IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
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Roll20Con 2016
June 3rd, 2016 From 12:00 AM PDT US to 11:59 PM PDT US [UTC-7]
Registration is now live!
This free, online-only celebration of the Roll20 Community will take place on Friday, June 3rd, 2016 for just 24 hours - but you can start preparing, listing, and joining games now! On May 27th, all games labeled for Roll20CON will have access to Plus-level subscription features (including Dynamic Lighting) for free until June 3rd, 2016 at 11:59pm Pacific.
During the convention, some of your favorite streamers and publishers will also be live on helping Roll20 raise money for Cybersmile, the international non-profit supporting victims of cyberbullying. [Donation details will be available during the Stream and on during the convention.]
We would love to see a strong turnout from the PFS Online Community.
For those interested in running PFS during Roll20Con 2016, please read this post from Roll20Con first:
Then go to the convention session registration link here and register your game:
NOTE: Make sure to list your game as "Pathfinder" in the "Playing" section of each session, and tag "PathfinderSociety" in the tags.
(Please use the Pathfinder Society Scenario/AP/Module thumbnail image from as your sessions cover image, or the Pathfinder Society logo [Found here in the community use package]. That will help visually distinguish PFS games from the other systems.)
You can see a full list of games for Roll20Con 2016 here, and player sign-ups need to be handled through Roll20 for the convention.
GMs, once you create your session(s) on Roll20, please submit your game for convention support here:
Session Support Submission Form
(Even if you already have the scenario you are running, please submit your game so we can make sure everyone gets Official PFS convention details and will be eligible for convention boons and prizes.)
Submission Deadline for GM Scenario support is May 18th, 2016 at 12 PM PDT US [UTC-7]. (You can still submit games after that for convention boons and prize support, but you will not get scenario support.)
NOTE: Make sure and link your Roll20 session in the PFS support submission form so PFS sessions can be found easily. [Pseudo-Session Example here.]
** Also, if you plan on streaming your game on Twitch or Google Hangouts on Air, please let us know. We would like to feature and host as many streamers as possible during the convention. **
If you have any questions or concerns, or need help getting a game listed (or anything else), please contact us here.
Look forward to seeing you all there!
- Jesse
Jesse R. Davis [IronHelixx]
PFS Venture-Captain, Online Play
Our Mission: To Champion, Serve, Support, and Build the PFS Online Community.
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
Corrected Link for Full Roll20Con 2016 Session List:
CorvusMask Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere |
Baerlie Venture-Captain, Austria—Vienna |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ups, I deleted the Pseude-Session example you linked above, sorry! It was not possible to change the name of the game and I wanted to include the Scnario name and character level. I created a new one, but it seems it takes some time until it shows up in the list. Maybe you want to list another one? XD
Blind Prophet |
...Then go to the convention session registration link here and register your game:
NOTE: Make sure to list your game as "Pathfinder" in the "Playing" section of each session, and tag "PathfinderSociety" in the tags....
Is it enough to go to our normal game's page and click the checkbox next to roll20con event? I did that for my own pfs game that's about to kick off, but if i need to do a special page, I understand completely. My players may not enjoy it, but meh.
GMs, once you create your session(s) on Roll20, please submit your game for convention support here...
The hyperlink sends you to a page w/ a graphic that says "Be Back Soon - Please check back". More as an fyi to anyone else trying to register beforehand, rather than specifically at Jessie. I was planning on doing the Quest for Perfection series for my group, but if there's a special con package, I could be persuaded elsewise.
Finally, I've never been to a convention before, so this may seem like a previously answered question. I was planning on running a table later on in the day (5pm pacific). If I play in a scenario that's running earlier, and apply the con boons to different characters, does that work out? Or do I only get one con boon regardless of it being gm credit or player credit?
Baerlie Venture-Captain, Austria—Vienna |
Usually there's a GM boon and a Player boon, meaning two different boons. But not every player gets a boon, only if you roll natural 20 at the end of the game ;) At least it was handled like this for the PbP Gamedays. Provided there are enough tables registered for boon support. The GM boon may be applied to any character, the player boon as well afaik.
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
As Beatrice indicated - Assuming the event hits, at least, fifteen tables there will be boon support. GMs that run a game will automatically get one GM boon (regardless of how many tables you run), assuming they report the game to us through the reporting form that will be provided the day of the event. For player boons everyone at the table rolls a d20 and if they roll a natural 1 or natural 20 they get a player boon. There will also be a raffle for some small, digital prizes. The boons can be applied to any PC that otherwise qualifies for the boon.
As far as creating the Roll20 table - Indeed, you can just check the "Roll20Con" box when you create your Roll20 session and that should work just fine.
On the web form - that will be back very shortly. I had to go in and clean up some data and block some IP addresses that were spamming the form. That is pretty much done now. Going forward we will be using a new system, so this should not be an issue in the future.
- Jesse
Jesse R. Davis [IronHelixx]
PFS Venture-Captain, Online Play
Our Mission: To Champion, Serve, Support, and Build the PFS Online Community.
Usually there's a GM boon and a Player boon, meaning two different boons. But not every player gets a boon, only if you roll natural 20 at the end of the game ;) At least it was handled like this for the PbP Gamedays. Provided there are enough tables registered for boon support. The GM boon may be applied to any character, the player boon as well afaik.
CorvusMask Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere |
rknop |
Hmm... gonna have to think whether or not I have the mental fortitude to GM for this. I'll be fresh back from PaizoCon (two days to recover), and my Reign of Winter campaign (which I run, and which has trouble scheduling very often, so I don't want to cancel it) meets on Friday evening.
