Storyteller Shadow |
Shadow, I've not played Eberron in quite a while, but I remember really enjoying the Dragonmarks. I also love the Enlightened Fist PrC.
Do you think a True Dragonmarked member of the House Deneith with Least True Dragonmark and DragonMark Fist would be playable in your setting? I was thinking of a monk/wizard going into the Enlightened Fist, if it was acceptable.
Can you send me a link to the DragonMark Fist, not familiar with it.
Storyteller Shadow |
Are you going to be using any of the various subsystems? Downtime, romance, contacts, reputation, etc?
I might. I have house rules for some of those systems that were based on the Storyteller System for my table top D&D game. I would not build a submission assuming they will be incorporated into this campaign.
Jesse Heinig |
WreckTall |
Would you have room for a drug addicted Empty Vessel Mind blade? He accidently knows his true nature of the Quori. He escapes both in mind and body. He is on the run and uses drugs to mask the psychic pain of losing his faith, and protecting him from location and possession by the Quori. He would have several severe and comical personality quirks
Storyteller Shadow |
Storyteller Shadow |
Would you have room for a drug addicted Empty Vessel Mind blade? He accidently knows his true nature of the Quori. He escapes both in mind and body. He is on the run and uses drugs to mask the psychic pain of losing his faith, and protecting him from location and possession by the Quori. He would have several severe and comical personality quirks
Sorry missed this one.
Can you send me a link for the Empty Vessel? I know this is from Sarlona but don't know the specifics...
Storyteller Shadow |
Jesse Heinig |
Ok, built out an alias for my Orien fighter (tactician):
Caelan d'Orien, human fighter (tactician)
This character is a socially-adroit fighter with strong House ties - good for politics as well as combat.
He is built to serve as a front-line combatant in addition to his social support skills.
In the long term, this character would be a good candidate for the Dragonmark Heir prestige class.
Bonus feat is likely to be something mundane like Power Attack or Shield Focus.
Follow-up question: Are you using the Background Skills optional rules?
Jesse Heinig |
Empty Vessels are basically super-humans that were eugenically selected by the Quori to serve as ready-made hosts. Someone did an Eberron conversion here.
Storyteller Shadow |
Follow-up question: Are you using the Background Skills optional rules?
Good question, yes I like that optional feature.
Jesse Heinig |
Jesse Heinig wrote:Follow-up question: Are you using the Background Skills optional rules?Good question, yes I like that optional feature.
Good to know. I've updated Caelan so that he knows how to dance (social functions at House events).
Haqueton |
This is Oceanshieldwolf's submission, Haqueton, Warforged Vigilante (Stalker).
First there was the rhythm - the vibrations of start and...stop. Start and... stop. Start and... stop. For what seemed an ageless time. Time itself grew, from nothing to a value, an accretion, with only its previous absence to judge by diametric opposition - growth. Then came sensations. Warmth. All over, and sometimes great heat. And outside the vibrations had another name - sound. Of loud and quiet, high and low. Voices, whispers, and in time, a whisper.
Light entered, and vision. Vision of space and enclosure. Grey and muted red. Figures that tore themselves away from the background and moved in ungainly ways, with spindly appendages, though covered. These vision-beings were the "Instructors". The Instructors had little time, they said, and began the litanies. Of which there seemed little logic or purpose to. But it listened, and learned hungrily.
Then bright fire, and noise. Uneven vibrations, and a new sense in the Instructor's eyes. Fear. A time of great upheaval followed, great chaos marked by panick'd flight from the enclosure. And fret and anxiousness descended, as the City of Sharn cascaded from a doorway - beautiful and corroded, marvellous and corrupt City of Spires.
Events and objects, persons and ideas were found. A kind man. A blacksmith's shop. A Place. A Name.
But Haqueton was not alone. For inside Haqueton lives The Other. And The Other whispers mad cradlings of darkest imagination, churning wheedlings and maddening elucidations. Of Blood. And Vol.
