GM Zed |

Interplanetary Adventure, New Worlds, Ancient Civilizations, Alien Species, and more, with a delightful mix of magic and technology, Legendary Games brings you a sword-and-planet adventure path; authored by some of the biggest names in the RPG business. Legendary Planet will take your characters across the multiverse, traveling alien gateways created by ancient, god-like beings to exotic worlds and back again in an incredible campaign like none other. Sword-swingers and spell-slingers stand alongside scoundrels and seekers for cosmic enlightenment as they unravel conspiracies and cryptic alliances bent on universal domination... or annihilation!
To Worlds Unknown is the first main chapter in the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, bringing your heroes into the midst of a battle beyond the stars for supremacy over myriad alien worlds and alien cultures. Against the backdrop of great powers both ancient and new, small-time power players and petty criminals vie in the grungy back alleys of a crossroads world, and the heroes must discover who can help them find their way to safety through an impossible network of planetary portals before their erstwhile allies betray them to those whose secret schemes are far more sinister.
I am looking for a sixth player to join my 'Goblins in Spaaaace!!! Legendary Planet campaign... you will be joining right at the official commencement of the Adventure Path (the rest of the group have nearly played their way through the Prelude Adventure 'The Assimilation Strain')...
The gameplay thread is HERE for those folks who want to get a feel for the game style.
...and so, to... The ‘Crunch’
- Characters start the adventure as Level 2
- All classes are acceptable (including the oft-maligned Gunslinger, Samurai, Ninja and Summoner – note that the Pathfinder Unchained version of the Summoner is preferred to the original APG version).
- 20-point ability buy (no stat lower than 8 / higher than 18 AFTER racial bonuses / penalties).
- Maximum HP for your class at Level 1 with a Level 2 increase in HP of average for class rounded up.
- One trait maybe selected – a further campaign trait from the Legendary Planet Players Guide will become available when you start the adventure.
- Starting gold is 1,000gp
- Non-evil alignments only.
- All character options must originate from Paizo published Pathfinder products; or Legendary Games material written for this Adventure Path - no other 3rd Party Materials.
- …and, the number one important rule…build a character that you care about…and have fun!!!
When deciding what you may wish to propose, note that we currently have:
A Human Summoner,
A Gnome Oracle,
A Goblin Gunslinger,
A Goblin Bard and,
A Goblin Fighter...
Your character need not originate from Golarion (the rest of the party do but that's going to become less of a concern shortly!!!) and therefore the options for Race are quite open...
Any of the Core, Featured or Uncommon races from the Advanced Race Guide are fine... and, furthermore; Android, Lashunta and Triaxians from Inner Sea Bestiary are fine... and, even more, any of the races from the Legendary Path Player's Guide (if you have it) are also fine... and, guess what, if there are any 0HD races in the Bestiaries that you'd like to propose, feel free to check in with your idea.
I'll keep the recruitment thread open until the 14th May at least...

Neve Aurora |

I have an Oracle that I built for a Space RPG. Unfortunately her backstory demands that she be a spacer so the start of Legendary Planet doesn't fit. But maybe it will now? Can you give her a quick lookover Zed? She's very much a Buffyverse kind of character but I don't want to step on the Oracle that's already there.
This is her alias (Neve Aurora). Might have to rejig her a bit, but not too much.

Palomia Kasic |
*peeks in*
This is the summoner from the group, popping in to say hello and that I'm looking forward to seeing what sorts of cool submissions people come up with! Also since I know some folks are kinda leery of summoners (even Unchained ones), I wanted to say that I'm happy to adjust and retool my eidolon as needed to better suit the group and so that he won't be hogging the spotlight :)

GM Zed |

I have an Oracle that I built for a Space RPG. Unfortunately her backstory demands that she be a spacer so the start of Legendary Planet doesn't fit. But maybe it will now? Can you give her a quick lookover Zed? She's very much a Buffyverse kind of character but I don't want to step on the Oracle that's already there.
This is her alias (Neve Aurora). Might have to rejig her a bit, but not too much.
Looks like a good start to me and I'm pretty confident we can work her into the adventure once we are past the prelude... I guess the main thing is to compare against the slightly loopy oracle we have already and make sure you're not stepping on each other's toes with the roles you are covering...
Also waves at Professor Anody!!!
Dotting for interest, I've loved the concept of Pathfinder in Spaaaace ever since they came out with the tech guide.
EDIT: I noticed that there's a lot of goblins in the group, are Monkey Goblins cool as well?
...and when were Monkey Goblins ever not cool??? They can be from Golarion if you want to use that lore or, if you want to go crazy, invent a brand new homeworld and culture for them.
Was wondering I have a crafted construct from a game that fizzled out.
She is a rogue based engineer
if not I have an idea for a Trox Kinetisist
Sounds okay but the races may be a little OP - certainly the Trox is at (or beyond) the question mark level in terms of balance with the rest of the current group (if you go by the Advanced Race Guide the Trox are out at 28 'race points' when most player races are no more than 14 to 15 - with most around 10)... The crafted construct seems a lot closer to 'balanced' as it is treading the same sort of ground as the Android...

