Interest Check: Sandbox game in a Homebrew world


So, I have been having this stew in the back of my mind for a while, and I thought I'd see if anyone would be interested in playing a game in my own little world. Part of this would be deciding on a system to actually play the game with. I'm open to suggestions, but I'm not in a position to be spending much money on a new system. I'm listing what I currently own below.

-13th Age (haven't really looked over this one, but I own it.)
-Dungeon World (Not sure if it would work well)

You can find out about the setting below.
Aletheria Setting Document

This is just an interest check, so I'm not expecting fully fleshed out characters. I just want to see what the response is and what everyone would be interested in playing.

i like pathfinder myself
also 5e isn't too bad

Scarab Sages

Just how sand box are you thinking?

Scarab Sages

As to system, Dungeon World sends to work well on the forums for more narrative experiences. Pathfinder if you want mechanics to be more central. I'm not very familiar with those other systems.

I might be interested if it were a Pathfinder game. I look forward to seeing how this progresses.

Choon wrote:
Just how sand box are you thinking?

Beyond the first adventure that brings everyone together, I was pretty much going to let the players pick where they went and what they did. I'd provide hooks using rumors and things like that for the party to hear and they could pick based on what interests them the most.

I also want to tie the PCs backstories into the campaign as well, so there's going to be opportunity for character arcs and stories that can provide character development.

Also, quick question, will the Feykin be playable races?

Choon wrote:
As to system, Dungeon World sends to work well on the forums for more narrative experiences. Pathfinder if you want mechanics to be more central. I'm not very familiar with those other systems.

True on both accounts.

For those who aren't familiar with the other systems I listed, here's a brief run down.

GURPS is a roleplaying system which tries to tie the flavor of the character closely to the mechanics. Players have a budget of points they can spend on buying aspects of their character, and can get even more points by buying disadvantages. Everything's resolved by rolling 3d6 + modifiers and comparing them to the target number. If you are lower than it, you succeed.

Fate Fate SRD
Fate is fairly light on the rules, but heavy on the narrative. Fate characters begin with a High Concept, the thing that defines your character, and the trouble that your character can never seem to overcome. They also have three other aspects that are based on their background, and how they met the other players. They also start out with a set of skills and three stunts. Skills are used to perform any action in the game that requires a roll. Similarly to GURPS, you roll 4 Fate dice (dice with sides that have a +, a -, or a blank on each side) + your skill to resolve actions. Unlike GURPS, there are varying degrees of success and actions can be used to create advantages in the form of boosts and situational aspects.

13th Age 13th Age SRD
I'm not very familiar with this system, but from what I've seen, it's similar to Pathfinder and D&D. As a matter of fact, if memory serves, some of the people behind D&D 3.5 also had a hand in designing 13th Age. I've never played the system and I haven't read through the book yet. I picked it up because it looked interesting. I have seen that 13th Age is not setting agnostic like Pathfinder, D&D, or any of the other systems here.

Jaster Kite wrote:
Also, quick question, will the Feykin be playable races?

That was the plan. I'll provide the stats for them as a playable race in the recruitment thread.

The setting sounds amazing; very well-fleshed, and reminiscent of one of my earliest Pathfinder campaigns, by one of my favorite GMs. I'd like to express definite interest.

My personal preference is for Pathfinder, but that's biased on my own level of comfort; though I have heard of Fate and GURPS to some extent, I've not played any of the other systems. From your descriptions, though, most seem relatively easy to grasp and rules-light.

I have a question on the activity requirements you'd set for a true sandbox like this. Large amount of over-the-table conversation happens when figuring out what everyone would be interested in, and to me, it seems like that would bring an already-slow play format down to a crawl, especially with the seemingly standard "1 post/day." How would you work it?

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I've been kicking this setting around in my head for a few years now, and I appreciate the compliment.

