Report a Problem with a scenario

Website Feedback

Scarab Sages

I sent in an e-mail about this a few days ago but haven't heard anything and haven't been able to solve the issue myself.

There's a session credited to one of my PFS characters that I haven't played, at an event I haven't even heard of. I live in Manitoba Canada and the event takes place in New Jersey. It was obviously reported in error and would simply like it removed from my list.

Technology Manager

Hey Craig,

Probably just someone keying in the wrong PFS ID. What Event number/session number was your character incorrectly reported into? And which of your characters was incorrectly reported? Once I have that, I can go ahead and remove your character from the session.

Scarab Sages

Cort Odekirk wrote:

Hey Craig,

Probably just someone keying in the wrong PFS ID. What Event number/session number was your character incorrectly reported into? And which of your characters was incorrectly reported? Once I have that, I can go ahead and remove your character from the session.

It was event number 40195 (Dexcon 19) and character number 171689-1.

Sorry about the delay in my reply.

Technology Manager

I've removed your character from that session.

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