Tik'Klik |

I have an Oracle that I built for a Space RPG. Unfortunately her backstory demands that she be a spacer so the start of Legendary Planet doesn't fit. But maybe it will now? Can you give her a quick lookover Zed? She's very much a Buffyverse kind of character but I don't want to step on the Oracle that's already there.
This is her alias (Neve Aurora). Might have to rejig her a bit, but not too much.
Nice to see Neve again. :)

Blekk D'spessmun |

Alexgndl here, this is the first draft for my guy-he's going to be a beastmorph/vivisectionist alchemist. Link to his char sheet is on his profile page. Still gotta figure out his inventory, but I'm liking the way he's turned out so far. I’ve got a bit of a backstory/introduction to his tribe below.
Golarion is not alone in the universe, and its inhabitants, at least those in more civilized areas, know it. From the Silver Mount in Numeria to the occasional adventurer groups welcoming actual extraterrestrial beings, proof that life exists in the stars is more or less incontrovertible.
The Ogawdwaddahelizzat tribe of goblins, (named for the sound that outsiders most commonly make whenever they see one of the more mutated members of the tribe) hailing from the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, know that aliens exist too. Mostly because there’s a generations-long tradition of aliens abducting members of their tribe, subjecting them to weird experiments that often leave the poor goblins horribly disfigured. While these “sky-gobbos” would most likely be pariahs in most societies, they’re given the highest honors and leadership positions in the Ogawdwaddahelizzat tribe-regardless of their position or intelligence beforehand. In this tribe, looks are valued-but only the most screwed up, the most hideous, are allowed to rule. Thus it came to be that Blekk’s father, Blurk, rose from the lowly position of firepit scraper to the chief of the whole tribe after his abduction made him literally unrecognizable as a goblin.
Even though Blurk has the intelligence (and appearance) of the typical lichen, his tribe has gone through a period of unrivaled prosperity under his leadership. This is mostly because his son Blekk was the one telling Blurk what to do. But Blurk is growing old, and leadership in the Ogawdwaddahelizzat tribe isn’t hereditary-unless Blekk can find a way to make himself devastatingly horrific, he’s not next in line to take over when his father dies. Which, unbeknownst to the other goblins, would be a very, very bad thing.
Therefore, Blekk makes it a point to play in every puddle of glowing sludge, try to flag down every flying saucer, and drink literally anything and everything he makes. He’s traveled the world in his quest to make himself the most horrible goblin in existence, and already it’s started to pay off. Through intense self-experimentation (and many, many dissections of other animals) he’s already grown a tail, and in his “Book O’alkmy” (Goblins, as a rule, fear and distrust writing, and his alchemist book is no exception. He uses doodles, stains, and scratch-and-sniff to approximate the meticulous notes that most normal alchemists use) contains a recipe for a drink that turns him into a horrible, hulking beast-like...thing. Who knows what the future holds for young Blekk D’Spessmun? Tumors, probably. And tentacles. Which, in this case, is actually a good thing.
Feel free to comment/criticize on the fluff/crunch, I’m open for whatever. Thanks!

GM Zed |

Alexgndl here, this is the first draft for my guy-he's going to be a beastmorph/vivisectionist alchemist. Link to his char sheet is on his profile page. Still gotta figure out his inventory, but I'm liking the way he's turned out so far. I’ve got a bit of a backstory/introduction to his tribe below.
** spoiler omitted **...
Without diving into the 'Crunch' too far, I absolutely love the Backstory... it meshes very well with how Legendary Planet kicks off / the mood that we have got going on in this particular game...