Haqueton is unsure of where he came from, or what he was purposed for. He is adamant that he is "broken" somehow, but daren't share this distressing secret with any other sentient being. For the now, Haqueton works faithfully at the Plateworks, a foundry located in a better, though still industrial quarter of Sharn, far removed from the unruly district he seems to remember from his first, fugitive hours in the City.
As to The Other, he finds it addictive to dress in rags, hiding his warforged nature and to prowl the streets. Why he does this, he does not know, or what The Other wishes is also unknown. For now, during the day Haqueton polishes and mends, lifts and serves.
At night, The Other hunts.
I don't really know what most of it means, but I think you can make something of it SS. I'm looking to develop the "Hero" persona as we go - all I know is that it's a Stalker, and it does like to hunt. Once I've chosen a name I'' create a separate alias for that persona.
Still have Feats, Traits and Equipment to choose.
Me'mori |
Here is my entry for Ama Freewater, Water Wizard.
Her father was the groundskeeper for one of the more permissive notables in the employ of House Lyrandar, so she had a fair exposure to many of the things that make the world work, and it was often that she saw things that made her come to the above conclusion. With Aundair bordered by Bay and Lake, she was privy to many a trip that saw either, and she became enamored of the blue expanse, that quality scent in the air, and her elation was great when the heavy rains of the season came, dancing in the deluges. There was a calling in there somewhere, she recognized, but rationalized it away since she had been taught to attempt to understand as much as she could before proceeding along the path she chose.
Her pursuits led her towards that which had most enamored her: Water. From the salt and wrack of the Bay to the uses and necessities that they depended on, she studied the water. When the spark of magic was something more understood than felt, she took to it with a will, and applied it to what she was already doing: Seeking the secrets of Water. That did not mean that she was a model student, however. It was only due to the nature of her arcane education that they did not begrudge her fondness of swimming. If she could not be found, one would just need to look to the nearest body of water or river to find her. As a child, her father often heard some quiet speculation about her heritage, many accusing in jest of a dalliance with an undine.
As befitting her heritage as a half-elf, Ama's dark hair is long, often held loose to her waist when she was not studying, eyes the color of an oncoming storm, turned towards a book when she was not writing with smooth movements, the habit of forethought permeating almost everything that she did. Calm and even-tempered, she rarely lost her temper, often seeing no point in doing so, but remembering the slight. Her physique was slim and surprisingly fit, most likely due to her frequent indulgence in her hobby, swimming. Correspondingly, her skin was the tan of someone who was no stranger to the sun.
Ama Freewater
Female Khoravar Wizard(Water) 1
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception+3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects
Speed 30 ft.
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st, concentration +4):
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 14
-Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
-Feats: Athletic, Great Fortitude, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Swim)
Skills: Acrobatics +2, Appraise +3, Bluff +1, Climb +2, Craft (Untrained) +3, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Heal +1, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Engineering) +7, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Perception +3, Perform (Untrained) +1, Ride +2, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +2, Survival +1, Swim +8,
-Languages: Aquan, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan
SQ: Adaptability, Arcane Bond, Bonded Object, Cantrips, Cold Blast, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Fire Opposition School, Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision, Multitalented(Sorceror), Water School, Water Supremacy,
Gear: spellbook (wizard's/blank);
-Arcane Bond (Su) You have selected to establish a powerful arcane bond with an object. Bonded Object: School Ring
-(T)Classically Schooled: Your apprenticeship or early education was particularly focused on the direct application of magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, and Spellcraft is always a class skill for you.
-Cold Blast (Su) As a standard action, you can unleash a blast of freezing cold. This blast deals 1d6+0 points of cold damage to all creatures within 5 feet of you and staggers them for 1 round. A successful Reflex save DC 13 negates the staggered effect and halves the damage. You can use this ability 6 times per day.
-(T)Fencer You trained long hours as a youth with blades, either taking lessons in the genteel art of fencing from tutors paid for by your parents or by being taken under the wing of a disenfranchised fencer who may have turned to a life of crime. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity made with daggers, swords, and similar bladed weapons.
Fire Opposition School: You have chosen fire spells as an opposition school. Preparing a fire spell takes up two spell slots of the same level. You take a -4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that has a fire spell as a prerequisite.
