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I don't mean to resurrect this unnecessarily but our play forum is referencing this post. I have a couple of points I do not think were considered.
First, yes you can move through objects, even solid ones, even living creatures. However a grappling creature occupies their own square, not yours. So why would one 'shunt'? I would argue you stay where you are if this movement is permitted.
Bringing me to my second point, by RAW, you cannot take a move action while grappled. So despite blink saying you can move through objects, why does this grant one a move action (unless you are the grapple controller, and have made a check to maintain and move).
Third James Jacobs highly recommends house ruling against stacking miss chances, and he suggests that next Pathfinder edition they will even remove mirror image. This blink mechanism we are suggesting sounds to me like stacking miss chances. It favours the blinker (and it is only a 3rd level spell), with any real control mechanism (other than waiting the spell out and hoping you survive).
Thoughts on these points?
Hello again,
I was wondering how these two effects would resolve. How would one person under the effect of sanctuary or the adoration power from the love domain react to a person who is disabled making an attack? From what I can tell there is wording suggesting:
- That the action is lost, and thus you do not fall unconscious - no action has happened though you lose the action type.
- Not unlike the effects of failing a concentration check, you still count as having used the action itself.
Insight? Sources? RAW?
Ahhh, that clears it up. Thanks!

So one could not retrain their bloodline (which is listed and legal - and pay the associated cost and time), and then when retaking the bloodline make the choice to replace a bloodline power with the rage powers instead (where the bloodline power in question is the level 1 power)?
Edit: PRD, Retaining Sorcerer Class Features wrote: Retrain your bloodline. Doing so replaces your bonus spells, bloodline arcana, bloodline feats, and bloodline powers. This training takes 5 days for every bonus feat, bloodline arcana, and bloodline power you lose from changing bloodlines. See also retraining feats and retraining spells known. PRD, Primalist Primal Choices wrote: At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a primalist can choose to take either his bloodline power or two barbarian rage powers. If the primalist chooses rage powers, those rage powers can be used in conjunction with his bloodrage, and his bloodrager level acts as his barbarian level when determining the effect of those bloodrage powers and any prerequisites. Any other prerequisites for a rage power must be met before a primalist can choose it. This ability does not count as the rage power class feature for determining feat prerequisites and other requirements.
This ability alters the bloodline class feature.

I have a rules question for you all regarding retraining.
So one can retrain a feat so long as you're not removing a prerequisite for an existing feat/ability/class. The new feat follows all normal rules for feats - it doesn't have to be back calculated as legal for that level (IE if the new feat requires a BAB of +3, you don't have to make sure you qualified for it 'back then', you just have to qualify for it now).
Barbarian's can retrain rage powers, and sorcerer's can retrain bloodlines (and the powers therein). My bloodrager is using the Primalist Archetype which allows me to choose at 4th level to take my bloodline power or 2 barbarian rage powers instead.
Am I, using retraining, allowed to functionally retrain my bloodline and replace the level 1 bloodline power with the rage powers instead of the level 4 one? I meet the requirements: I am 4th level, I am replacing a bloodline power (which is not specified as being a level 4 or higher bloodline power), and I would still meet the requirements for the rage powers.
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Can someone please help shed some light on grappling and armor spikes?
My interpretation is: if you make any sort of successful grapple attack (IE start a grapple, maintain a grapple and perform a valid action) you should do armor spike damage + your strength bonus in addition to whatever else you are doing.
An enemy character handily disarms me of my lone weapon, then picks it up. The following turn he stows it in his backpack. What rules exist for me to recover this item? I am hesitant to use 3.5 rules or houserules, what exists in the current framework? All I am aware of is sunder.
I have some questions about things I was sure I had read, but now I'm not so sure in re-reading.
When one makes a perception check it usually has a DC of one of two things:
1. An opponents stealth check (modified by all their modifiers).
2. The perception check base plus modifiers.
In a situation where one cannot see such as:
a. Invisibility
b. 50% Concealment such as Obscuring Mist
c. One is blinded by blindess, darkness without darkvision, or the like
Are you permitted to target an exact square? Are you restricted to the direction of the noise? If I use stealth moving close to someone and they beat my stealth check can they target the exact square? What if I am far away, using stealth, and inside Obscuring Mist? Are there any references to these?
YMMV - what does this acronym mean?
I have a couple of questions about some things I am fuzzy on.
I want to play a neutral warpriest sacred fist who can fervor negative energy damage. What may I combine from below in what kind of action?
- Flurry of Blows
- Fervor touch attack
- A charged inflict light wounds spell touch attack
- Can I charge the inflict light wounds and have the spell go off when I actually hit with my initial flurry?
- Can I activate the fervor as part of that same flurry attack?
- *What about with Crusader's Fist?
