Arcane Archer Enhance Arrow Ability

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

9th level AA using +4 human-bane longbow and selected flaming burst and holy as the enchantments from his ability. This makes the bow a +10 effective enchantment. Now, this archer fires a dragon-bane arrow at a dragon. Does the arrow assume the enchantments from now and loses its own enchants because it's more than +10 or does the dragon-bane property override/replace the human-bane enchant since it's being fired at a dragon?


Enhance Arrows (Su): At 1st level, every nonmagical arrow an arcane archer nocks and lets fly becomes magical, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus. Unlike magic weapons created by normal means, the archer need not spend gold pieces to accomplish this task. However, an archer's magic arrows only function for him.

In addition, the arcane archer's arrows gain a number of additional qualities as he gains additional levels. The elemental, elemental burst, and aligned qualities can be changed once per day, when the arcane archer prepares spells or, in the case of spontaneous spellcasters, after 8 hours of rest.

At 3rd level, every nonmagical arrow fired by an arcane archer gains one of the following elemental themed weapon qualities: flaming, frost, or shock.

At 5th level, every nonmagical arrow fired by an arcane archer gains the distance weapon quality.

At 7th level, every nonmagical arrow fired by an arcane archer gains one of the following elemental burst weapon qualities: flaming burst, icy burst, or shocking burst. This ability replaces the ability gained at 3rd level.

At 9th level, every nonmagical arrow fired by an arcane archer gains one of the following aligned weapon qualities: anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy. The arcane archer cannot choose an ability that is the opposite of his alignment (for example, a lawful good arcane archer could not choose anarchic or unholy as his weapon quality).

The bonuses granted by a magic bow apply as normal to arrows that have been enhanced with this ability. Only the larger enhancement bonus applies. Duplicate abilities do not stack.

This ability only applies to nonmagical arrows; he wouldn't be able to use Enhance Arrows with any of his magical arrows. The arrow would keep its dragon-bane enchantment and not benefit from the Enhance Arrows ability at all.

The boni from the arrow and your bow are treated as different entities. That means they do not stack if they are the same (no +5 enhancement bonus), but they are allowed to add up to an "effective" bonus over 10.

But as alraidy said, you need nonmagical arrows for that.

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