Interest Check: Mutants & Masterminds / Legacy of Eagles


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Hi. I'm thinking of running M&M3E through, initially, the ancient Golden Heroes scenario, Legacy of Eagles.

Have to say I haven't run M&M in this edition before so as a caveat this may be a learning experience. Second caveat: I ran the actual scenario for Golden Heroes when it first came out (which is a hint as to how old I am) and achieved TPK, something I'm not keen to revisit.

From the back of the box: "Dateline 1965 - a strange meteor plunging to earth signals the end for a legendary team of superheroes... And still the only known survivor of the team won't talk... Twenty years on; their secrets are in danger of being unearthed by an arch-villain - can the Golden heroes foil his plans? Will they inherit... The Legacy Of Eagles?"

I propose to retain the same setting - the UK in 1985, with a newly arrived set of heroes trying to figure out what happened. General feel is Grant Morrison's Zenith, if you're familiar with that.

I'd be looking for enough interested players that we have a recruitment, rather than just managing to get the minimum; in my experience if the interest check just barely makes it, it won't work.

Final caveat - it will take me a few weeks to convert the content, which is why I'm trying to figure out the interest level before launching out on it.

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Am a HUGE fan of Golden Heroes and would LOVE to be part of this Shady. Never got to run the scenario back in the day (converted some Marvel and ran the odd White Dwarf scenarios).

Colour me interested mate!

I've had a concept gestating since those halcyon days that I'd love to build...

Professor Æthelstan Langley - A leading expert and academic of British myth and historical, who can transform into Eoten - a massive being fabled to be one of the ancient Giants of Albion.

Few weeks would work perfectly for me as I'll have to skinny up on M&M3E (unless you fancy running it in retro GH :)

color me interested

Scarab Sages

I'm intrigued.

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Black Dow wrote:
Professor Æthelstan Langley - A leading expert and academic of British myth and historical, who can transform into Eoten - a massive being fabled to be one of the ancient Giants of Albion.

That is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.

Few weeks would work perfectly for me as I'll have to skinny up on M&M3E (unless you fancy running it in retro GH :)

My suspicion is I'd be running you solo :-). GH is a bit like (another UK reference) Marmite, in terms of whether you love or hate it. Except more people like Marmite.

Sounds pretty cool. I like M&M, and the setting seems interesting.

What kind of PL are we looking at? Ballpark estimate since I'm assuming Golden Heroes doesn't use exactly the same system.

About where would we stand on the goofy-serious scale?

Sundakan wrote:

Sounds pretty cool. I like M&M, and the setting seems interesting.

What kind of PL are we looking at? Ballpark estimate since I'm assuming Golden Heroes doesn't use exactly the same system.

About where would we stand on the goofy-serious scale?

PL10. The PCs are relatively new heroes and this is an early mission. That also allows those people who aren't that familiar with M&M to just take one of the archetypes from the rulebook, reskin them and dive straight in (in fact, if you don't have the rules, I can do it for you).

Another way of looking at the style is "Bronze Age" Marvel + UK Indy (hence Zenith, but you could also say Alan Moore's Marvelman or Moore/Delano's Captain Britain).

Had the 2E M&M rules, but not sure on the changes. Notice there is a d20hero SRD that porports to be the OGL element of 3E so I'll have a gander there.

d20HeroSRD Linkage

All the sources referenced by GM-Shady pretty much nail it. That late 70's to mid 80's bronze age offers up a wealth of material and vibe for the (potential) game. Throw in UK-centric slant to the concepts and you're there.

One of our Golden Hero games had a character named Caterwaul who was the daughter of Liverpudlian sixties super-duo Twist & Shout - who were semi-retired by the 1980s setting. Guessing its that kind of flavour Shady is looking for?

Out of curiosity Shady will we still have D.I.C.E. (Golden Heroes version of S.H.I.E.L.D.)?? If so, you'll make this auld gamer very happy :)

Man I really hope we get enough interest - just you floating the idea has got me looking over tons of old notes!

I'm interested. Been meaning to do another M&M game.

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M&M conversion notes for 2e to 3e can be found here.

... and this is the Quickstart guide ...

@Black Dow - coincidentally we had our own 1960s Liverpool superhero called MopTop.

DICE - we'll see. I always thought the name was a bit daft, compared to Spectrum, SHADO and UNIT. I was thinking of introducing something a bit more like Charles Stross' Laundry organisation (which is itself intentionally retro, being a hybrid of Len Deighton and HP Lovecraft).