- *Do Lay on Hands feats usually apply to Fervor?
- Can a 'touch' attack instead be resolved as a melee attack? As in as an unarmed strike?
- *Thus, if unable to make a flurry attack with the two above, could I have a charged fist with inflict light wounds and then make a fervor attack with the same fist and have both discharge?
Thanks in advance.

Native outsiders do exist, but for this world magic has been suppressed temporarily. As a result people have forgotten how to use it over time. This means PCs will not be permitted to take any class or race (at creation) that has access to spells or spell-like abilities, or emulate spells (such as the alchemist). Archetypes and alternate racial traits can be taken in order to make the class or race legal.
At level 4 casting will become available, which means the Rangers and Paladins (explained later why they were allowed) of the party would gain access to spells right then and there. Or a PC could take a pure caster level at that point.
Minor healing is the Paladin or any use of the heal skill, in addition to natural healing. I allowed Paladins given the nature of the gods in the setting and wanting a pure religious aspect to the military and government. This also gives the possibility of fixing ability damage and hit points - to a degree, to reduce the down time.
No magical monsters will be thrown at the PCs before the point at which they have the means to deal with them (IE incorporeal).
I do like the idea of essentially a Pirates of the Caribbean / Indiana Jones style of game play, at least to start. The 'boss' mechanic is good too.
5E mechanics...interesting idea. I may use that, as I am familiar with it.
Creating encounters has never been a strong point for me. What I'm looking for is some examples of encounters that are quite challenging for a party who contains a few characters who are power-gamer built.
The campaign begins at level 3.
4 - 6 players, only minor healing available.
To start with the world is devoid of magic, on both monster and player behalf.
I want encounters if played strategically or using environment that might tip the scales to make a monster overpowered.
I have many environments available where they are, where I could stage nearly any scenario.
Running away should be a reasonable strategy for players.
Some ideas to start off with or even beyond that would be helpful to help me get kick started. I do not yet have the Reign of Winter, but I've heard encounters in there are like this. Is there a source for things like this other than my fellow forum users?

To pull this somewhat back on task, I'm the OP. I wanted my Roc to fall slowly because of the gear on him, and also so I could have my ring slots.
So it seems we are arguing a weird combination of RAW and RAI that I'm going to call RAR (Rules as Read {by the individual}). Some points that I've seen above:
-My Roc does not cease to be a creature if he dies. Presumably the same applies if he is the victim of flesh to stone, petrified by a Medusa, or otherwise transformed in some manner. Otherwise I couldn't reverse the effects by raise dead, stone to flesh, or other spells and abilities.
-Feather Fall, the spell, allows you to target objects and creatures.
-Ring of Feather Falling specifies "wearer". This is likely the biggest bone of contention. Rings under the magic items say "wearer". Magic items says "To use a magic item, it must be activated, although sometimes activation simply means putting a ring on your finger." By this wording the ring is active whether or not the creature is alive or dead, so long as it is a valid target for the spell. Wearer should apply to the party donning the item - and so long as the effect is valid, should continue until no longer worn regardless of the creatures state changes.
-The ring activating has been called an action above. I would call it a trigger. Some actions are indeed actions - most commonly immediate actions. However, think of Contingency for example. You require no action to activate it - it is simply a situation. The ring doesn't require any action type, command word, or anything beyond a situation - fall 5+ ft. You can't call this an action, even a non-action as some abilities are called, since you have no control over when it activates. The stimulus must be present to trigger the activation.
-DM rulings required here: I would say anything that was once a creature and could still feasibly be such under magical circumstances will qualify.
--So a creature who has died of old age wouldn't qualify as a creature for the ring, but one who has recently died or was turned to stone would.
--A creature who lost their magic item slots via destruction of the hands, disintegration wouldn't have such a slot anymore.
--I cannot see why a spell or effect or continuous activation would cease the moment you die. It is not as though you stop being a valid target for spells or effects. It would be different if the spell specifies living creature.
Relevant details from the feather fall size question:
First, forge ring is a level 7 feat. This means the minimum level of the caster infusing said ring is actually 7 - and such a ring should have a reflective price (as I often enforce in my campaigns).
Second, feather fall reads the following:
The spell affects one or more Medium or smaller creatures (including gear and carried objects up to each creature's maximum load) or objects, or the equivalent in larger creatures: a Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so forth.
So let's assume for this sake (or a custom item sake, since item creation is valid in this campaign) that it is a level 7 ring.
Also, I would be riding said roc at the time, so please take that into consideration for your answer.
I have run into a quandary with a recent build idea I had for a character. I have a flying animal companion I intend to ride. However I am not so confident in it to believe we will soar into the sunset. I have some questions about item use and spell duration after death.
My Roc animal companion is outfitted with a level appropriate ring for myself and the level 7 upgrade (large roc plus medium creature). I put the ring on the roc. It suffers fatal damage and dies while in the air.