Water School: The water elementalist draws magic from the ocean depths. His power is fluid as well, crushing foes in mighty waves or wearing them down through timeless erosion.
Water Supremacy (Su): You gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Swim skill checks. In addition, you can hold your breath for 44 rounds before you must start making checks to avoid drowning. At 10th level, you gain a swim speed equal to your base speed. At 20th level, whenever you make a Swim skill check, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
Storyteller Shadow |
Submissions thus far:
1. Mellowgoth - Viorr - Elf (Two Weapon) Fighter,
2. Gerald - Artival Brisboir - Human Monk,
3. Jesse Heinig - Caelan d'Orien - Human Fighter (Tactician),
4. Oceanshieldwolf - Haqueton - Warforged Vigilante (Stalker),
5. Me'mori - Ama Freewater - Khoravar Wizard (Water)
Based on interest I expect I would see at least another 4-7 submissions.
haruhiko88 |
Storyteller Shadow |
I'm going to try and get the PDF of Ultimate Intrigue this weekend.
While the Vigilante seems cool, I'm not positive that's the route I wanna take. I have a couple other ideas in mind, so we'll see.
I have not read through it in depth but it has a LOT of Archtypes as well.
Hopefully this weekend I will get a chance to review the sub-rules you mentioned MG and will update the thread as to which, if any, I will use.
Liberte' |
Slowly he began to question his beliefs. He did not dare speak it aloud to anyone for fear of execution, like so many heretics before him. Little did he know his father harbored similar tendencies. Two days after his 17th birthday, Enforcers raided the bar, and took his father away. He had heard that the Enforcers had found forbidden writings, not that they needed an excuse or even proof.
His father was publicly executed by being roasted to death inside a brass bull. Hours of screaming followed by stone silence was Liberte's last memory of his father. It wasn't until later that Liberte' had learned his Mother had turned him in. She had a strange air of satisfaction regarding her husbands death. A man she supposedly loved and cherished for over 20 years.
Liberte' ran that very night, fueled by alcohol and mushrooms. Liberte' never stopped running, while keeping his mind cloaked with hallucinogens.
Carduus the Bemourned |
Character submission for goodwicki - human life oracle with wasting curse, see profile for full details. Minor bits still need to be completed (missing one trait, final wardrobe choice, etc.) but concept and execution should be pretty clear. EDIT: I'm also considering taking an alternate human racial trait to replace skilled, so haven't spent that skill point on anything.
Can change name if the "bemourned" appellation is annoying. I just like the name Carduus for this character, but it's already taken - I don't picture him going around referring to himself as "the Bemourned" or anything. Could shorten to just Cardus.
Storyteller Shadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Consider Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons is how she refers to herself.
In comparison, Carduus the Bemoaned rolls right off the tongue no? :-)
Storyteller Shadow |
I am a player in a game called Kick in the Door - Golarian based Homebrew which is seeking one more player. Character creation as follows:
Starting Gold 4,000 + Roll for first level for Class.
No psionics, gunslingers, alchemists, magus, summoners, or warlocks.
Roll 4d6 eight times. Six of these will be your stats, taking the three highest and adding them together.
HP = Max first level roll thereafter.
2 Traits, and one campaign trait.
Dream-Called: Visions of a horrible apocalypse have haunted you for months. They have grown more vivid in the recent weeks with the most recent dream showing your only escape from destruction is an inn called the Dragon's Draught. Panicked, you woke in the night and made way for the Dragon's Draught, leaving your life behind. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Will saves and you have uncovered a secret magical place along your way here and uncovered a magical item, that is worth no more than 2,500 gp.
Scholar: With new found ruins and artifacts in the region, they have attracted many intellectuals and arcanists. You made your way over as well, but quickly found yourself short of funding. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (History) and that skill is always a class skill for you. Bonus?
Whisper Woods Hunter(Whisper Woods): Your family prepared you for a life of evading or destroying fiendish creatures. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to track evil outsiders and a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks when you know your opponent is an evil outsider. Bonus?