I do have Simon Burley's Squadron UK stuff, will have a scan through it for any ideas.

Dark Archive

I could be persuaded to participate. I'd be even more enthusiastic if it were limited to PL 10, but not necessarily 150 points.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with GH, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

I've been wanting to play some superheroes for a while now. (four) color me very interested.


Very interested.

I shall have to pull out my M&M books and refresh myself on the rules.

WhtKnt wrote:

I could be persuaded to participate. I'd be even more enthusiastic if it were limited to PL 10, but not necessarily 150 points.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with GH, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

It's kind of funny, I don't think I've ever played a Mutants and Masterminds game (2E OR 3E) with the set allotment of points per PL. I'm guessing they're widely considered to be poorly designed where they are?

Attributes ARE pretty painful to buy, particularly in 3e where the number of them doubled.

from what I remember, it's actually a pretty well balanced out system (the points/pl system I mean). It keeps things relatively balanced within the various PLs.

Well, with the way the system works (hard caps on how strong powers can be) a higher PL will ALWAYS be more powerful regardless. More points just means more versatility. More power SETS rather than single trick users (or arrays).

The M&M system does seem to encourage a lot of min-maxing with Arrays and Drawbacks just to get your character concept off the ground for anything weird or complicated.

Though that may be part of my unashamed Special Senses addiction.

Dark Archive

Thinking of a young witch, a Wiccan whose powers... blossomed. Ideally, she would be quite young, possibly still a teen if the GM permits it, and very naive, but also quite powerful. Her powers are largely nature-based or healing-oriented, though with a PL 10 limit, I can still amp her offense up a bit.

I was thinking of a guy in quantum flux. someone caught between the present and six minutes in the future

edit: of course I would need alot of help making hem, as I am completely new to the system :)

I agree on the Marmite analogy Shady; personally I loved its originality (but we did house rule a bunch on skills and background picks to flesh those out. The campaign ratings were also pretty innovative too)...

Have the aforementioned Eoten concept kicking around - drawing on Celtic and Jack the Giantkiller mythos with a heathy dose of Marvel's Byrne-Era Sasquatch (Yes - I'm one of the fabled 12 Alpha Flight fans in existence lol) for themes and ideas.

I'm thinking a guy with lightning reflexes and super-speed who fights using a rapier. Sort of a combination of Flash and Spring Mustache from One Punch Man.

I sat and reread the actual scenario last night. I actually don't think it will take too long to convert (I'd forgotten how sparse the actual material is).

On points, I'll be fairly strict. I don't know the system well enough to be permissive on flexing it and in my experience giving at this stage is a recipe for disaster*. I have all of the 3e books so, within the constraints of the campaign, can use that material.

I may btw take some of the downtime rules from GH (which are pretty good) if we get beyond this scenario.

@WhyKnt: she can be a teen but as a rule I don't allow NSFW, I assume that's not an issue.

@Idiot Cube: like this guy? (warning: violent. And they're sickles).

* I tried to set up a Dark Matter/X-Files like D20 Future campaign recently; after saying I was flexible on prestige classes and, as a result, allowing the starting level to go up, everyone was either a genetic superhero, in power armour, or both, and complaining the tech level should be higher. All of this was very much my fault, was the lesson I drew from that. I'm still going to do that campaign btw.

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GM Shady wrote:
@Idiot Cube: like this guy? (warning: violent. And they're sickles).

Pretty much. Though I'm picturing my guy as more of a flamboyant dandy than a silent ninja dude.

Also, cutting people in half isn't nearly as gentlemanly and stylish as stabbing them with unerring precision at 200 miles per hour.

is there a way to roll a random hero?

Idiot Cube wrote:

Pretty much. Though I'm picturing my guy as more of a flamboyant dandy than a silent ninja dude.

Also, cutting people in half isn't nearly as gentlemanly and stylish as stabbing them with unerring precision at 200 miles per hour.

Cube - Here's a link to an interesting article on the history of duelling you might find useful:


It makes mention of “The British Code of Duel,” of 1824, which has the awesome sub-title of "A Reference to the Laws of Honour, and the Character of a Gentlemen" - no idea what it contains, but might make for an interesting character reference point etc.

Food for thought? :)

I was thinking that I would go with a non-powered archer character (who is basically the same character I played in a M&M 2 campaign a while back) named longbow. He thinks like batman and fights like green arrow.