I do want a post a day at least, but I'd try to find out what everyone would be interested in before we got started, and as I said, I'd love to give all of the PCs a character arc, which could provide for a good chunk of gameplay. I also tend to be very roleplay heavy even with Pathfinder, so there's probably going to be a lot of discussion in character as well.

And if I need to, I have ways of moving things along. I'm not too worried about the pace at any rate.

Also seems like people are leaning towards Pathfinder as the system, which is okay with me.

Scarab Sages

Do you want character proposals now or later?

Not at the moment. I'll be opening up a recruitment for the game later today.

Scarab Sages

Are you open to us adding in world elements in our stories? I'm looking to build an ex-pro player of a game called Rock-It Tag

Of course, though I am very curious what Rock-It Tag is like.

Hey Adam. Saw this and couldn't resist :)

Looks a very interesting setting... Am a sucker for all things Norse influenced so the Norden have taken my fancy.

Not familiar with the other systems, so PF makes the most initial sense to me, but a new setting and new system go equally hand-in-hand.

Looking forward to the recruitment! Do you see the game as low or high fantasy feel? Thinking of a mead fuelled brawler who (depending on the game vibe) could fight to reclaim his honour or stay firmly trenched in the gutters :)

Scarab Sages

Imagine Rugby mixed with Lacrosse and a dash of dodge ball.

@Black Dow: I'm going with Pathfinder since that seems to be the way everyone's leaning. The only bad thing about it is I have to work out the mechanics of all those different races, which should be fun. :)

As far as feel, I'd say high-fantasy, but with less in the way of wizards zipping about with teleports. I'm think of putting a cap at 12th level, but I'm open to suggestions on that.

@Choon: So, is it something the dwarves play, or did the orcs come up with this one?

Scarab Sages

The dwarves started it. It's mainly popular in Ironwall. Humans joined soon after its establishment as a professional sport and organizers are just now allowing orcs with certain handicaps.

Hmm, how would you handicap an orc? Maybe orcs have their own elite league just because they are that much better than everyone else? Is this like American Football in that everyone outside of Ironwall just doesn't get it?

I have to admit I'm liking this idea.

Scarab Sages

It is a Ironwall thing. The rich and posh consider it barbaric. The poor and downtrod may try to play in the streets, but they just don't have the resources to compete with Ironwall teams.
I envisioned several small, ball like stones of different colors (maybe 2, for simplicity). They may only be carried or passed backwards (rugby). It is played on a smaller pitch than football and the goal is smaller (lacrosse sized). The goal, however, is to hit a member of the opposing team with a rock in the goal area. Meaning you have to shove or trip someone into the area, then bean them.
That is a gross oversimplification, of course. ;)

But that was my rough idea.

Okay, it looks like I'll be opening it tomorrow. I've got a lot to get ready, and I'm not going to get it ready tonight. I'll post a link to the thread as soon as I get it up.

I still need to look the world over to see what I can find for inspiration.

But I usually like sandbox type games as long as the group is a good bunch.

I already know the GM enough to know what not to have in a back story...

Scarab Sages

Ya... Perfect childhoods are a requirement...

I'm not that bad am I?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Choon and Black Dow...uh yeah I'd like to cause chaos with dot dot

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hehehe. Seems we have a reputation

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AdamWarnock wrote:
I'm not that bad am I?

One game of Nightmare Fuel is enough. Take that as a compliment, man. You write well enough for me to keep my lights on at night. Get any better and that may not be hyperbole.

Recruitment is up.

I am still working on getting the races completely statted out, but I should be able to get them done with either tomorrow or Monday.

Sounds interesting! I like the idea that we dictate more what we do rather you trying to push us into a theme park ride, quite bold of you!

I like the take on orcs that they're not all evil bastards. If you go for the pathfinder system I'd love to go for an orc cavalier :D

PirateDevon wrote:
Choon and Black Dow...uh yeah I'd like to cause chaos with dot dot

Heheh. Seems we do have that reputation Choon lol... would love to play alongside Devon too :)

glad i dont have a rep.... i think

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