52. The New 52: The person who draws this card will have all of their history erased, replaced by new memories of their origins (everyone else will remember the original, uh, origin of that person). Also, a new really, really, really tight fitting suit will appear on the person's body...really, really, really tight!
53: Plot Armor The character becomes effectively invulnerable for one month, and all of their endeavors succeed. At the end of the month, they must pay 50,000gp to a mysterious figure called "The Publisher" in order to retain this ability.
All other party members will suffer from a -3 penalty to all rolls due to their ineptitude ineffectiveness when compared to the Main Character. Any endeavors they assist the Main Character with will succeed, but they do not benefit from immortality.
54: GoatToucher The character immediately turns into a imitation of GoatToucher, the only difference being statblock. Their history will be erased and replaced with GoatTouchers
Ancient Dragon Master wrote: 54: GoatToucher The character immediately turns into a imitation of GoatToucher, the only difference being statblock. Their history will be erased and replaced with GoatTouchers (But what does that -mean-? Are there penalties? Bonuses? Roleplay considerations?)
I'll bet they keep trying to touch imitation goats.
Very frustrating when it comes to illusions.:)
55. The Inquisition: Nobody expects this card. A group of Inquisitors show up at various times during the campaign and ask the person who drew the card a bunch of personal questions such as, "Do you pee in the shower?"
56. The Mathematician: The drawer gains sacred geometry as a bonus feat, but are staggered every time they take longer than 30 seconds ooc to do the calculations
57. The Green Lantern: A magical ring appears on the drawer's finger that grants the ability to cast greater shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, and overland flight each three times per day. The caster level for these effects is the wearer's character level. All effects created by this magical ring are green in color. The ring's powers only function for the character who drew the card.
58.Pass go, collect 100 dollars: They immediately go back to the start of the current adventure and gain 100 gps.
59. The coffee cup: The person who draws this card has to poop. A lot. Multiple times a day throughout the next week. Drinking an actual cup of coffee after drawing this card will result in...well, let's just say that you'll have to "sit" this adventure out.
60. The Throwback: The drawer gains a bonus feat, selected by the DM, from 3.0 that did not make it to 3.5 or Pathfinder.
61. The Thews 'n' Trews. Roll a d100. If you roll 50 or under, you gain Corded Muscles (+5 Str). If you roll over 50, you gain Muscled Corduroys (+5 Cha).
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62.Hippo Carnival! Keep up or suffer so much trample damage.
63. Rock and Roll: The drawer of this card must make an acrobatics check anytime they reach the top of a set of stairs (DC 20). failing this, they become unsteady and immediately roll down the way they came.

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Rere is a standard deck, with the standard cards in it.
GMs can select the homebrew cards to add and then surprise the PCs.
Standard Deck
Joker with trademark: Fool
Ace of Hearts: The fates
King of Hearts: Throne
Queen of Hearts: Key
Jack of Hearts: Knights
2 of Hearts: Gem
3 of Hearts:
4 of Hearts:
5 of Hearts:
6 of Hearts:
7 of Hearts:
8 of Hearts:
9 of Hearts:
10 of Hearts:
Ace of Diamonds: Vizier
DK of Diamonds: Sun
DQ of Diamonds: Moon
J of Diamonds: Star
2 of Diamonds: Comet
3 of Diamonds:
4 of Diamonds:
5 of Diamonds:
6 of Diamonds:
7 of Diamonds:
8 of Diamonds:
9 of Diamonds:
10 of Diamonds:
Joker without trademark: Jester
Ace of Clubs: Talons
King of Clubs: The void
Queen of Clubs: Flames
Jack of Clubs: Skull
2 of Clubs: idiot
3 of Clubs:
4 of Clubs:
5 of Clubs:
6 of Clubs:
7 of Clubs:
8 of Clubs:
9 of Clubs:
10 of Clubs:
Ace of Spades: Donjon
King of Spades: Ruin
Queen of Spades: Euryale
Jack of Spades: Rouge
2 of Spades: Balance
3 of Spades:
4 of Spades:
5 of Spades:
6 of Spades:
7 of Spades:
8 of Spades:
9 of Spades:
10 of Spades:
64. THE PEN: this card allows its holder to become the greatest writer in the universe and can also be used to win sword fights (but useless against axes).
65. THE ASTEROID: instantly kills all dinosaurs within a three thousand kilometre radius of the card's holder (must be used outdoors and asteroid proof clothing is advised).
66. The Gnorc: Allows the user to turn gems into warriors and encase dragons in crystal.
67. The Beasts: this collection of over 124 cards has the ability to summon creatures of great power. Each beast has its own card and to summon a beast, simply hold up the card and say the beast's name aloud.
68. The Keith: this card summons a random man named Keith. There is a 10% chance that his middle name is Keith and not his first name, in which case the universe immediately implodes.
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69. The Harlot: You gain a Succubus or Incubus (your choice) as a permanent cohort, who reliably obeys your every command (despite still being CE). You (and you alone) are immune to this cohort's energy drain.
Also, giggity.
70. The Fools and Horses: the user becomes a wiley wheeler-dealer who tries to fleece dodgy goods to people while saying things like "Lovely Jubbly" and "He who dares wins".
70.Profession merchant and Bluff +4.
72. Glasses of Number Ignorance: simply put them on and all numbers (e.g. 71) will be rendered invisible to you.
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I was adding to card 70.
71: Card simply says Fnord on it.
73. Card simply says touché on it.
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