Neve Aurora |

Looks like a good start to me and I'm pretty confident we can work her into the adventure once we are past the prelude... I guess the main thing is to compare against the slightly loopy oracle we have already and make sure you're not stepping on each other's toes with the roles you are covering...
Also waves at Professor Anody!!!
Nice to see you too Sharae!
Yeah Neve is on the crowd control and side-heal side of the ledger with the Heavens Mystery in combat and I think that's different from the oracle already in the game. :) Out of combat she's got crazy buffs to Piloting. Don't know if that makes a difference to how Legendary Planet plays out.
Nice to see Neve again. :)
Nice to see you too! Too bad the game we were in fizzled out as quickly as it did.

rungok |

I'm definitely interested!
I have in mind a Lashunta Occult/Arcane Class of some sort. I'll get to it now and drum up some crunch and fluff for her... though since I don't have the legendary games book I may need some help with fluff. I do have people of the stars though... so I have info on the Lashunta themselves.

GM Zed |

I'm definitely interested!
I have in mind a Lashunta Occult/Arcane Class of some sort. I'll get to it now and drum up some crunch and fluff for her... though since I don't have the legendary games book I may need some help with fluff. I do have people of the stars though... so I have info on the Lashunta themselves.
I shouldn't worry about 'knowing' the Legendary Planet 'universe' - with the first of the adventures titled 'To Worlds Unknown', part of the fun is not knowing where you are!!!

rungok |

Okay i have my character, Viola Pheramilla.
Here is her character sheet. Let me know if there's trouble reading it.
Viola Pheramilla is a socialite and a prime example of what psychic Lashunta aspire to be. She has a sense of adventure, strong psychic ability, and can empath her friends. she recently went to Golarion through one of the emerald portals and promptly went on a year long bender with friends, drinks, and other entertainments until she was supposed to head 'home'. Hung over from a year of partying, she gave the wrong directions, misread the map, and eventually took the wrong portal and ended up wherever she gets introduced to the party.

rungok |

Viola Pheramilla
Female lashunta psychic 2 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary 25, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 60)
NG Medium humanoid (lashunta)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 10 (2d6)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3
Defensive Abilities emotional push (+3, 1/day)
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +0 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged sling +3 (1d4-1)
Special Attacks phrenic amplification (mindtouch[OA]), phrenic pool (4 points)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
. . At will—daze (DC 13), mage hand
. . 1/day—detect thoughts (DC 15)
Psychic Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 1/day—detect thoughts (DC 14)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 1st (5/day)—charm person (DC 15), mage armor, mind thrust I[OA] (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, detect psychic significance[OA], message, prestidigitation, telekinetic projectile[OA]
. . Psychic Discipline Rapport
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Persuasive
Traits castrovel gatekeeper
Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +8 (+10 on checks to identify teleportation magic); Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge (arcana)
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin, Lashunta, Simple Sign, Sylvan; limited telepathy
SQ detect thoughts, emotional bond
Combat Gear wand of summon monster i; Other Gear dagger, sling, sling bullets (20), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, prismatic crystal[OA], torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 212 gp, 8 sp
Special Abilities
Detect Thoughts (Sp) Cast detect thoughts, or expend 1st or higher spell slot to do so.
Emotional Bond (Su) Create empathic link with allies, allowing you to monitor their emotional states.
Emotional Push +3 (1/day) (Su) You or bonded ally gains bonus to save, you regain 1 pool if they succeed.
Limited Telepathy (30 feet) (Su) A lashunta is able to mentally communicate with any creature within 30 feet with whom she shares a language. Otherwise this ability is identical to the telepathy ability.
Mindtouch (Su) 1 pool: detect surface thoughts of spell target (as the 3rd-round effect of detect thoughts).
Phrenic Pool (4/day) (Su) Pool of points you can use to modify psychic spells as they're cast.