1. Can the ring still function, since as per the spell wording of feather fall it works on objects?
2. Can objects 'wear a ring'? Corpses?
3. Is the roc considered under the effect of a the ring/spell (as it would still be under the influence of resist fire or any other spell even after death for a set duration) since it was a valid target when the ring was put on?
If there is anything I haven't considered or other rules in place, please let me know. I'm just working with my understanding of the rules.
Thanks! That was helpful. Inasmuch as FAQ requests are I suppose.
I just want to make sure this works as I suspect, so having some clarity here to support me when I try it would be useful.
An enemy is going to attack me in melee.
Situation 1: Charge, 5' step, or movement action - in all 3 cases where the very end of their movement puts them barely in the square next to me.
Situation 2: Charge or movement action where if I were 5' further away they would still have enough movement to reach me.
My Readied Action: When the enemy is preparing to strike me; make a melee attack, then take a 5' step away from the enemy.
As readied actions are worded, I believe all of my readied actions happen before the trigger action (including the 5' step), which should place me out of range of the attack while striking the opponent.
Is the RAW enough to support this, and are there other situations or stipulations above where the enemy would still get an attack? Say in between the melee attack and 5' step?
Can anyone help me find some sort of resource to explain how a natural weapon such as bite would not allow function of the spell adhesive blood? It doesn't make any sense.
In this circumstance we have a cavalier who was mounted while wielding a lance in a locked gauntlet. The mount was just murdered (by me) and now she is on the ground.
What happens with the locked gauntlet?
Can she use the lance?
What are her options?
What happens if the other gauntlet is also locked with a shield?
She has another weapon available if she is able to weapon change.
I am active in a Play By Post (PBP) game in a forum online. This forum uses the P6 rule set (http://p6codex.com/). The form of this game is strictly a PVP arena format. If you want to head to the link given below, you can see a more detailed set of the rules and get a chance to talk to some of the players.
You may need to join RPG crossing in order to begin posting or even see the forum. I can assure you it is a pretty nice website for PBP. To clarify I am not the direct DM of this arena game, nor am I an owner or controller of the website - just an enthusiastic player who would love to see some more involvement and new blood to the Pathfinder arena. My username there is the same as here.
I am active in a Play By Post (PBP) game in a forum online. This forum uses the P6 rule set (http://p6codex.com/). The form of this game is strictly a PVP arena format. If you want to head to the link given below, you can see a more detailed set of the rules and get a chance to ask some of the players.
You may need to join RPG crossing in order to begin posting or even see the forum. I can assure you it is a pretty nice website for PBP. To clarify I am not the direct DM of this arena game, nor am I an owner or controller of the website - just an enthusiastic player who would love to see some more involvement and new blood to the Pathfinder arena. My username there is the same as here.
I have just found gamer connection and recruitment. Would either/both of these be an appropriate medium for this?
I couldn't find anything in the rules to indicate this was not allowed, however before I get into trouble I thought I would ask. I play in a Pathfinder Play By Post (RPG forum) Arena 1v1 E6 game. Am I allowed to advertise that on here? I think we could use some new blood, especially some people very familiar with Pathfinder (as some of the people on there are still stuck with 3.5). I find it very fun, but sometimes it is a little quiet since there are only probably 10-12 players thus far. It is free - I am not the DM, and I do not own or control the website. Would advertising this with a link be allowed?
I am in a conundrum with my play group regarding readied actions. Another player believes the wording on readied actions indicates you may prepare more than one action depending on the trigger. He cites counterspell and its ability to choose spells based on the outcome as an example of multiple preparation.
I believe for game balance and action economy, along with the wording that at best one specific action with one specific trigger may be readied. I cite the fact that they use action (singular) and a/an when referring to said action.
Is there some evidence somewhere that clarifies this? Or is this interpretation?
Thanks for all your replies! I was actually a level above said witch in this case, so that restriction would have worked out for me. We are playing an E6 arena (http://p6codex.com/) so the options are all low level, making this quite potent.
I suppose that the telepathic function plays no effect then, and it does not matter that it would take possession after I had already fallen asleep then?
Too bad, coup de grace and the end of me.
I have failed the save of a sleep effect (via the Witch's Slumber Hex). I am a Bladebound Magus with an intelligent Black Blade. It has an Ego, and therefore can take over dominance. I have found the rule allowing me to voluntarily fail saves, meaning I could allow the blade to take over.
Two questions:
1. Can the blade strike me to wake me, or is there some other rule that would allow it to wake me using the aid another action (and is there rules supporting that beyond logic and DM fiat)? The slumber hex specifies noise will not work.
2. If not, can the blade take over my body while asleep and use itself to strike me or act against my opponent?