Patient Optimist (Desna, Erastil,Sarenrae): As a worshiper of a good and kindly god, you know that Asmodeus’ dominion over Cheliax will pass in time, and are used to having to repeat arguments multiple times to convince even the most stubborn believer. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence hostile or unfriendly creatures, and if you fail at such an attempt you may retry it once. You gain diplomacy as a class skill and if already is a class skill gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy.
Hellknight Ancestry:At least one of your parents was a Hellknight, and you see the orders as the embodiment of civic virtue. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence Hellknights and a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks to influence enemies of the Hellknights. You start with a set of Hellknight armor.
Demon Hunter: Raised in a church, you've focused your indoctrinated fervor primarily on the elimination of demons. You gain a +3 trait bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks about demons and a +2 trait bonus on Will saves against mind-affecting spells and effects from demons. Bonus?
Brastlewark Student: You have studied the arts of healing and alchemy amongst the Gnomes of Brastlewark. You have learned their methods of mixing alchemy with traditional healing in nontraditional ways. As a result you have learned to look at both skills in a new way.
You gain +1 to both Craft: Alchemy and Heal, and one becomes a class skill. Additionally, once per day you may gain a +2 circumstance bonus to a Heal check vs poison or disease by making an Alchemy skill check. The DC of this Alchemy roll is the DC of the affliction.
Lost Nobility: Your family was prominent before the rise of Thrune, but that legacy is now forgotten by all but you. You hold every Chelish government official (including Hellknights) personally responsible for your lost glory. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against these officials. Bonus?
Threatening Defender: You know how to avoid a blow while still maintaining your offensive posture. When you use Combat Expertise, reduce the number you subtract from your melee attack rolls by 1.
Magical Traits:
These regional traits are available to all Chelish characters.
Desperate Focus: You’ve often found yourself in situations where a lack of focus can lead to worse than a lost spell. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.
Diabolical Dabbler: Each fiendish animal you conjure with any summon spell gains +1 hit point per hit die for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
Theoretical Magician: You’ve studied more magic than what you can actually perform. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, or a +3 bonus if you aren’t a spellcaster.
Race Traits
These race traits are available to all characters of the appropriate race.
Brastlewark Businessman (Gnome): Your time among the Brastlewark elite has led to an extensive knowledge of alchemy and ready connections in the trade. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Craft (alchemy) checks.
Infernal Influence (Chelaxian): Your family boasts secret diabolical ties that may go back much further than the Thrune regime, and much deeper. You gain fire resistance 1 and a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Masterful Demeanor (Chelaxian): As a proud Chelaxian, you are confident that members of other, inferior races will obey you, and quickly. You gain a +3 trait bonus on Intimidate checks against members of non-human humanoid races.
Successful Shirker (Halfling): Born and raised a slave with no hope of advancement, you are adept at avoiding your overseer’s ire and attention, the better to spend time on your own interests. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks and a +3 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks to avoid punishment by lawful authority.
Regional Traits
These regional traits are available to all Chelish characters.
Cliff Jumper (Cliffs of Fury): You spent your early years exploring and foraging along the coastal cliffs. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and on Reflex saves to avoid falling.
Dump Salvager (Westcrown): You grew up in or around Westcrown’s rubbish-strewn shores and spent your spare time digging through trash looking for things worth selling. You gain a +3 trait bonus on Perception checks to search for concealed items.
Egorian School Apprentice (Egorian): You studied under one of the masters of the Egorian School style of architecture.
You gain a +3 trait bonus on Knowledge (engineering) checks and a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks to find secret doors or traps in buildings built in the Egorian School style.
Wharf Rat (Ostenso): You may never have been on a boat larger than a garbage scow, but you’ve been helping them dock all your life. You gain a +2 trait bonus on skill checks involving climbing and rope use, and a +4 trait bonus on Appraise checks to determine the value of large quantities of bulk goods without opening their containers.
Whisper Woods Hunter (Whisper Woods): Your family prepared you for a life of evading or destroying fiendish creatures. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to track evil outsiders and a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks when you know your opponent is an evil outsider.