Dark Archive

GM Shady wrote:
@WhyKnt: she can be a teen but as a rule I don't allow NSFW, I assume that's not an issue.

No, not an issue at all. I generally stay to PG-13 when on the boards, and as a teenager, I would definitely not have her doing anything sexual. I don't want to toe the line with inappropriate content.

As for points, it's not a big issue. I just hate being a few points short of the the perfect build to fit the concept, or trying to shoehorn more more powers in because I've already made the concept and have points left over. I'll manage.

So far a witch, an archer, a swashbuckler and a giant... Are we building The Folklore Four lol.

We need WreckTall and Sundakan to break the cycle!

Dark Archive

WreckTall wrote:
is there a way to roll a random hero?

The GM's Kit has rules for creating a semi-random hero, but really they are just alternate builds of the archetypes.

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Black Dow wrote:

So far a witch, an archer, a swashbuckler and a giant... Are we building The Folklore Four lol.

We need WreckTall and Sundakan to break the cycle!

I dunno, it makes for a good team theme if we all want to go fantasy archetype superheroes or something. Somebody want to make a King Arthur-alike?

WreckTall wrote:

I was thinking of a guy in quantum flux. someone caught between the present and six minutes in the future

edit: of course I would need alot of help making hem, as I am completely new to the system :)

On that note WreckTall and taking into account Sundakan's comment above - could your guy not be caught betwixt past, present and future?

With a dash of Arthurian legend:

The once and future king! ;)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I'm also interested if folks can still throw their hat in. I was just recently brushing up on 3E's chargen rules.

I am not, however, familiar with Golden Heroes. Is it basically heroes with some kind of mythical/thing-of-folklore/legend bent?

If so I've got a concept for a tanky character called "Good Knight Gracie" who can summon a suit of armor and has some other goodies that might work... who in fact has some Arthurian stuff worked into her backstory.

I could also see what else I come up with depending on what's needed (and if Gracie sounds a little too cheesy).


I am trying to figure out how to build this character mechanically, but here's the idea:

Parthoryax the Blue. An ancient dragon egg was recently unearthed and brought to civilization, where it mysteriously hatched. Inside was a full-fledged dragon, still small and naive, but possessing all the classical abilities from legend.

To wit: claws & teeth, flight via wings, strong & tough, breathes fire, highly intelligent. I'm not sure how big and nasty a PL10 could be, whether Large or Medium, but I can feel him either way.

Can you help me, GM? Especially if you have HeroLab and can knock it out easily?

DQ - Golden Heroes was basically Games Workshops foray into the superhero rpg market.

The game had a UK-centric approach to both the feel and setting, and as GM Shady alluded to it sits in the Marvel Bronze Age mixed with UK idy comics.

The whole fantasy vibe isn't necessary a bolted-on theme unless GM-S plans to play that up?

I'd like to get to 6 players if we can.

@DeathQuaker - per BD's comments, it's a 1980s generic superhero game with a UK background. I don't plan on pushing a fantasy background.

@Psionichamster - I'm currently travelling but can take a look. Best starting point would be to use one of the archetypes and start from there (I'll have a fish round later today). I do have HeroLab (and have the M&M modules) so can take a look when I get back next week if necessary.

@whtknt Thanks!

@Black Dow I've been reading the SRD to figure out the best representation of being trapped in different time frames. He could be immortal, and very old so he could be legendary I would suppose.

I don't see him as a fighter, but a manipulator of events. Doing his best to place events on the best trajectory for humanity.

The mechanics are difficult to say the least

Also interested if there's room. Looking over other character concepts and going to come up with something different.

My concept is as previously touched on is Professor Æthelstan Langley - a leading expert and academic of British Myth and History. Tall and skinny as a rail, the Professor is affectionately nicknamed "Langshanks" by research students and colleagues alike.

However for a man versed in unlocking the fabled secrets of Britain's past, he also harbours one himself... the ability to transform into Eoten - a massive being fabled to be one of the ancient Giants of Albion!

Not sure at present whether Æthelstan is unlocking a long dormant bloodline in his family, or if through an ancient ritual/device he has discovered in his studies he has been able to harness the power of the Giants of Albion (am leaning toward this idea).

I'm drawing inspiration from Old English myth, Marvel's Sasquatch (one of my favourite characters - particularly from the Byrne era Alpha Flight/Great Beasts themes); Ulik the Troll (one of my fave villains) and elements of Shazam.

