Cross Blooded Rager and Urban Bloodrage

Rules Questions

So my question is can these two Archetypes be combined.

The Crossblooded Rager removes the standard +2 to WIL saves while raging and adds -2 penalty. However the class ability does not include the woring: This alters the Bloodrage class feature.

The Urban Barbarian alters Bloodrage. One of the changes is that it doesn't grant a bonus to WIL saves.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Crossblooded Rager modifies:
Bonus Feat, bloodrager spells, Bloodline Powers: At 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th levels, bloodrager rage.

Urban Bloodrager modifies:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency, bloodrager rage, blood sanctuary, bloodrager spells, damage reduction.

So two things conflict, so they don't stack.

These two archetypes clearly change what happens during a bloodrage, but crossblooded does not contain explicit language stating this. So the question really is, does RAW require the specific wording of the class feature being altered?

As to the spell casting point, croccblooded alters bloodline bonus spells, urban alters spells known and the spell list. These are separate features.

Java Man wrote:

These two archetypes clearly change what happens during a bloodrage, but crossblooded does not contain explicit language stating this. So the question really is, does RAW require the specific wording of the class feature being altered?

As to the spell casting point, crossblooded alters bloodline bonus spells, urban alters spells known and the spell list. These are separate features.

The Advanced Class Guide FAQ on Archetype Stacking says,

In general, if a class feature grants multiple subfeatures, it’s OK to take two archetypes that only change two separate subfeatures. This includes two bard archetypes that alter or replace different bardic performances (even though bardic performance is technically a single class feature) or two fighter archetypes that replace the weapon training gained at different levels (sometimes referred to as “weapon training I, II, III, or IV”) even though those all fall under the class feature weapon training. However, if something alters the way the parent class feature works, such as a mime archetype that makes all bardic performances completely silent, with only visual components instead of auditory, you can’t take that archetype with an archetype that alters or replaces any of the sub-features. This even applies for something as small as adding 1 extra round of bardic performance each day, adding an additional bonus feat to the list of bonus feats you can select, or adding an additional class skill to the class. As always, individual GMs should feel free to houserule to allow small overlaps on a case by case basis, but the underlying rule exists due to the unpredictability of combining these changes.

By the two sentences that I bolded, so long as a feature is altered that conflicts, it does not need specific wording.

Both Crossblooded Rager and Urban Bloodrager remove the Will save bonus from bloodraging. Therefore, they are not compatible.

No, RAW doesn't need specific wording that something is being altered. If the ability is altering it then it's altering it, regardless of if it has a tag that says "this alters X"

So I agree. Crossblooded is changing your bloodrage by not getting the will save. Because urban also is supposed to not give you your will save while raging. You can't not get something twice.


James and Mathmuse (EDIT: And Chess Pwn who ninjaed me while I was typing this) are right; in fact, several books came out before the "alters" language, so the rule wouldn't work for books like the APG if it required that shout-out to be explicit. Rather, we try to remember to include them for your convenience, and I do a pass for them when I'm working on an archetypes section.

Thanks for your input!

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