Questions regarding inhuman speed.

Homebrew and House Rules

Long story short, I made a 20th level character that if using the run action can go past Mach 4. My gaming group has always played using physics which poses several questions. Wouldn't this person just disintegrate? If so how fast can he go without harming himself? Would he die from pure sonic damage? Can he run on water? Can he run up walls?What about people nearby? How would they be affected by the sonic boom that he produces? Please feel free to make your own rulings on this subject, usually pathfinder covers everything but this appear to be a gray area. I may have missed some additional rulings feel free to add whatever you like to this conversation.

No ill effects because the Speed Force protects him.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

If he's really moving that fact, he'd probably kill everyone that's too close to him. Or permanently deafen them.

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I wanna see that build. How did you do that?

Also, to your question, a 20th level fighter can, literally, by the rules, jump from a falling spaceship, hit terminal velocity, ignore the burning from the air friction, hit ground face first, inside an active volcano, swim in the lava, leave the volcano, be hit by the falling spaceship, have it explode around him, shrug off the radiation poisoning, and go on to fight like nothing ever happened. Breaking the sound barrier doesn't even merit a yawn.

14+ level characters are pratically superheroes, why are you surprised?

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