Image below has him pretty much nailed:

Eoten Inspiration

As is standard with me and character generation - tend to get fixated on the fluff and see how the crunch shell fits (not an optimiser by any stretch).

Starting to grapple with 3E but I might need some guidance also.

psionichamster wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to build this character mechanically, but here's the idea:

Parthoryax the Blue. An ancient dragon egg was recently unearthed and brought to civilization, where it mysteriously hatched. Inside was a full-fledged dragon, still small and naive, but possessing all the classical abilities from legend.

To wit: claws & teeth, flight via wings, strong & tough, breathes fire, highly intelligent. I'm not sure how big and nasty a PL10 could be, whether Large or Medium, but I can feel him either way.

Can you help me, GM? Especially if you have HeroLab and can knock it out easily?

Some sample builds:

Marvel's Dragon Man - he's PL11 and 161 points so you'd need to scale back a little.

Marvel's Sauron (basically Pterodactyl Man). PL10.

I'd suggest something that was humanoid in form, to fit a classical superhero theme, and had a hulk-like transformation of some kind. I think just having a straight dragon works less well.

Just in general there's a list of DC/Marvel builds here. So you can take one of those and scale accordingly.

Sundakan wrote:
Black Dow wrote:

So far a witch, an archer, a swashbuckler and a giant... Are we building The Folklore Four lol.

We need WreckTall and Sundakan to break the cycle!

I dunno, it makes for a good team theme if we all want to go fantasy archetype superheroes or something. Somebody want to make a King Arthur-alike?

I'd prefer we didn't use a theme per se. Or rather, fine if it works, but it will break down the first time we go to get a replacement.


I think a version of the Savage Dragon fits my bill pretty nicely.

Using the Warrior (Leaping) archetype, he'd be tough, a good fighter, and capable of jumping off or onto buildings no problem.

Probably take a few points in equipment for police gear (radio, flashlight, pistol, I guess) and an immunity to fire along with a bit of regeneration power.

Will have to lose a few ranks of Leaping, possibly some Strength to get there, but seems like a good start.

psionichamster wrote:

I think a version of the Savage Dragon fits my bill pretty nicely.

Using the Warrior (Leaping) archetype, he'd be tough, a good fighter, and capable of jumping off or onto buildings no problem.

Probably take a few points in equipment for police gear (radio, flashlight, pistol, I guess) and an immunity to fire along with a bit of regeneration power.

Will have to lose a few ranks of Leaping, possibly some Strength to get there, but seems like a good start.

Savage Dragon PL10 Build ... from the list here.

Great lists Shady - am looking up everything from Sasquatch to Hill Giants at the moment!

Yeah the fantastical theme was just a comical reference to the character ideas kicking around.

OK - looks like we have critical mass ... I'll kick off a proper recruitment thread this evening (I am currently in Pacific Time).

DeathQuaker wrote:

I'm also interested if folks can still throw their hat in. I was just recently brushing up on 3E's chargen rules.

I am not, however, familiar with Golden Heroes. Is it basically heroes with some kind of mythical/thing-of-folklore/legend bent?

If so I've got a concept for a tanky character called "Good Knight Gracie" who can summon a suit of armor and has some other goodies that might work... who in fact has some Arthurian stuff worked into her backstory.

I could also see what else I come up with depending on what's needed (and if Gracie sounds a little too cheesy).

One thing on this, the scenario involves finding out what happened to the UK's Golden Age predecessors, the EAGLES (it has a strangulated acronym associated with it, like SHIELD, hence the capitals). One of the missing heroes is a WW2 super-heroine called Howitzer, a kind of amazonian character, popularly known as Big Bertha (after the nickname for the German gun). You might think about making this character relate to that one.

Hmm, I'll have to think something up.

GM Shady wrote:
psionichamster wrote:

I think a version of the Savage Dragon fits my bill pretty nicely.

Using the Warrior (Leaping) archetype, he'd be tough, a good fighter, and capable of jumping off or onto buildings no problem.

Probably take a few points in equipment for police gear (radio, flashlight, pistol, I guess) and an immunity to fire along with a bit of regeneration power.

Will have to lose a few ranks of Leaping, possibly some Strength to get there, but seems like a good start.

Savage Dragon PL10 Build ... from the list here.

