Johnny Chronicle |

The discussion of confusing phrasing on the rewards of different the Season 2 scenarios to date has popped up in a few threads. I thought it might be nice to have one place to parse through them all.
Theryon put together this great overview (thanks!):
2-1A: Reward is a Loot item. That's been around for all seasons. Not to be confused with drawing cards from the Game box.
2-1B: The Reward is drawn from the Game box and is a point of contention right now.
2-1C: An additional card drawn from the Game box to act as an additional upgrade.
2-1D: Again, similar to 2-1B's reward.
To add further comment:
2-1B: I don't really have a problem with adding 6 more cards to the upgrade pool (all different types; something for everyone!) without a bonus upgrade here, as this is a very bane-heavy scenario. Seems OK as written.
2-1C: Instructions are pretty clear: Take extra cards out of the GAME BOX, pick 2 upgrades from everything available. The bonus upgrade is explicit.
2-1D: OK, this one's a head-scratcher. Everybody takes 1 card of a specific type out of the GAME BOX, but still only gets one upgrade.
To clarify, do all the drawn cards go in the party's collective upgrade pool?
It seems to me this one should REALLY say "box," so everybody gets a potential reward card from their Class Deck in addition to a scenario upgrade. Maybe it's just the phrasing that's throwing me. Has there been a similarly phrased reward in a previous season? I can't recall one off the top of my head, and that might be why this one's causing confusion.
Thanks in advance for any more comments and clarification!

Johnny Chronicle |

Getting back to the matter at hand (with apologies to Mr. Hayes), any word on the intent of the phrasing of the reward of 2-1D (and now 2-1E as well)?
I think zeroth_hour2 sussed it out over here, pointing out the applicable text in the Guide:
Each player receives exactly 1 deck upgrade (that is, 1 card) per scenario, excluding scenario rewards.
Emphasis added. So I think that should mean...
Step 1. Everybody takes their reward card out of the game box and can use it as an upgrade.
Step 2. THEN you can select your scenario upgrade from among the cards acquired during play.
If this is indeed the case, can we clarify a couple more things?
1. Are the game box reward draw cards their own "entity" entirely? If I draw a Weapon B I don't want, can I throw it into the acquired-cards pool, or does it go back in the box?
2. Is each player's draw an island unto itself?
Say you have 3 players: P1 chooses to draw a Weapon. So does P2. P3 chooses Item. P1 draws a Weapon 1 and P2 draws a Weapon B.
P2 really wants a Weapon 1, and P1 would be fine with a Weapon B. Can they trade? Or does each draw have to be dealt with individually?
What if P3 pulled an Item 1 that P1 wouldn't mind, and P3 would also be OK with a Weapon B. Can they execute a three-way trade?
We're playing 2-1D this week, so any clarification would be much appreciated! Thanks!