Rise of the Were-Rats

Homebrew and House Rules

Got an NPC Idea, want some opinions. Mostly wanting to know if its to over powered.. Modded Kingmaker campaign, Gonna make them run some "In your own town" Adventures. Sorta stole the idea somewhat from Razor Coast.

A Man Reached out to seek power from the God Haagenti. An Offer was made. Do his will, and Power will be granted. Haagenti Gave the Man a Dagger. Serrated with the Teeth of Were Rats. Anyone Stabbed Makes a Fort Save of Contracts Lycanthrope. The Enchantment on the Dagger though, Will Trigger the Lycanthrope on a specific Night though. On A Blood Mood.

So the man acts as a Small time thief in the players towns, He will often stab people to get what he wants, and offer to heal them again after he gets what he wants. On the Night of the blood moon, all his victims turn. Its a Plague or Lycanthropy. If the pary catches the Thief, they have a chance to find out his plan and start healing people.

If they dont stop him in time, they have a handful of Were Rats to deal with, including Children. And for his success he will get power. He will become a Boss, sorta like the Urgathoa Boss in Curse.

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