What an amazing list. Timeslip is a perfect jumping off point

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

GM Shady wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

I'm also interested if folks can still throw their hat in. I was just recently brushing up on 3E's chargen rules.

I am not, however, familiar with Golden Heroes. Is it basically heroes with some kind of mythical/thing-of-folklore/legend bent?

If so I've got a concept for a tanky character called "Good Knight Gracie" who can summon a suit of armor and has some other goodies that might work... who in fact has some Arthurian stuff worked into her backstory.

I could also see what else I come up with depending on what's needed (and if Gracie sounds a little too cheesy).

One thing on this, the scenario involves finding out what happened to the UK's Golden Age predecessors, the EAGLES (it has a strangulated acronym associated with it, like SHIELD, hence the capitals). One of the missing heroes is a WW2 super-heroine called Howitzer, a kind of amazonian character, popularly known as Big Bertha (after the nickname for the German gun). You might think about making this character relate to that one.

Interestingly that fits an earlier, non-folklore connected version of Gracie I had, and given you said you'd prefer to avoid a theme I might go with that (though she'll still be "Good Knight Gracie").

Tried to look up Howitzer online and couldn't find much. Anything I should know about her? Would it be appropriate to make Gracie a relative?

What year does the game take place in?


ETA: Alternately, if Big Tough Strong Lady would step on the toes of the guy with the giant alternate form, I could always go for a shadowy/stealthy character. I like those.

Hmm, starting to have an idea for a very tanky sort. Call him Centurion, the British MBT of the era. Slow, strong, and very durable.

Name: Fracture (Patrick O'Shea)

Background: Working on time travel in the (probable) year 2371, Patrick opened a wormhole. He was going to send a beacon back to the year 1982 to a warehouse site in Dublin Ireland. Everything went like clockwork, but when the beacon made it across the wormhole, it met an unknown catastrophic energy.

The wave of energy made its way back through the wormhole, turning it inside out and ripping it apart into a nearly infinite amount of fragments. The explosion was horrific, ripping Patrick's body apart.

Patrick's mind was bombarded with an impossible amount of sensory input. The cacophony is without a point of reference. Simply put, Patrick wished for death, no...non-existence for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly, what could seem like eons, Patrick's body and mind had been set into every possible time, and every possible earth. More versions than can be counted are on a lifeless rock with no air or protection. His immortal bodies suffering the tortures of the damned. Others are in more hospitably terrain,

Fracture's personality slips from one version of himself to another. Eventually learning to settle in one over another. His human mind is incapable of storing all the experiences, he must limit the memories within his mind or go mad. Patiently, over thousands of years, and hundreds of lifetimes, this discreet personality finds himself in Britain. He hopes he can guide this version of earth to it's most fulfilling version of itself.


He can slip into any version of himself on any timeline, and return
During these trips He can learn a skill or advantage (he could spend a lifetime learning something, and return exactly at the point he 'left'), but due to the limitations of his mind, the skill or advantage is overwritten should he learn something new.

He can manipulate the time around his body (mimicking super speed)

He can flood the mind of those near him with the sensory input of every possible version of themselves (which will completely incapacitate a normal man)


PL 10 (150)

Acrobatics 5 (+10)
Deception 5 (+10)
Insight 5 (+10)
Persuation 5 (+10)
Perception 5 (+10)
Stealth 5 (+10)

Feature: (Temporal Inertia) [1]; Luck 2 [1]


"Switch Consciousness With Past & Future Selves"
Senses 7 (Precognition) 7 (Postcognition) (Flaws: Limited to Things She Herself

Witnessed/Knows) [28]
Variable 2 (Skills & Advantages) [14]

"Time Travel" Movement 3 (Time Travel 3) [6]
"Parallel Worlds" Movement 2 (Dimesional Travel) [4]

"Undying" Immortality 3 [6]

"Mimic Super-Speed"
Quickness 5 [5]
Speed 5 (60 mph) [5]
Improved Initiative 5 [5]

"Time Control Feats"
AE: "Slow Enemies" Affliction 8 (Strength/Speed Rank; Dazed, Fatigued & Hindered/Stunned,

Exhausted & Defenseless) (Extras: Extra Condition +2, Area- 30ft. Burst, Selective) (Flaws:

Limited Degree, Instant Recovery) (20)

Unarmed +0 (+0 Damage, DC 10)
Initiative +25

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3, Fortitude +3, Will +5

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 15 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 87 / Defenses: 6 (150)

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