Brastlewark Student (Brastlewark): You have studied the arts of healing and alchemy amongst the Gnomes of Brastlewark. You have learned their methods of mixing alchemy with traditional healing in untraditional ways. As a result you have learned to look at both skills in a new way.
You gain +1 to both Craft: Alchemy and Heal, and one becomes a class skill. Additionally, once per day you may gain a +2 circumstance bonus to a Heal check vs poison or disease by making an Alchemy skill check. The DC of this Alchemy roll is the DC of the affliction.
Religion Traits
These religion traits are available to all characters of the listed faith.
Asmodean Demon Hunter (Asmodeus): Raised in the church of Asmodeus (whether or not you are currently a follower of the Prince of Darkness), you’ve focused your indoctrinated fervor primarily on the elimination of demons. You gain a +3 trait bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks about demons and a +2 trait bonus on Will saves against mind-affecting spells and effects from demons.
Patient Optimist (Desna, Erastil): As a worshiper of a good and kindly god, you know that Asmodeus’ dominion over Cheliax will pass in time, and are used to having to repeat arguments multiple times to convince even the most stubborn believer. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence hostile or unfriendly creatures, and if you fail at such an attempt you may retry it once.
Social Traits
These regional traits are available to all Chelish characters.
Hellknight Ancestry: At least one of your parents was a Hellknight, and you see the orders as the embodiment of civic virtue. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence Hellknights and a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks to influence enemies of the Hellknights.
Lost Nobility: Your family was prominent before the rise of Thrune, but that legacy is now forgotten by all but you. You hold every Chelish government official (including Hellknights) personally responsible for your lost glory. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against these officials.
Nonchalant Thuggery: You are adept at keeping witnesses from noticing that anything is wrong. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Bluff checks to keep others from noticing your aggressive actions.
Storyteller Shadow |
I am a player in a game called Kick in the Door - Golarian based Homebrew which is seeking one more player. Character creation as follows:
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If you are asking what to submit I think we need a tank :-)
Storyteller Shadow |
I am a player in a game called Kick in the Door - Golarian based Homebrew which is seeking one more player. Character creation as follows:
** spoiler omitted **
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BUMP! Specifically for Kick in the Door
Storyteller Shadow |
Updated submissions thus far for Eberron:
1. Mellowgoth - Viorr - Elf (Two Weapon) Fighter,
2. Gerald - Artival Brisboir - Human Monk,
3. Jesse Heinig - Caelan d'Orien - Human Fighter (Tactician),
4. Oceanshieldwolf - Haqueton - Warforged Vigilante (Stalker),
5. Me'mori - Ama Freewater - Khoravar Wizard (Water),
6. haruhiko88 - Rission d'Lyrandar - Half-Elf Gunslinger,
7. Edelsmirge - Pink-Eye - Minotaur - Cleric,
8. WreckTall - Liberte' - Human (Empty Vessel) - Psychic Warrior,
9. goodwicki - Carduus "the Bemourned - Human - Oracle of Life.
Based on interest I expect I would see at least another 1-3 submissions by the deadline.
Storyteller Shadow |
If you have posted a submission please let me know if you have played in any of the following previously:
1. Shadows of the Last War,
2. Whisper's of the Vampires Blade,
3. Grasp of the Emerald Claw.
If you have, do not worry it will not effect the final decision as to who makes it in I just want to know.
Rai Zon |
Hey story teller this is Onfroi for the lv four game. Tank wise I can do anything your group likes and/or wants.
Lv four unchained monk w touch of serenity dodge mobility spring attack
Lv four paladin of ragathiel vow of vengeance captain smite...
Lv four fighter lore warden trip dirty trick jerk with reach
Pick any other.
Storyteller Shadow |
Hey story teller this is Onfroi for the lv four game. Tank wise I can do anything your group likes and/or wants.
Lv four unchained monk w touch of serenity dodge mobility spring attack
Lv four paladin of ragathiel vow of vengeance captain smite...
Lv four fighter lore warden trip dirty trick jerk with reach
Pick any other.
Great! I sent a PM to the DM let's see what of these he would be interested in seeing.