!
Played some card game stuff then waited for the banquet. Lots of information as well as a going meal. Can't wait for Horror Adventures this fall and Starfinder next year. Don't ask about Starfinder ACG, as there isn't even RPG content or artwork which would be required. I did run something by Vic format-wise but it will be a long time before an ACG would be available.
While I was scheduled to play RPG, I decided to play ACG instead. We had early releases of the Witch and Gunslinger class decks so figured I'd play them along with the Inquisitor deck I picked up. The last session of WBG! was well received but sadly my table was unable to complete two of the four scenarios. (Blessing deck ran out.)
Afterwards, I was able to sit down with Vic and have an in-depth conversation about many topics about the ACG as well as the development process and production of the ACG vs books for the RPG. How he does his job in regards to the ACG. It was a good conversation and he's a really good guy and easy to talk to. (Thanks, Vic.)
And more to come ...

Mike Selinker Adventure Card Game Designer |

MM is the mad concept of L & G.
And "P." The design team was Gaby, Liz, and Paul, with me, Chad, Keith, and Tanis joining on the development side. The only reason you didn't see Paul at PaizoCon is that he was the guest of honor at the other in-town con this weekend, Evergreen Tabletop Expo.

zeroth_hour2 |

Theryon Stormrune wrote:MM is the mad concept of L & G.And "P." The design team was Gaby, Liz, and Paul, with me, Chad, Keith, and Tanis joining on the development side. The only reason you didn't see Paul at PaizoCon is that he was the guest of honor at the other in-town con this weekend, Evergreen Tabletop Expo.
Yeah, but Gaby and Paul had their time as preview guest bloggers (for Skulls and Shackles and Wrath of the Righteous), so I hope Liz gets hers too.

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For the rest of the evening on Sunday, I tried the Gunslinger [blank] which I did really like and was my first casualty of con. Actually, the only casualty I had at my tables. I tried and tried but was unfortunately unable to kill any goblins. I'm not sure who had the worse luck though, Scott from Paizo who managed to not complete 6 scenarios. But he was a good sport and was one of those great people to play with.
Afterwards, sat down with Sara Bull to talk about some of stuff that went into making the We Be Goblins! scenarios. It was an interesting talk. Brought up how to try to invigorate interest in the game in my area (after one of our stores closed.) It was a long talk but a good one. Glad I finally met her even though I've only spoken to her on the boards.
My last day was just more PFSACG. Disliked [blank] from the Gunslinger deck and quickly switched to an Inquisitor (Varril). Really liking Varril. Might even level him to play in the PFS Interactive at GenCon.
Tonya was busy along with the volunteers and the HQ crew getting the place packed up. They really worked their collective asses off and made things run relatively smoothly.
Eliandra, Randy and I went over to the BBQ place across the street for a meal. Yummy. Then I checked out and waited for the airport shuttle later on. The last bit of PaizoCon was talking to Erik Mona how much I enjoyed the con and being able to talk to the employees which is so much easier than at GenCon (which is what Paizo is trying to do with PaizoCon).
Well, now I'm back home. A couple naps under my belt and wishing I was back up in Seattle.

Mike Selinker Adventure Card Game Designer |

Mike Selinker wrote:Yeah, but Gaby and Paul had their time as preview guest bloggers (for Skulls and Shackles and Wrath of the Righteous), so I hope Liz gets hers too.Theryon Stormrune wrote:MM is the mad concept of L & G.And "P." The design team was Gaby, Liz, and Paul, with me, Chad, Keith, and Tanis joining on the development side. The only reason you didn't see Paul at PaizoCon is that he was the guest of honor at the other in-town con this weekend, Evergreen Tabletop Expo.
Might happen.

Doc76 |

The goblin adventure RULED!!!
I had a great time playing especially certain abilities in the first scenario :) did not want to give away the content!
The reward was outstanding and made good use of it for the con.
With that reward not sure what to play in the special
Zarlova or Grazzle
Tough choice now that Grazzle has the boon.
Such difficult choices !

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Yeah poor Scott. It was the worst luck. I even tried to help by playing Grazzle with Buell who played Zarlova, of whom we supercharged heals for everyone so everyone can explore with wild abandon. It still didn't work :(
You guys did try but we were destined for failure that night but still had fun. It's bad when you know you failed after your second turn because you have no heals and no cards left :)

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zeroth_hour2 wrote:Yeah poor Scott. It was the worst luck. I even tried to help by playing Grazzle with Buell who played Zarlova, of whom we supercharged heals for everyone so everyone can explore with wild abandon. It still didn't work :(You guys did try but we were destined for failure that night but still had fun. It's bad when you know you failed after your second turn because you have no heals and no cards left :)
I will admit, I designed these characters to burn through cards pretty quickly, with the expectation that Poog would be given cards pretty often for healy-goodness. They're goblins, so they're not terribly good at being careful. I'm glad you guys had a good time, despite that fact!

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jeff hunt wrote:I will admit, I designed these characters to burn through cards pretty quickly, with the expectation that Poog would be given cards pretty often for healy-goodness. They're goblins, so they're not terribly good at being careful. I'm glad you guys had a good time, despite that fact!zeroth_hour2 wrote:Yeah poor Scott. It was the worst luck. I even tried to help by playing Grazzle with Buell who played Zarlova, of whom we supercharged heals for everyone so everyone can explore with wild abandon. It still didn't work :(You guys did try but we were destined for failure that night but still had fun. It's bad when you know you failed after your second turn because you have no heals and no cards left :)
Scott was playing just seasonal play.

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cartmanbeck wrote:jeff hunt wrote:I will admit, I designed these characters to burn through cards pretty quickly, with the expectation that Poog would be given cards pretty often for healy-goodness. They're goblins, so they're not terribly good at being careful. I'm glad you guys had a good time, despite that fact!zeroth_hour2 wrote:Yeah poor Scott. It was the worst luck. I even tried to help by playing Grazzle with Buell who played Zarlova, of whom we supercharged heals for everyone so everyone can explore with wild abandon. It still didn't work :(You guys did try but we were destined for failure that night but still had fun. It's bad when you know you failed after your second turn because you have no heals and no cards left :)Scott was playing just seasonal play.
Yeah, Scott and I failed 2-1d three times in a row even with the heal machine.

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This was an amazing time, Goblins was great and it was awesome to play with everybody!
<- Large bald bearded guy who played about 30+ ACG sessions at PaizoCon.
So THAT'S why you carried around a teddy bear. I thought it was odd at first but it fits.
(Good to meet you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about the teddy bear.)
Also, I thought you guys were going a bit ACG nutso but I'm glad you all were able to play and enjoy the game the ENTIRE con. And able to play that many scenarios without any player deaths. (And I don't mean character deaths!)

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So THAT'S why you carried around a teddy bear. I thought it was odd at first but it fits.(Good to meet you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about the teddy bear.)
Also, I thought you guys were going a bit ACG nutso but I'm glad you all were able to play and enjoy the game the ENTIRE con. And able to play that many scenarios without any player deaths. (And I don't mean character deaths!)
Nobody expects the teddy bear!
I went a little nuts but had a lot of fun as well.