Monk ninja multiclass.

Rules Questions

OK so I have a level 6 monk and I am thinking about multiclassing with a ninja. It depends on the answer I get from this. As a ninja you can spend a ki point to get an extra attack. You can also spend a ki point as a monk and get an extra attack when using flurry of blows. My question is if you multiclass the 2 and your ki points are used as one ki pool can you spend 2 ki points and make 2 additional attacks? Any help on this would be appreciated. Thank you in advance

No I do not believe you can make two attacks with two points of Ki. This is because using Ki points is a swift action and you can only take one swift action in a turn.

If you can find a way to take two swift action I imagine you might be able to.

I still think monk ninja is a cool mix.

no, each use of a ki uses your swift action. You don't have two swift actions to use to spend ki to get two attacks.

Plus, if you multi-class those you're ki pools combine, use either your CHA or your WIS, and you combine the levels together when figuring out how much ki you have.

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