Mythic Amazing Initiative: Combining a full-round and standard action.

Rules Questions

This thread is not about combining extra standard and move actions gained from mythic sources to get an extra full round action each turn.

Through mythic haste and the 2nd tier mythic ability amazing initiative one can take an extra standard and move action during their turn.

My question is, can these be combined with a full-round action?

Thok the barbarian is under the effect of mythic haste. He uses the extra move action gained to move to his opponent and then uses a point of mythic power to take a standard action and attack him. Then he finishes his turn by taking a full attack action against his opponent as well.

I would say "no." The rules specifically state that a full round action can not be combined with standard or move actions. Of course, at the time this rule was written Mythic rules did not exist, nor did any other source of gaining additional standard or move actions (Quick Runner's Shirt). Have the developers ever made a statement on this to clarify?

EDIT: Apologies for redundancy in this thread. I did some base searches for Amazing Init and Mythic Haste but most of the results came up with the same rehashed thread about combining standard and moves for an extra full round. I did finally just find this thread after posting. One of the developers mentioned this:

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:

In the case of the swift runner's shirt you take a move action (to move not other things that don't involve movement that might take a move action) as the swift action.

Since he's stating you take them as the swift action, I'm changing my mind on this. Sorry for the wasted time on this one, everyone.

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