Re-activating Adventure Path Subscription and Pathfinder Battles subscription

Customer Service

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello Paizo,

I had recently suspended my subscriptions as I was moving across country. Now that things have settled, I wanted to re-activate them.

I had requested that i be able to continue my subscription where I left off (meaning I'd get the books + pdfs of issues I'd missed). Is that still possible?

I believe I missed 3 books from the Hell's Vengeance series.

Thanks in advance!

Customer Service Representative

Hello Curmudgeonly,

Your subscriptions have been reinstated. All 4 of the items you missed are in your sidecart ready to ship out along with the May subscription order, and you will get access to the PDFs as soon as they ship. If you'd rather have them all shipped right away let me know and I will get them on their way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

May is fine, thanks!

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