Golarian references in Third Party products.

Advice and Rules Questions

Dunno if this should be here or the Third Party board, but here goes: Let's say I was making a 3P monster from outer space. I know I can't say "It's from Marata, the forest moon of Bretheda", but can I give it Maratian as its language and say "It's from the forest moon of a gas giant, check Distant Worlds for more planetary info"? Which is less likely to get me in hot water?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Giving it that specific language would be unacceptable. The part of the second idea about referencing Distant Worlds specifically would also be inadvisable.

However, just saying that the species "comes from the forest moon of a gas giant" is OK. ^_^

Legit. Thank you.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Happy to help. Good luck with your writing! ^_^

Community Manager

Kalindlara has the right of it: specific proper nouns (like Bretheda) are covered under product identity, and can't be used in your third-party product. Distant Worlds is not listed on Exhibit B's list of products, so you can't mention it by name in your text. You would need to list it in Section 15 of your OGL statement.

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