Fraejia |

Would you consider a custom race? If so I'd like to propose this character. I'll dig up the race design and write up for you to review and I'll make sure that the point build and such is accurate.
Tik'Klik wrote:
Nice to see Neve again. :)
Nice to see you too! Too bad the game we were in fizzled out as quickly as it did.
I agree on both counts.
Outsider (Native) 3
Darkvision 60 ft
Medium Creature 0
Specialized Ability Scores 1
+2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Wis
Linguist 1
Energy immunity (cold) 4
Vulnerable to fire
Claws 2
Skill Training 1
Knowledge (engineering)
Knowledge (arcana)
Life After Death ?
An esper who is reduced in hit points to negative their con score does not die, instead they revert to a crystalline state where they retain their awareness and knowledge but have limited ability to affect the outside world. While in this state they are invulnerable to harm and cannot be destroyed short of divine intervention. The esper can be restored via a raise dead spell which causes the crystal to reform into their original body.
The esperish people are a rare race of beings that exist…elsewhere. There are a very few of them in the entirety of existence and most people will never know that they've met one. Any given esper is connected to and elemental plane in some manner and while this is hereditary in the rare occurance of a child there is no guarantee that the child will share their parents elements. While not all are humanoid in shape most are and it is even rare to find a non-humanoid type. They are not a naturally occurring race rather a created one as a trio of deities desired slaves to do their bidding and created them from human and near human stock. Despite their origins espers have more in common with outsiders than they do aberrations Eventually the espers rebelled and helped to change their gods but eventually were banished from their home universe.
Over the countless millennia since they were banished the espers helped unite a significant portion of existence until they were able to eventually able to leave power. Since that time they have become maligned by those they once guided and several attempts to exterminate them have failed. Despite a nation of their own being formed the espers eventually left their adopted home and dispersed into existence at large. The only reason they have continued to survive with their low birth rate is that they are immortal. And esper can't truly die as they revert to a crystalline form upon death. This crystal can be revived in a few different ways and it makes it extremely hard to permanently end one of their kind. With their dispersal into the general population espers have begun to explore areas where the mainstream explorers don't bother to go, universes where there are large populations but not enough valuable resources to make dealing with them worth it.

Tik'Klik |

Would you consider a custom race? If so I'd like to propose this character. I'll dig up the race design and write up for you to review and I'll make sure that the point build and such is accurate.
Neve wrote:Tik'Klik wrote:
Nice to see Neve again. :)
Nice to see you too! Too bad the game we were in fizzled out as quickly as it did.
I agree on both counts.
** spoiler omitted **...
Lots of old familiar faces showing up. :)
Nice to see you again!

Byron Brassheart |

And here's the Auttaine investigator...
The first notable thing is the sound - the whirring of hundreds of small gears. This alone reveals there is something odd about this man, even if one's eyes would not detect anything special on him. But on closer inspection, one can see it is not all armor which cover the man's arms and legs. Plates of steel fuse seemlessly into flesh, and gears, pistons and clockwork mechanisms keep the limbs moving - and provide far greater strength than the man's frame would otherwise indicate. And there is plenty of flesh as well, for this creature is still far more man than machine. But most of the living tissue is hidden beneath armor, as in shame of it.
Such is Byron Brassheart, the second son of the famous difference engineer Trybur Myhrvold. From an early age it became clear young Byron didn't share the genious of his father and older brother, and thus didn't not pursue their career in abstract machine souls. Instead, Byron focused inwards, on himself. Whether this was out from genuine curiosity or bitter inferiority, it is not known, but Byron delved deep into the secrets of alchemy and clockworks. And the knowledge he gained, he used to improve himself, enhancing his bloodline-machinery even further.
And perhaps it was due to these augmentations he survived. For when the klaven came, his academic brethren were easily captured by the assailant. But Byron, with his tireless legs and enhanced speed , outran the enemy easily.
Now alone, he seeks a life in the unknown worlds.
Don't really know anything about the setting, just picked up the Auttaine race and reference to klaven in the Legenday Planet Player's Guide. Character role: skill-monkey / melee.

GM Zed |

Some fantastic submissions here, it is going to be really difficult to choose (as always)...
...the game has now reached the point where it is going to be easy to insert a new character so, as of now, Recruitment is Closed!!!
Thanks to everyone who submitted an interest - the final roll call of whom I will be considering is:
Neve Auroura - Human Oracle, played by Azih
LJ447-LADY1 - Construct Rogue, played by Critzible
Blekk d'Spessmun - Monkey Goblin Alchemist,played by alexgndl
Viola Pheramilla- Lashunta Psychic played by Rungok
Fraejia - Esper (Custom Race) Kineticist played by Drogeney
Byron Brassheart - Auttaine Investigator played by -Karma-

GM Zed |

Okay, sorry it took a while... yeah, there were only six characters to review but each one definitely had merit and would have added something to the campaign...
Sadly, I really only can take one into this group and that one shall be...
...drum roll...
Blekk D'Spessmun
...apologies to those who didn't make it - note that I am running two tables of this adventure and, PbP being what it is, there's every chance another place will become available at some point. If you don't mind, I'd like to keep you on a 'reserve list' of sorts and, if I do end up needing another player - rather than open recruit, I'll PM you folks?
Once more, thanks for the interest and the effort put into building a character, etc...