Legioned |
I have a rules question for you all regarding retraining.
So one can retrain a feat so long as you're not removing a prerequisite for an existing feat/ability/class. The new feat follows all normal rules for feats - it doesn't have to be back calculated as legal for that level (IE if the new feat requires a BAB of +3, you don't have to make sure you qualified for it 'back then', you just have to qualify for it now).
Barbarian's can retrain rage powers, and sorcerer's can retrain bloodlines (and the powers therein). My bloodrager is using the Primalist Archetype which allows me to choose at 4th level to take my bloodline power or 2 barbarian rage powers instead.
Am I, using retraining, allowed to functionally retrain my bloodline and replace the level 1 bloodline power with the rage powers instead of the level 4 one? I meet the requirements: I am 4th level, I am replacing a bloodline power (which is not specified as being a level 4 or higher bloodline power), and I would still meet the requirements for the rage powers.

Legioned |
So one could not retrain their bloodline (which is listed and legal - and pay the associated cost and time), and then when retaking the bloodline make the choice to replace a bloodline power with the rage powers instead (where the bloodline power in question is the level 1 power)?
Retrain your bloodline. Doing so replaces your bonus spells, bloodline arcana, bloodline feats, and bloodline powers. This training takes 5 days for every bonus feat, bloodline arcana, and bloodline power you lose from changing bloodlines. See also retraining feats and retraining spells known.
At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a primalist can choose to take either his bloodline power or two barbarian rage powers. If the primalist chooses rage powers, those rage powers can be used in conjunction with his bloodrage, and his bloodrager level acts as his barbarian level when determining the effect of those bloodrage powers and any prerequisites. Any other prerequisites for a rage power must be met before a primalist can choose it. This ability does not count as the rage power class feature for determining feat prerequisites and other requirements.
This ability alters the bloodline class feature.

Wonderstell |

Yes, you could not retrain your bloodline with the intent to replace your bloodline power with rage powers (where the bloodline power in question is the level 1 power).
Retraining a class feature means you lose the old class feature and gain a new one that you could otherwise qualify for at that point in your level advancement. For example, if you want to retrain your paladin's fatigued mercy (which she gained at 3rd level), you can replace it only with another mercy from the 3rd-level list. If at 6th level you learned the sickened mercy (which is on the 3rd-level list), you may replace it with a mercy from the 3rd- or 6th-level list (because you are replacing a 6th-level mercy slot which you spent on a 3rd-level mercy).
Unlike feats, class features can only be retrained to options which you qualified for at the level of the class feature being retrained.