*Maybe* I'll run one earlier in the day... will ponder and decide before too long.
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
Cronge has not registered his 7-23: Abducted in Aether game with Roll20Con yet. (That is #12.)
As a reminder, make sure games are listed with Roll20CON's LFG system or the game will not count for credit during the con.
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
Indeed - everyone who lists a game on Roll20Con's LFG list and submits their session to the support form will get the link to the official reporting form closer to the convention date.
We'll send all the reporting info, form link, et cetera.
Will there be a form to fill out after the game for reporting purposes?
I'm just asking since there's an official event and all.
Baerlie Venture-Captain, Austria—Vienna |
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
Cronge |
Cronge has not registered his 7-23: Abducted in Aether game with Roll20Con yet. (That is #12.)
As a reminder, make sure games are listed with Roll20CON's LFG system or the game will not count for credit during the con.
Here is the link to the listing for my game on Roll20.
When I try to search for it through LFG I cannot find it listed... weird.
Cronge |
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Jesse Davis wrote:Cronge has not registered his 7-23: Abducted in Aether game with Roll20Con yet. (That is #12.)
As a reminder, make sure games are listed with Roll20CON's LFG system or the game will not count for credit during the con.
Here is the link to the listing for my game on Roll20.
When I try to search for it through LFG I cannot find it listed... weird.
WOOT, I have figured out why I wasn't able to find my listing in LFG. It has to do with the 2 check boxes, welcome new players, and Mature Content(18+). The search is very specific to those check boxes. By selecting Mature Content(18+), only, since that was the choice I made in my original listing, one will find games that have been listed as such. Some games have been listed with both listing options, welcome new players, and Mature Content(18+) and a search with both boxes clicked will reflect that too.
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
CorvusMask Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere |
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
Not at all - just submit your game to the link above so I can make sure I do not miss you when I send out event info, and make sure and create a Roll20Con LFG entry on Roll20 - and you should be good to go. Thanks for running! :)
Is it too late to set up a table to run if I already have a scenario?
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
I'll be sending out some details tomorrow, and will supplement the info later when I actually get the boons for the event, most likely the week of the con.
So party is full for my game huh. I hope connection will work well...
Is there official way of determining player boons btw? .-. I've heard rather few varietys of how to determine how player gets them
CorvusMask Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere |
CorvusMask Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere |
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
All of Roll20Con's official times are posted in Pacific Daylight Time US [PDT US], which is UTC-7. So the Convention officially starts at June 3rd, 2016 @ 12 AM PDT US, which is June 3rd, 2016 @ 7 AM UTC time.
Individual games should have your native time zone listed if you have defined it in your Roll20 profile. (Double check that to be sure, and if you have a question on a given session let me know and I will make sure you get the correct time for your own timezone.)
You can convert time here too:
As far as the temporary enhanced Roll20 features go, Roll20Con posted:
"All games labeled for Roll20CON have access to in-game Plus-level subscription features for free until June 3rd, 2016 at 11:59pm Pacific. Tagged games are ad free & will have access to Dynamic Lighting..."
So if you listed in the Roll20 LFG and tagged it as part of Roll20Con, you should already have the enhanced features like dynamic lighting, et cetera, while GMing.
If you are only playing in a game it won't matter what account level you have - only the GM requires the enhanced features for it to work for the whole table.
Timezone stuff confuse me .-. Like, for me tomorrow is Friday the 3rd. But thats not the case everywhere, so if I didn't have plus subscription already, would I be unable to get it by time of the game?
CorvusMask Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere |
Baerlie Venture-Captain, Austria—Vienna |
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
Alrighty - Roll20Con 2016 is officially underway.
Panels can be seen at:
Game List: (As games fill up they drop from the list - fyi)
Cybersmile Charity Donation Page:
If you need help please join our Discord chat server here: (Link expires after 24 hours)
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
"Being a Roll20 Marketplace Creator" panel just started:
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
"Publishing in the Digital Age" panel starting now: Luke Crane, Jessica Price, Stephen Chenault, Mike and Cody Pondsmith, & Jason Morningstar
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Roll20Con is Raising Money for Cybersmile - drop them some bucks and you'll get a con exclusive token/map pack:
(You must use the roll20 link to donate, if you donate directly at CyberSmile you will not get the token pack)
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
Roll20Con "Advanced Roll20 & LFG" panel starting now:
IronHelixx Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online |
"GMing on Roll20" panel starting now: with Adam Koebel, Nadja Otikor, Neal Erickson, and Steven Lumpkin
FiddlersGreen |
does anyone ever run tutorial games for us learners of Roll20? maybe using the quests but knowing will be longer runs foe newbies.
My game took about 8 hours because 5 out of 6 of my players were new to Roll20 AND pathfinder. Man that took awhile. On the other hand, my players also learned more than most players would in their first game about strategic bottle-necking and using difficult terrain to your advantage, so I consider it a win all around. =)
Probably helped that we were all friends who knew each other long before most of us started playing, so we were all very patient with one another. I guess the point is that the best way to do it is to find a friends who will be patient with each other through the process, because it's not just the GM who needs to be patient with the new guys.
Myself, I was the first of the group to use Roll20, so I had to learn from watching several youtube videos about Roll20 when I started. Google "Roll20 tutorial" and spend some time watching, then run a game for your friends to share the knowledge. I recommend doing it over 2 sessions though. Doing it all in one 8 hour push, even with breaks in between, takes alot out of you.